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"I hate her. I absolutely hate her. Let me kill her." Harry sighed as Tom rambled angrily.
"Tomorrow is the ceremony." "I know and that's not the problem!" "Tom you need to calm down."

Tom slammed his hand on the arms of the chair Harry sat in.

"I am calm. Don't tell me to calm down when I am perfectly calm." "Really then why are your eyes red?" "Why aren't I killing that fucking Weasley?!" "Because you know what will happen if you do." "We can cover it up. Have someone be her replacement." "Tom." "What?" "You know that won't work." Tom growled and got in Harry's face. "Than what do you think we do? Wipe her memory? Kill her? Torture her?" "None of the above." "She's this close to dying." Harry put his hand on Toms and lowered it. "Tom think about your words. We kill her and the light will think your here. If the light thinks your here they'll break into this Manor. They break into this manor they'll see everything we've worked hard to keep undercover." Tom growled and Harry kissed him. "We only have this one summer until 7th year starts, when seventh year starts everything will start moving like gears... don't ruin what we've done with one irrational action."

Tom cupped Harry's face and kissed him.
Harry found his hands on Toms neck as he allowed Tom to explore his mouth once again.

They parted for air and Tom lifted Harry, sitting on the chair with him straddling him.

"Then help me." Harry kissed him and Tom grabbed his hips.

Ginny stormed into a room, which room. Dracos and Hermiones.

"Holy fuck!" Hermione covered herself with Draco over her.

"Wheres Harry?" "Mother of Merlin! Weasel go away!" "Where's Harry?!" "I'm fucking my girl go away!" "Wheres Harry?!" Ginny stomped her foot. "In his room!"
Ginny walked out and Draco groaned.
"Girls pissing me off." "I know it was hard not to moan." Draco smirked in annoyance.

Ginny walked down the halls and opened Harry's door. She began to look around but didn't find him, that's when Harry's trunk caught her attention.
Without seeing a problem Ginny opened the trunk and began to rummage through it, ruining Harry's neat work and throwing some clothes to the floor.

She groaned.

"There's nothing in here!"
But that didn't mean she stopped.

Ginny stopped and gasped...

"Nurgh Tom!" "Shh." "That isn't easy!"
Harry moaned and held the rim of Toms desk.

Tom held onto the desk beside Harry's hand and his curved hip.

"God close."
Harry whined and Tom went harder.

"Holy crap Tom!"
Without thinking Tom bit down on Harry's shoulder and he gasped.

Tom parted with the marked skin and held Harry in a loose choke hold.
He didn't bother to pull out and flooded Harry.

Hermione and Draco walked into the dining room to see Harry sitting on the table while drawing Emily and Narcissa.

"Why are you sitting on the table?" Draco sighed and sat in the chair beside Harry. "It's easier to see detail." "And he just likes to not sit on seats." Draco chuckled and Harry rolled his eyes. "Yeah that's partly true." Hermione smirked.

The doors burst open and they looked over to see Ginny.

"Oh it's her." Draco glared with Hermione and Harry didn't even need to ask before knowing. "She really did?" "Yes." Harry scrunched his nose.

"Harry~." "Oh god what?" "Wanna draw a picture of me?"
"Can I lie and draw something else?" Draco snorted. Ginny battered her eyes. "... uh.. sure?" "Great! I'll come to your room later." "Ok?"

She walked out and they all shared a look.

"What the fuck?" "I don't even know anymore." "Harry Potter not knowing. I'm shocked." "That's funny 'Mione." She chuckled.

"Ok." Harry got off and showed Narcissa. She smiled. "That's beautiful Harry." He smiled. "Thanks."

Emily looked at him and smiled.

Harry stood straight and walked to the other two.

"So.. doing it in the middle of the day?" "It's really the only time everyone's busy." "Yeah we could do it at night but.. people like you, a night owl could barge in." Harry hummed. "Plus you do it in the day so I don't wanna hear it." Harry rolled his eyes. "Two times." "Make it three." Hermione chuckled. "Yeah I bet your lying." "Why would I lie?" "Because you don't wanna tell us how good it is with our lord." "Your lord not mine." Draco rolled his eyes. "Fine how good is it with you two?" "Very good." Harry rolled his eyes and Hermione smirked. "Your turn." "Decent." "The dark lord isn't more than decent." Harry rolled his eyes. "Oh it's amazing". "Shut up 'Mione." "Got it." Draco snorted and Harry hit him with his sketchbook. "Your adventuring good job Potter." Harry rolled his eyes and mimicked him. Draco laughed and shook his head.

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