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Harry panted with a cold sweat running down his body.

He shot up to see he was still in the guest room Narcissa had showed him in the Malfoy Manor. Harry sighed and rested his forehead on his knee.

He looked at the clock to read 12:00 am.
It was the next day. Names of peoples mates were being carved into their wrists in black cursive ink with their position of dominant or submissive under it.


When the sun rises Draco and Hermione will be all about their mate and the whole house will celebrate with them, whether their each other's mates or have different ones.

Harry sighed and laid back down. He stared at the shaded gray ceiling.
If Harry knew one thing, it was that after a nightmare he couldn't get back to sleep.. so he wasn't going to try.

7:00 am, sun rose to dawn.


Hermione crashed through the door and jumped onto the bed where her best friend sat under the covers.

Hermione held her arm out to show the name: Draco Lucius Malfoy with a swirl under it than her status: Submissive.

Harry clapped and Hermione smiled.
She ran out and Harry flopped back down onto the bed.

With some debate to get up or not.. Harry slid out of the warm covers and put on the clothes a house elf had dropped off.

The clothes consisted of a white dress shirt with black jeans. Harry didn't bother to tuck the shirt in since the jeans made his thighs and ass pop like yesterday's jeans.. and he didn't want to deal with all of that.

Harry walked out to see the whole inner circle running toward the living room and rubbed his eyes before setting his glasses back down on his nose.

He yawned as he entered the open living room. Everyone was crowded around Draco and Hermione which Harry didn't find surprising. He leaned against a wall and tuned into all of their whispering.

"Hermione Lestrange." "The mark doesn't lie." Harry noticed Dracos and Hermiones unsteady looks and yawned.
"We should ask the dark lord."

"Ask me what?" Tom walked into the living room looking as if he hadn't gotten much sleep. Their marks my lord." Tom hummed and pushed through the crowd.

"Seems you aren't a Granger." Hermione felt speechless. Usually Harry would make some smart ass comment and she was waiting for that.

And just like that she got what she wanted...

"Oh~ Ms. Lestrange man don't I feel fancy. Being friends with the Lestranges off spring."
Everyone looked to see Harry looking over Hermiones shoulder.
"This is not the time Potter." Harry looked up to see Lucius had hissed at him. "Your making these two morons nervous. If you want to solve this little mishap go to Gringotts and get a blood test." Harry shrugged and hopped down.
"Congrats you two." Harry waved lazily as he walked out. Hermione sighed in relief and Draco couldn't feel any different.

"Blood test?" "Oh I forgot Gringotts did that." "Ok your coming with us." Rodolphus put his hand on top of Hermiones head. "Ok?... ah can Harry come too?" "Is he getting a blood test?" "Lucy stop it." "No he isn't but it would be easier with him lightening the mood plus he knows Ragnock personally."
Rodolphus and Bellatrix shared a look and nodded.
"Go get him." Hermione nodded and ran away.

".. touch her and your dead." "She's my mate." "Don't dare." Draco rolled his eyes at Rodolphus' antics.

Hermione came back in, dragging a half asleep Harry.
Harry leaned on her as they walked and Lucius rolled her eyes.

"I'll kill you if you keep touching her." Harry gave a playful daring look and put his hands on Hermiones arms. "Oh no I'm dead." Draco growled and Harry ducked behind Hermione. She pulled him back up.
"I got him." "About damn time." "Are you pissed at me or 'Mione?" "You." Harry rolled his eyes and Hermione sighed.

"Come on. Before Lucius decides to pick a fight." "Dark lord are you coming?" Tom sighed. "Yes I need to do arons anyway."
Bellatrix grabbed Rodolphus' arm as Rodolphus put a hand on Hermione head and Hermione held Harry's hand in complete nervousness.

They apparated to the front of Gringotts and walked through the thick doors.
Tom walked up and walked beside Harry.

"Do you really know Ragnock personally?" "Of course. I've had many problems here."
Harry let go of Hermiones hand and walked up to a free spot.

The goblin looked up and stood.

"Follow me Mr. Potter." Harry waved everyone over and Hermione raced grabbed his hand again.
"Some would think their mates." Rodolphus chuckled and Bellatrix sighed.

They walked down the dark halls. The goblin stopped and banged on one of the doors with the gold plat on the side cursive was engraved to read: Ragnock.

"Come in!" The goblin opened the door and Harry pulled everyone in before the goblin could push them.
Hermione jumped when the goblin slammed the door shut.

Ragnock looked up and sighed.

"What is it now Mr. Potter?" "That hurts Ragnock." Ragnock looked at Harry with disinterest and he huffed. "Fine I need a blood test." "As in you who I've bothered about a blood test or her." "Her." Hermione hit Harry's arm and he smirked.
Ragnock sighed and pulled out a piece of parchment and dagger.

"I have to cut myself?!" Hermione hissed. "It's in the name 'Mione. "Blood" test." Hermione sighed.
"5 drops."

Hermione walked up and pricked her finger before letting the drops fall. She held her arm up and Harry put a bandage around the little cut.

The blood swirled into words and Hermione watched in somewhat of a trance.

Hermione Bellax Lestrange

Mother: Bellatrix Black neé Lestrange

Father: Rodolphus Lestrange

Elder brother: Harry Rodolphus Lestrange

Status: Submissive

Mate: Draco Lucius Malfoy

"... how is all this hidden? I mean.. it doesn't make sense." "Blood adoption and glamour. I bet you have some restrictions too." Hermione looked at Harry. "... it's scary how much you know about this shit!" Harry smirked. "I'm just that amazing~."
Hermione rolled her eyes.
"What do you want to do Ms. Granger." Hermione looked at Harry who yawned. "Hm. Dumbledore will expect you to come here and take the glamour and everything down. It's really up to you." Hermione nodded. "I'll get rid of everything." Ragnock nodded and Harry took the parchment as the two walked out.

"What was that about?!" "She has some stuff to do~." Harry held the parchment out and Bellatrix snatched it. "Ha~. Paper cuts~!" Rodolphus chuckled as Harry fake cried. "Shut up!" "Your being mean!" "Your bring annoying." "I'm always annoying!" Harry crossed his arms and Bellatrix grumbled.

-1 hour later-

Hermione walked back into the room behind Ragnock.

"Is that all Mr. Potter?" "Yes thanks Ragnock." Ragnock grumbled and went back to his paperwork.

Hermione messed with her now black curling long hair as she also shrunk a few inches. Hermione now had the curves she envied Harry for and her breasts seemed to have grown a size or two.
She also now had midnight black eyes instead of her chocolate brown and her skin tone went down a few shades but her lips were a natural light pink and plump.

Hermione looked at her parents and Harry pushed her into them.
Rodolphus smiled and put a hand on her head as Bellatrix held her hand.

"Do you always put others first?" Harry didn't response and Tom rolled his eyes. "Don't be a baby." "Go order people around I don't have time to deal with your crap." Harry walked to the others and grabbed Hermiones shoulder. They disappeared and Tom clenched his fists.

'Don't tell me it's over those roses? And after what he called them.'

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