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"You prat!"
Draco chased Harry who was laughing hysterically.

"What did Harry give Draco?" Hermione sighed and held up a book that said "new hair styles that don't include gel". Narcissa snorted. "I can't believe they actually have a book about that." Tom sighed and grabbed Harry shirt pulling him down.
"I fucking hate you!" Harry chuckled as Tom held him on his lap. "I think it'll do everyone a favor." Draco held a fist up and Harry hid behind Tom. "You can't hurt me!"
"Get out from behind me." "I'm not getting beat." Tom rolled his eyes and pulled Harry out. "Meanie." Harry grumbled and pouted like a child. Tom rolled his eyes.

"Here dipshit." Draco threw a book at Harry and he unwrapped it. Harry's eye twitched and Draco smirked. Tom looked over Harry's shoulder and snorted at the title "how to make your eyes pop without contacts". "Shut up!" 

Emily laughed and fell onto Harry's lap.

"Emily you are the only one here who likes me." Harry fake cried as he hugged the 5 month old. "She's my sister!" "The only one!" Draco rolled his eyes.
Emily laughed and took Harry's glasses. She put one of the temple tips (going off image below) in her mouth.

(Image to my reference to those who also don't know)

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(Image to my reference to those who also don't know)

Harry chuckled and took them from her. He put them on her face and turned her around.
Narcissa awed with Hermione and Bellatrix.

"This is what Draco and Harry's child would look like." "Mother!" Draco and Harry looked appalled and she chuckled.
Emily moved her nose and they fell onto the floor.

"Ah crap." Harry picked up the broken glasses and sighed. "Do you have another pair." "Yeah.. I'll get them later." "Don't you need them to see." Harry squinted. "No." Hermione rolled her eyes and stood.

"I'll get them." " 'Mione it's fine." "Why do you look cuter without glasses?" Everyone looked at Draco.
"... Did I say that out loud?" "No love we all just heard your thoughts." Draco groaned. "I didn't mean it that way!" "We know." Harry chuckled. "Maybe we should get you some contacts. "Those are a lot of money." "It'll be your present since the dark lord, Bellatrix, Rodolphus, Rabastan, Lucius and I didn't get you anything." "It's fine Narcissa glasses are just fine." "Yeah mother he likes looking like a geek." Harry flipped him off and Draco smirked.
"None sense. Boys, Bellatrix." Narcissa stood with Bellatrix. "Do I have to go?" "You can if you want my lord." Tom leaned back. "Have fun." Harry rolled his eyes. "A spoiled brat." Tom smacked his head and Harry grumbled. "Why are we called boys?" "Yes Potter is a boy not us." "Stop complaining. We'll be back soon."

Harry sighed when they left.

"I really don't need contacts." "Yeah well when my mother has her mind set she doesn't change it." "Oh so that's where you get it from." Draco flipped Harry off and Harry covered Emily's eyes. Draco rolled his eyes and Harry chuckled.

Harry started to play with Emily and she became a giggling mess in no time.

Narcissa and the others came back to see Harry standing with Emily on her feet, bouncing.
She smiled and handed Harry the small box.

Harry sighed and took it.
"Thank you." Narcissa smiled and sat down. Harry sat on the floor and Emily sat in between his legs.

They watched as Harry put them in and blinked a couple of times.

"... how are your eyes so radiant?" "Rabastan." "I'm curious." "No I wanted to ask." Rabastan chuckled at his brothers childness.
"Now.. answer the question." Harry shrugged. "I was born with them I guess."
Emily looked up at everyone and looked at Harry, falling backwards and onto his lower stomach.

Harry picked her up and sat her against him.

Tom yawned in boredom as everyone was just talking now and Harry was playing with Emily.

"If your that bored than go do something." Tom looked down at Harry who looked at him with his shimmering green eyes. He rolled his eyes. "I have nothing to do." "Bullshit." Tom rolled his eyes again. "Why are you so good with children. It's scary." "Haha." Tom looked at Harry annoyed. "I am a child that's why." "You do not act like a child at times." "At times. Not all of the time." Tom rolled his eyes and Emily looked up at Harry's beautiful emerald orbs.

She reached forward but fell and gripped his shirt. Emily looked back up as Harry put her on his knees.

She reached again and put her hand on Harry's eye, forcing it closed.
Harry watched as Emily seemed to be searching for some word or something to express what she wanted to say.

Everyone looked over in disbelief Emily had tried to speak her first word and only at 5 months. Emily than repeatedly tapped her hands on Harry's face.

He chuckled and she pouted.

"If you have something to say than say it." Emily leaned forward and Harry caught her, their foreheads connecting.
Emily stared into Harry's eyes as he stared right back into her gorgeous blizzard blue ones.

"What is she doing?" "Trying to express what she wants to say." Everyone looked at Harry who was smiling.
"Emily can't speak and when you can not speak you find a way to express what you are wanting to say. Though she can not find a way to express what she means right now." Draco leaned forward as Harry put Emily on his lap. "She's just curious."

"But why about you?" Harry raised an eyebrow at Dracos question. "Why are you asking me? I'm not the one trying to speak." Draco clenched his hands together and looked at his sister who was looking around now. "She can't tell me what she's thinking." "Sure she can. It may not be in words but we do not have actions for no reason."
Narcissa stared at Harry.

Right now it was as if Harry was trying to get Draco to see the full picture.
A full picture that can not be said with words but with actions and moods.

As if everyone is looking at a widely painted canvas.. but can not see the whole thing. Right now they only see crazy colors, but the further you walk further back the more you see.
It was as if Harry was trying to help Draco see the full canvas, the full picture but not just what Emily is interested in but what he is planning for in the near future... though... what is he planning.... and why aren't they all not seeing it?

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