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"Give me." "She's my sister!" "And we need to go to Diagon Alley for school supplies."

Hermione and Narcissa watched as Harry and Draco bickered.

"... did Harry really deliver Emily?" Narcissa smiled and nodded. "He had come in after feeling something wasn't right. I tried to talk but he just said he'd do it and to calm down... so I let him take the lead."

Harry took Emily.

" 'Mione come on... Malfoy try not to pout to much." "Shut up!"
The three walked out and Narcissa laid back. "Go to sleep Narcissa. Bella will take care of Emily while Harry's gone."

Narcissa nodded while humming. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep and Rodolphus and Lucius walked out.

"Ok go! I can take care of her." "You sure?" "Malfoy stop worrying. You can hold her when we get back." "Than I'll run." Harry shook his head and apparated after Draco and Hermione.

"Okie~. Wanna split up and meet at Flourish and Bolts?" "Harry we can't-." "See ya!" Draco dragged Hermione with him and Harry shook his head, chuckling.

Draco quickly got his stuff and dragged Hermione to Flourish and Bolts.
After getting their books, they waited.. and waited.. and waited.

"Where the fuck is he?!" Hermione tapped her foot quickly.

Harry never took this long.. so where the fuck was he?!

"That's Rina!" "Anytime Harry!"

Harry ran out with his stuff in his hands.

When he got to Flourish and Bolts, Draco smacked his head.

"Where were you?!" "I needed to get money sorry." Draco growled and grabbed his things. Hermione held Harry's arm and they apparated.

"Give me your crap." Draco handed his stuff to Harry and took his baby sister from Rabastan who whined.
Harry shook his head and dropped Dracos stuff off in his room before dropping his own stuff in his room.

He sighed and popped his back before starting to put his stuff away.

"Why aren't you celebrating with everyone else?" Harry looked over his shoulder to see Tom. "I needed to pack my stuff." "Couldn't you do that later?" "I would forget and would pack at the last minute." Tom hummed and sat on the bed. "Did you really deliver Emily?" "I did." "You could've gotten me." "Narcissa was freaking out and Lucius wasn't helping because he was being a dick to me. I didn't have time." "You look tired." "I've only gotten an hour of sleep give me a break Tom." Tom rolled his eyes. "I wasn't complaining." "Your voice held disapproval." "Of course I'm disapproving you doing such a reckless thing." Harry sighed and shut his trunk. "It wasn't reckless. Narcissa was freaking out because of Lucius. I did what I had to." "Deliver Emily?" "For fucks sake Tom. Yes I delivered Emily but she's here and she's a gorgeous girl. Me delivery her isn't important right now." "Your 16." "So? I've gone through a crap ton. Delivery my sisters sister-in-law doesn't mean anything!"

Both stayed silent and it clicked in Harry's head what he said.

"...you don't have a sister." "I think of Hermione as a sister. I can't call her a sister?" Tom looked at Harry in disbelief. "What?" "Don't lie to me." "I'm not ly-.. ya know whatever." "What do you mean whatever?"
Tom felt his annoyance and anger rising and Harry could see it in Toms actions.
"I don't care if you think I'm lying. I'm to tired to talk about my mental connection with Hermione." Tom glared at Harry. "Don't be disrespectful." "When was I disrespectful?! You want me to be disrespectful let's go back to how it was when you took my roses!" "Get over that already!" "Not until you give me them back!" "Fuck off! You aren't getting that box!" "It's mine!" "It isn't!"

Harry clenched his fists.

"And it isn't yours!"

Tom growled and Harry went to walk out when Tom turned him around, his grip tight on Harry's arm.

"What?" "Watch the tone." "I should be saying that to you."
Toms eyes flashed red but Harry didn't back down.
"What the fuck did you mean by your statement?" "I see Hermione as my sister. Like it or not that's how I think of her!" Harry ripped out of Toms grip. "You may be able to control everyone in this house.. but I am NOT one!"

Harry stormed out and slammed the door.

"Fucking brat!"

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