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"If you need to fight stay defensive and run!"

Everyone nodded and Harry looked at McGonagall.

"I have something to get in the requirement room.. if the dark comes put a barrier up." McGonagall nodded.

Harry walked down the few steps.

"Ron! Malfoy!" The two looked over and followed him out.
"What are we looking for?" "The Ravenclaw Diadem." "Potter that's been lost for centuries." "Yes but we need to find it."

As they walked two double almost stone doors made themselves known.
Harry pushed them open with Ron's help to see mountains of old antiques and trash.

"It wouldn't  be in the front but it won't be in the back." Draco and Ron nodded before they split up and began searching.

"Oh this is pretty." Draco and Harry looked over at Ron. "Is this it?!" Harry squinted. "Yeah!"

The three climbed down but didn't expect to see Crabbe and Goyle waiting at the bottom with their wands out.

"Deceiving the dark lord Draco?" Draco and Harry shared a look before whipping their wands out. "Let us through." "Oh great Harry Potter telling us what to do."
Harry glared and felt movements.

He looked down and saw feet wiggling.

"Move out of the way!" "Kill us first Potter."
"Hey! Don't talk about my best friend like that!"

Ron chased Crabbe and Goyle but came back screaming.

"What?" "Fire!"
Roaring red fire came at them like a sea.

"Holy shit fire!"
They began to run after Ron and climbed up the junk.

An old broom zoomed over and Harry gripped it. "Ron yell broom!"

Ron looked over and shakily stuck his hand out. "B-boom!"

Another old broom flew into Ron's hand and they mounted them quickly.

"Wheres Malfoy?" Ron shrugged and zoomed away.
Harry looked around and went back, grabbing Dracos hand.

Draco got on the broom and Harry turned around.

"These are the times I miss my broom!" Draco laughed hoarsely.
Harry zoomed out of the room, the door shutting and trapping the wild fire in it.

They dismounted sloppily and Ron ran over.

"Fire! We survive!" "Yes. Yes we did Ron." Ron laughed and ran off.
Harry held out the diadem and put it in his leather bag with the other 6.

"What do we do now?" "With the damage the death eaters caused this castle isn't in the best of condition... try to escort people to the Grest Hall for now." Draco nodded and ran off.

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