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"Harry!" Narcissa walked toward him as he turned around.
"I need your help." Harry nodded and Narcissa lifted Emily back onto her hip. "I've been thinking. I've been thinking about our conversation during the summer break before your 6th year started." Harry nodded for her to go on. "I don't have physical proof but I know your Harry Lestrange." Harry looked at Narcissa shocked and.. a loss for words.
"This is why I know. I heard about how Harry and Hermione were taken. Dumbledore had come and fought the dark lord and Rodolphus, ending up kidnapping both. You said a man left you at the Dursley's but the story about you is that Dumbledore also left you at the Dursley's. You said you saw your sister being place at someone's house and I know it was the Grangers because Hermione was a "Granger" until we found out who her mate was."
"Hermione had a blood adoption and I think you do too. Dumbledore placed it on you to hide you as a Potter off spring. I don't know how you got your scar, either it's a glamour or someone actually gave it to you."

Both stood in silence as Narcissa slightly panted from not breathing while talking quickly.
Suddenly Narcissa felt Harry hug her and was stunned.

Harry wasn't known for being physical with any of them.. but here he was hugging her.
Narcissa snapped out of her shock and hugged him back.

Harry pulled away quickly and smiled.

"I'm glad someone caught onto my hints." Narcissa was once again shocked but couldn't help but smile.

But than the others came into mind.

"What do you plan to tell everyone? Are you still going to hide who you really are?" Harry nodded. "Right now people need Harry Potter. Plus it will just be easier for whats to come soon." "Harry your hiding from your parents, your mate." "Yes but Narcissa everyone's happy right now. Bellatrix and Rodolphus are still celebrating the finding of their daughter and Hermiones still caught up in everything. Harry Lestrange rarely enters anyone's mind.. but Harry Potter is always in mind." Narcissa frowned. "I'm going to take the glamour down when it's the right time... but this isn't the time. In summer Blaise, Draco and Hermione will be getting the dark marks, they have that in mind. Rodolphus and Bellatrix have work plus their daughter in mind. Tom has the up coming "fight" between us in mind. If I come out as Harry Lestrange everything will get more chaotic. Hermione will start clinging to me and call me brother like she used to, Draco will become more friendly and will start calling me by my first name, Tom will start hugging and everything with me. I need everything to stay the way it is now so Dumbledore still thinks nothing has changed except for the minor difference in my personality."
Narcissa knew Harry was right. Everyone trusted Harry Potter. Everyone trusted Harry Potter to end this war in a way where the dark and light both won.

"What do you plan on doing when you and the dark lord fight?" "There won't be a fight." "But that will lead to sacrifices." "There are always sacrifices Narcissa. I'm trying to make everyone happy. Make it so no loved ones die. Make it to where people know what the truth is now. I can't have people changing their minds right now. I need people to trust me and let me do what needs to be done. For instance, if Ron figures out Hermione and I have connections with Tom and the dark side than he won't come and find the horcruxes with us. I need those horcruxes safe and in one place so no one can find them." "But Blaise is Ron's mate." "Ron will stay with Zabini but he has left me just because I casted the killing curse so Barty Jr wasn't testing me anymore. Hermione is a different story. Ron and her have an enemy friendship for me. Hermione wants me to be with her on the dark but Ron wants me to be on the light and kill Voldemort. Zabini is getting the dark mark and until this war is over, he'll make sure Ron doesn't find out."
Narcissa nodded. Harry was right. He was always right.
"I do trust you Harry. I hope you know that." Harry smiled. "And that's all I need. With trust people won't stop what I'm doing.. so please keep who I am a secret for now." Narcissa nodded and lifted Emily onto her hip again.

"Don't make everyone wait to long... your parents want their eldest and Tom wants his mate." Harry clenched his fists. "I know." Narcissa nodded and watched as Harry walked away.

'Yet you still act as if you can't tell me something Harry' She thought and sighed.
"Let's get you a bath." Emily made a spit like noise and Narcissa smiled.

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