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Harry walked into the living room to see Hermione cooing over Narcissas baby bum and the woman giggling.
He shook his head and sat beside the pouting Draco.

"She hasn't let you talk to your sister has she?" "No." "And your mad." Draco nodded. "And you want her to stop." Draco nodded.
Harry chuckled and leaned back.

"Hold your sister first. That's what really matters." Draco grumbled and Harry smiled.

Narcissa looked at the two and smiled.
She had never seen them getting along so this was a moment to treasure.

Hermione smiled and looked at Harry who was chuckling while Draco complained.
She shook her head.

"Have they acted like this before?" Hermione looked at Narcissa who were still watching them. "Sometimes. It's rare and their usually only like this when no ones around. In my opinion Harry and Draco have built a sort of brother relationship.. and Harry seems to understand everything Draco goes through." Narcissa looked at the now frowning Hermione. "Even how Dracos going to be a big brother?" Hermione nodded. "Harry was the second to know about Emily and he seemed happier than I was. Harry even ran around the school yelling it with Draco". Narcissa ran a hand through Hermiones hair and lifted her chin.
"Maybe Harry actually knows what it feels like to be a big brother." Hermione shook her head. "He's an only child." "They do not need to be blood." Hermione looked at Narcissa. "He thinks of you as his little sister." Narcissa smiled hoping Hermione knew what she meant.

Hermione sighed and laid back down on Narcissas stomach.

"Harry." Harry turned and smiled when he saw Narcissa. He walked up and held her back and she was grateful.
"I have been thinking." Harry helped Narcissa into a chair and crouched. "About?" "Today. You act as if you know what it is like to have a little sibling." Harry hummed and smiled. "I had a little sister." Narcissa held Harry's hand and squeezed it so he'd go on. "She doesn't know it. I haven't told or given any sign about anything... but I still watch her. I make sure she's happy and I've hurt everyone that's hurt her." "Draco?" Harry nodded ever so slightly. "He called her a mud blood and I beat him till he said sorry.. she's happy now.." Harry sighed. "I watched her. I watched as the man who took us gave her away. I had watched as he left me at the Dursley's door step.. I was supposed to be knocked out by his spell... but one was already running through my veins." Harry touched his scar and Narcissa frowned. "Do you plan to tell her? Your parents?" "No... sure they'd be happy to know I remember and everything.. but I'm fine. I've always been called Harry Potter the savior or golden boy... I don't think any of that would change if I changed my appearance."
"... Have you always known?" "No. I figured it out over this year... actually I've always known. I've always had a strong connection with her. She's always been on my mind... but after I got my inheritance... the restrictions broke and so did the blood adoption... all this is a glamour..." Harry looked up at Narcissa. "I really can't see myself with dark black hair and dark eyes. I've always been a brunette with untamable hair and striking green eyes. I've learn how to use my looks to terrify people when they go to far... really I don't know what to do except look like the Potters off spring... it would just be so weird to be called by my real last name and not Potter."

'He's good. Harry's giving me information but I don't know who took him. I don't know his parents. I don't know his real name. I don't even know his sister.' Narcissa thought as Harry became silent.

"Do you think it's a good idea to hide who you really are?" "I'm not hiding. Before now I wasn't funny, I wasn't carefree to those around me. Hell...before I wouldn't even had laid a finger on Draco but I did. I'm not hiding.. I'm just sticking to what I know.. and what I know means playing along with the man who took me just a little longer. Play long till he's dead." "What about your mate. Do you know who they are?" "No. This band keeps it from showing on a blood test and hides it on my wrist. I want to know trust me... but love isn't something I care for. I don't know love and I don't like love. Love... it's happiness... but with happiness comes pain.. pain comes hurt and hurt can be so severe some go mental, some break."
Narcissa frowned.
".. are you broken?" Harry stayed quiet. "No... just lost in darkness." ".. why don't you ask for help?" "Help isn't something offered to me. Help isn't something offered in these situations. I have people surrounding me and as long as their happy I'm fine." "But Harry..." Harry looked up at Narcissa and she felt like crying at the tears glimmering in Harry's eyes but she knew they would never fall.

'That's why his eyes are so shimmery, so bright.. his tears.' Narcissa thought.

"... being just fine isn't you being fine." "Being fine means I'm fine. Means I can handle my emotions. Means I can last a little longer. When I break you'll know... but I'll never break. Happiness isn't something I'm fond of. I don't know happiness, I'm not familiar with happiness.. but pain. I know pain like a know the darkness. It's comforting and tells me I'm still here, that I'm still human. So as long as I know everything.. as long as I see everyone happy I will smile and I will laugh. I will laugh and I will joke as others continue to smile along."
"Harry... I never knew you properly. To me you were the boy who ruined my dark lords life. Who made him hide himself, who made himself feel pain when he heard your name..." Narcissa sniffled. "... but... your so different from anyone I've ever met. My son has become polite and has a friend that isn't Blaise. You know how to change people... but you don't.. you don't like to talk about yourself. You talk as if you are a man on their death bed. You act as if you are 5. You smile and laugh as if there in no evil in the world. You... you are more than just a boy." Harry smiled and hugged Narcissa as she cried into his shirt.

"How.. how could you do that?.. anyone I know would break. The dark lord isn't even like you... how?" Harry didn't answer as he comforted the pregnant Malfoy.

(Ok if you don't cry I'm going to think your heartless. This made me cry and I wrote it.)

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