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"Put a glamour up." Hermione felt appalled by Griphooks tone toward her but did as told.

The four came out of the dark alleyway in Diagon Alley and shuffled their way to the grand marble stairs that led to Gringotts.

"Do you think she even needed the glamour?" Harry looked at Hermione and all that changed really was her clothes and the fact Bellatrix has some white in her hair. "Yes."
Harry and Hermione shared a looked of annoyance and followed Griphook up the stairs and through Gringotts.

Griphook round a large podium and Hermione walked up.

"I want into the Lestrange vault." Ragnock looked up and smiled at her. "Password?" "..."
Hermione glanced at Harry who hid behind his hood.

"Password?!" Griphook waved something in front of Ragnocks nose and before the other goblin could do, anything he was already in Lala land.
"Take us to the Lestrange vault." "Ah~ but of course~."

Hermione, Ron and Harry followed after them and climbed into the small cart.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Hermione rubbed Harry's back but that didn't help with all of the turns and how the cart moved so fast.
He put a hand over his mouth and Ron looked at him sympathetically.

Within 45 minutes they arrived to one of the lowest floors in Gringotts and Ron helped Harry stand straight as they walked.

Hot, very hot steam blew and Harry took his jacket off.

"What was that?" "A dragon." "A what?!" "Ron now is not the time to freak out." "A dragon. Charlie works will dragons." Harry dragged Ron along as he was slightly freaking out.

Hermione froze when she saw the dragon.
The dragon was huge but scars and fresh wounds littered its body, a large muzzle keeping the dragon's mouth shut and thick, large chains kept the dragon from flying.

"Hermione." "Why... why would they do that to such a beautiful creature?" "Beautiful? That dragon could kill us!"  Harry sighed. "Ron dragons on living animals.. Hermione that is a gringotts dragon to keep vaults like these safe." Hermione frowned and Harry put his arm around her as they continued to walk.

"This bell will keep the dragon from attacking us." Hermione looked at the dragon with pity in her eyes. "Don't give a dragon those eyes Hermione. A dragon is dangerous but they aren't necessarily stupid." "Yeah. You should know, you fought one." Harry rolled his eyes and put Hermione in front of him as they walked.

The dragon moved and Ron screamed. Harry snorted.

"Shut up Harry." Harry chuckled and they soon got to two magnificent black metal like doors.
Griphook took Ragnocks hand and ran it over a small circle.
The designs on the doors began to move, one side to another making a passage for the doors to open.

Griphook stepped back and took the day dazed Ragnock with him.

The doors creaked open and the trio were amazed with what was inside.
Gold, galleons. Millions of galleons and artificial objects littered the large room.

"Holy Merlin."
Harry stepped in and Hermione helped him began to search for the goblet, Hufflepuffs golden cup.

A bang came and the three looked over to see Griphook shutting the other door.
He smiled wickedly.

"The sword Mr. Potter." "I will not give it to you." "This was the deal. I get you to this vault and you give me the sword." "The sword will disappear." "That does not matter."
Harry clenched his fists and pulled out his small leather bag.

"Harry you can't be serious." "The sword will disappear. It only shows itself to a Gryffindor." Hermione clenched her fists and Harry handed Griphook the ruby red, golden sword.
With that the other door slammed close, trapping the three inside.

"Find the sword quick. I have a spell to get us out of here."

The three quickly began to look and Harry stopped.

"What Harry?" "That's it." Harry pointed to a small golden cup at the top of black wooden shelves.
"Be careful." "I will."

When Harry reached the goblet and took it from the shelf everything began to multiply.

"Bloody hell?!" "Anything we touch will multiply! Harry give me the goblet!" Harry leaned forward but just when Hermione was going to take it, it multiplied and fell out of Harry's hand. "Fuck! Find the goblet!"

More and more. By the time Harry got the real cup, the whole vault was practically full.

Harry casted a spell and the doors flung open, everything spilling out and taking them with it. Spells began to fly their way and they ducked.

"Griphook told them about us!" "Why?!" "The deal was to get us into the vault! Not make sure we got out safely too!" "The dragon Harry!"
Harry nodded and ran with Ron behind him.

They climbed onto the dragons back and Harry casted a jinx. The chains broke and the dragons wings began to go up and down rapidly.

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