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Harry moved and slowly opened his eyes.
His vision was blurred but that was quickly fixed when he placed his glasses on his nose.

Harry prompt onto his elbow and looked around to see Tom sleeping in the chair across from him.

Harry knew this place. It was Toms office.
He sat up quickly.

Was Emily ok? What happened?

Everything had gone dark for Harry after Narcissa had yelled for Gaspar to let go of him. He didn't remember anything else.

".. Mm. Your finally up." Harry looked over to see Tom with his eyes lazily opened and head still held up by his hand. "What happened?" "Gaspar nearly killed you."
Tom stood and Harry watched at he came closer.

Tom sat on the edge of the couch and Harry crossed his legs.
Harry watched as Tom ran his fingers over his neck.

"That bruise will take a little while to heal." Tom drew his hand back and Harry's ran across the large red and purple bruise on his neck.

He sighed.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't give him my last name and he had tried to kill Emily with the killing curse-." "Harry stop." Harry looked back up at Tom. "You did the right thing by not giving your name and you saved Emily."

"... Then why are you mad?" "Because you almost got yourself killed!" Harry flinched at the sudden outburst and Tom sighed. "Why did you do that? What the fuck happened that you were almost choked to death?"
Harry clenched his shirt.
"I had accidentally bumped into him while walking back to the ball room." Harry was barely audible but Tom could hear him. Tom ran a hand down his face. "Why didn't you use a spell?" "I didn't have my wand and I'm not great at wandless or wordless magic."

Tom stood and Harry looked down.
Tom lifted his chin and kissed him.

"Stop being so fucking reckless." "I'm sorry."
Tom kissed him again and Harry grabbed the hem of his robes.

"Do you think he's ok? God I hope he's ok." "Mother this is Harry. He'll be just fine." "Yeah but I bet there's a bruise and if I hadn't asked him to watch Emily than this wouldn't have happened." "Mother stop. Harry loves Emily and it didn't matter if you asked because he would've ended up taking care of her either way." "But it's my fault. If I would've gone with them or stopped Gaspar sooner." "Mother stop." Draco hugged Narcissa. "Harry's fine. He's one who can't get mentally hurt from anything. Yes, he'll have a bruise but that bruise will go away soon and he'll act as if it never happened. I'm sure if Harry saw Gaspar now or in the future he'd try to kill him because he tried to touch Emily."
Narcissa nodded but kept hugging her taller son.

Hermione sat with her parents, uncle, Lucius and Emily.

Emily was in her play pin, playing with her toys and chewing on some while the others were nervous if Harry was going to wake up soon or not.

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