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Draco grabbed onto Hermiones hand, their fingers entangling.
Blaise looked at their dark lord who stood in front of the mod of dark wizards.

Ron looked at him, having a feeling something will happen. Blaise smiled at him and let his hand go.
Ron stepped forward and Harry held his shoulder.

Ron watched as Blaise, Draco and Hermione walked across the stone field and joined their parents.

"Blaise?" "His parents made him." Ron looked at Harry. "Blaise became a death eater to protect you and his family.." "But Harry..." Harry smiled. "I got this. You do trust me don't you?" Ron nodded and stood straight again.
Neville walked up.

"What will you do?" "If my speech doesn't work.. I have a last resort." Neville nodded.
They all watched as Harry walked up to the front and met eyes with Tom Riddle.

Both stood in silence and Harry turned.

"I am not fighting!" Ruckus began to roar.

People from the light began to protest about how Harry had to kill lord Voldemort and people from the dark began a ruckus about how Harry was just a wimp.

Harry's voice rang and everyone went silent.

"I'm not fighting! Because! I have people on each side! Each side I care for!"
".. No one here is different! Ron wants Blaise Zabini! Luna wants to be with her father! These sides aren't sides! Light is not good and neither is the dark! People deceive themselves! Voldemort has not killed for 20 almost 21 years! Dumbledore has killed! The light has killed in that time! The only thing separating everyone is what type of magic they fond over! "Light" magic is what the lights use! "Dark" magic is what the darks use!... but the light also uses dark magic! We would not kill without dark magic! The curses as everyone has labeled them!"
"The ministry is on the lights side! That is what the light has against the dark! The ministry can get the light out of almost every situation! While the dark goes to Azakaban for what the light and them have caused!"
"Mates! Tell me you would care if your mate was a light or dark! Tell me you would gladly give up your happiness for what you believe! Mates aren't that simple! With that pull you feel you will choose them over anything!"
"That is why I will not fight! This war has started because Bellatrix Lestrange! Rodolphus Lestranges children were taken! Lord Voldemort's mate was taken!... Dumbledore took them! Called Bellatrix and Rodolphuses son the chosen one! He killed Lily and James Potter to make this come true! Dumbledores selfish hatred for one of his old students created this "war"! Created a separation that has taken many lives!"

"Your not making fucking sense! If Dumbledore killed the potters and took one of the death eaters children than how the fuck are you here?!"

Harry let a glamour drop.
His hair was messy, incredibly messing but smoky black. His eyes were no longer emerald green but coal black with dark green mixed within them. His skin was no longer a darkish tan but a light tan and his curves were more divine. The lightning scar on his forehead was more pronoun than before.

He was a male version of Hermione Lestrange, his twin sister.

"I know this because I am Harry Lestrange! The one taken to be the chosen one! The prophecy and the golden boy you know me as!"

Silence rang, shock rose.
Harry took a deep breath.

"My mate is Tom Marvolo Riddle! Lord Voldemort! Over these past three years I have created a relationship with the dark! They are not bad but want their family back! Like the light they care for each other! That is why this war has started! Because their loved ones were taken!"
"Over these three years I have fallen in love with my mate! Like anyone else! I crave for them and do not care who they are! Dark or light! It does not matter!"

Harry's coat moved.

"She's awake."
Harry looked down.


Harry looked up and around.

"My daughter! Ellisa Riddle or Elli as I have grown to call her!"

Harry moved his jacket to show a small 5 months old jet black haired, ruby red and black eyed girl. Her skin was a natural pale while her cheeks were a rosy red.

Ellisa opened her eyes and smiled at her mother. Harry returned it and got Ellisa out of the cloth he used to carry her.

"She is my daughter!"
Harry turned around and faced Tom.

"Our daughter!"

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