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Dumbledore cleared his throat and everyone fell silent.
Hermione glanced at Harry as she felt uncomfortable with him back but Harry didn't seem to mind the slightest bit. Actually Harry hadn't talked much since they got Umbridge practically killed.

Hermione found it weird Harry didn't seem to care if Dumbledore was there or if he had sent Umbridge to her death. It was as if he didn't mind what happened in his outcomes...
And that had her thinking about Harry's reaction if his plan didn't go the way he wanted.

Actually... Harry's plans always went his way. It didn't matter how complex Harry's plans were, they always worked.
Harry is terrible at strategizing so... why do his plans always work? Why does everything go his way?

Before Hermione would think anymore about it, Dumbledore cut in.

"Today is a day to celebrate! Thanks to a few students who I will not name on their request, every Professor... and gate keeper..." Hagrid smiled happily. "Have been able to come back! Hogwarts can once again be the way it was! Let's celebrate this time on the last night we all have together!"

Everyone cheered as a feast spread along the long tables.

Ron stared at Harry and Hermione as they ate and talked.
He felt out of place.

Ron had hung out with Seamus, Dean and Neville this whole year... but it didn't feel right. He missed the adventure, the rule breaking. He even missed Harry. Ron didn't care anymore about what happened last year after all of his thinking.
Harry hadn't used it since than and he felt... safe sleeping beside someone who knew how to protect them.. and Harry even helped with his studying this year.

"Finally done pouting Ron?" Ron snapped out of his thoughts to realize he was staring. "What?" "Are you done with your tantrum?" Ron grumbled with red cheeks.
"Yeah." "Good I've missed my mate." Ron looked at Harry surprised and he raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Just because you were scared doesn't mean I don't get why you left."

Hermione looked at Harry stunned.
She had thought Harry had completely forgotten about Ron. She had thought Harry wasn't going to ever talk to Ron again... but here Harry is.. proving her wrong.

"You missed quite a show." Ron smiled and chuckled. "Did I now?" "You did. I got a free pass at disrespecting a teacher. Snape didn't even care." Ron laughed. "Well you'll have to tell me about it mate." "I will."

Seamus and Dean shared a smile.
They had thought it was weird not seeing the two together. Both were just mates and that's how it was.

Later that night.

Harry knocked on an oaked door and a quiet "come in" came through.
He opened the door to the headmasters extraordinary office.

Dumbledore smiled his grandfatherly way and Harry returned it.
Harry shut the door and walked up to the old man that sat behind the desk.

"Harry I am sorry I could not help you with Umbridge. I do not even know how you got rid of her." "I had some help from the centaurs. Seems the stars aloud them to help." Dumbledore chuckled as Harry sat down. "This year was much different from any other year. I do feel bad for you 5th years.. because of Umbridge we could not resort you." "Yes you'll get many complaints." Dumbledore smiled. "I'm sure I will."

Both sat in silence for a moment.. then Dumbledore pulled out an empty vial.

"There is also something else about this year I don't like." "What would that be Professor?" Dumbledore held the vial up. "I do not know how but someone had broken into my memories." Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm sorry Professor I was so caught up on Umbridge I wasn't paying much attention to anything else." Dumbledore nodded in understanding and put the vial away before smiling again. "I do have a favor." Harry tilted his head in a questioning go on way.
"... I would like you to watch Ms. Lestrange. It has come to my attention she has found out who she truly is... she is a sweet girl and I don't want her to get hurt... would you mind making sure she does not go to the dark side? I will alert the Dursley's that you will be staying with her again but for the whole summer this time."

"... may I ask why it is important? I mean.. Hermione has not changed.. she even helped me get rid of Umbridge." Dumbledore nodded. "Yes but for future reference.. you see her parents had tried to kill her.. I had gotten there in time and took her to the Grangers. I had put up restrictions and some glamours so she would not be haunted by her parents mistakes." Harry looked surprised and nodded after a moment. "If I can keep her safe I'll do anything."
Dumbledore nodded and smiled through his white beard.
"Thank you my boy." Harry returned the smile with his goofy one. "Of course. Now if I may be excused I have not started packing." Dumbledore chuckled. "You may go Harry." Harry nodded and stood.

He walked out after waving and closed the door.

"Bunch of bullshit old man."

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