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"How did this year go so fast?" "We were having tons of fun!" "Without Potter finding some weird case." "Haha." Ron chuckled. "Don't worry Harry it's ok you like danger." "I don't like danger!" "Yes you do." "I don't!"
Harry grumbled like a child with crossed arms. Hermione chuckled.

"Harry." "Hm?" "Are you going on a spree with Flicket this summer?" "Die by my wand!" Everyone laughed when Harry jumped onto his feet.
"I'm just wondering." " 'Mione you caught us once. That was 2 months ago, I haven't done anything with that man since... AND I WONT AGAIN!" Hermione smiled and Harry plopped back down on the floor.
"Why do you always sit on the floor?" "It's comfy." "So are the seats." "Yeah but Pansy is on that seat with you and I don't want to sit by the meanie." Hermione winked. "Don't wink!" She laughed and smiled at Harry. "Malfoy punish your girlfriend she's being mean." "No she likes my punishments." Draco smirked while Hermione blushed. "Shut up Draco!" "Oh for once it's not "Shut up Harry!"." "Harry shut up!" He chuckled and held a leg to his chest.

"So Ron are you going to Blaises or your house?" "Mine. If we're going on a year long hunt than I'd rather spend the summer with my annoying family." "Wow what's it like having a family?"

Everyone was silent as Harry's lips slowly curved a mischievous smile.
Hermione began to laugh suddenly and it migrated around the small compartment.

"Harry that's terrible!" Harry chuckled and smiled. "But it's funny." "Terribly funny!" Hermione hit Harry's arm. "Ow! Meanie!" Blaise chuckled.

The compartment opened and they were all amazed to see Ginny Weasley.

"Harry!" Ginny rushed and fell onto him, hugging his midsection.
Harry held his hands up in shock.

"Ginny what are you doing?" Ginny glared at Ron. "I got my mate." "Ginny that's not possible." Ginny held her wrist up to show "Harry Potter" status: Submissive.

"... Whys hers light blue and not black?" "Because I'm not her mate." Ginny looked at Harry heartbroken. "Ginny I'm not your mate that's a spell... also your in your third year, not 5th." "So?! It could just be a miracle!" "It's not." "You don't know that!" "I do." "You don't!" "Ginny my mate is on the dark side. Thats why it's covered." Harry tapped the black band. "No it's not true!" "Dumbledores hiding it from me because my mate tried to kill me. If you were my mate than this band wouldn't be here."
Tears fell down Ginnys eyes.
"Then tell me why my mate is you!" "It's a spell." "No it isn't!" "Have you ever seen a mate mark that was light blue? No their always black... plus I'm submissive." "Wait!... Does that mean you know who your mate is?!" "Babe now is not the time." "Oh right." Hermione sat back down.

"It's not true! I've been in love with you since you were in 1st year!" "Love doesn't mean I'm your mate." "It does! I know because it's here on my wrist!"
Harry stood and grabbed Ginnys arm.

"Listen to me Ginny. It's a spell." "It isn't!" Ginny pushed Harry off of her and hugged him.

"He's smaller than her." Blaise snorted and Harry flipped Draco and him off.
"Ginny let go of me." "No! Your my mate!" "I'm not your mate." "You are!"

Hermione bit her lip when Harry exhaled shakily.

"Keep your cool mate." "I'm trying."
Ginny smiled when Harry didn't push her away and Harry wanted to die.

This is how the whole train ride went.

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"

Draco and Hermione laughed as Harry dragged them and Ginny just kept following like a craved puppy.
Harry very quickly got to Lucius who looked confused.

"I have never been so happy to see you." Lucius looked up to see Ginny Weasley coming toward them and grabbed Harry's shoulder.
They apparated and appeared in Malfoy Manors hallways.

Harry screamed when he saw Ginny had grabbed onto him. The two couldn't help but burst out in laughter while Ginny smiled like a fool.

"Dumbledore said I should spend summer with you Harry." "Well Dumbledores a rotten old man let me go." "And get out of my house." "Dumbledores orders."
Ginny clenched harder onto Harry's arm and Harry felt like dying. Lucius pinched his nose.

"What do you get us into?" "I don't know."
They heard giggling and looked over to see Emily crawling away from Narcissa.

Draco and Harry ran up.
"You can crawl!"

Emily smiled brightly and Draco picked her up. Narcissa smiled until she saw Ginny.

"Why is she here?" "She thinks I'm her mate." Narcissa scrunched her nose in disapproval. "Yeah we know."
Hermione walked over and smiled at Emily before hugging Narcissa.

Ginny ran up and hugged Harry. Harry mouthed 'help' and Narcissa gave a sympathetic look.

"Well Harry, Hermione, Draco you know where to go." The three nodded and Harry slipped away from Ginny who frowned.
"He just needs to go somewhere... the living room?" "Yes." Narcissa smiled and Lucius pecked her before they walked away.

The three entered the room and Draco and Hermione bowed like usual while Harry as usual didn't bother.

"Tom help!" Tom raised an eyebrow when Harry fell to his knees dramatically. "Ginny Weasley thinks I'm her mate and I want to die." "Isn't she in third year?" "Yes!" "Than why does she think that?" "Because of a spell Dumbledore put on her."
Tom chuckled and patted Harry's head.

"Yes if Harry's staying can we?" "We don't want to be with the Weasel." Tom sighed and shook his head. The two pouted. "Harry's going to be out soon." "It's just because you two have a thing going!" Hermione threw her hands up in defeat and stomped out. Draco chuckled and followed.

"So... what's this spell?" "I don't know but it gave her a false mate. Me. And I think it can be who said person with spell has strong feelings for. Dumbledore put it on Ginny since she's "loved me" since I was in 1st year." Tom hummed. "I've never heard of such a spell." "I know. What I don't get is if he could do that than why not just change my mate to Ginny?" "Did you hold feelings for her?" Harry scrunched his nose. "That's probably why." "I'm gay it wouldn't have matter." Tom shook his head. "Is she staying the summer?" "Yes." Tom chuckled at Harry's distress. "That just means we'll have to do the ceremony at Riddle Manor." Harry hummed. "Haven't been there since, oh right you took my roses." Harry smiled and Tom rolled his eyes. "You are a child when it comes to that stuff." "Their mine." "No they aren't." Tom rolled his eyes. "Yeah I've memorized your answers."
Tom sighed.
"You are so persistent with some things." "Like you are with the bed." Tom rolled his eyes and Harry chuckled. "I do expect it again some time soon." "Two time thing." "Mhm. We'll see." "That's terrible. Your terrible!" "We're even. You started one and I started one." Tom smirked and Harry rolled his eyes.

After some seconds Tom lifted Harry's chin and kissed him.

"Now go to your fake mate lover thing." "That's funny." "I know haha." "That's my line!" Tom chuckled and smacked Harry's ass. He squeaked and glared at Tom.
Tom smirked and Harry quickly left.

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