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Harry danced with Hermione in the Slytherin common room. Blaise, Ron and Draco watched as they messed around and Ron rolled his eyes.

"Do they always do this?" "Huh? No but a songs stuck in their head." "What song?" "I don't fuck about you!" Ron looked confused and Draco rolled his eyes.

"On a phone with a bitch who can't do shit!"
"You two are attracting so much attention." Draco sighed in annoyance.
"Coming around with bad news!"

Blaise shook his head.

"Don't you two have homework?" "No we finished it." "All of it?!" Ron felt like a moron. He was stuck on the potions homework but here Harry and Hermione are passing through their essays and homework like it was nothing. "Yeah." They nodded and Hermione finally sat on Dracos lap as Harry sat beside them.
"You two aren't normal." "Thanks. I hate being normal." Harry chuckled when Ron rolled his eyes.

"Anyways babe I want alone time." Ron looked back at Blaise. "Fine I'll go." Blaise chuckled. "No with you~."
Blaise licked Ron's ear and Ron blushed. Harry smirked.
"Blaise I'm right next to you.. don't be to loud." Blaise chuckled. "Shut up Harry!" "I'm just saying. If you two are anything like th-." Hermione covered his mouth with a blush. "I wish you had a mate so I could tease you." Harry chuckled.

Blaise and Ron headed up the stairs and Hermione let her hand fall to her lap again.

"Yeah I'm wondering..  are you a virgin?" "I am." "How do you not feel embarrassed about that? You are the only 16 year old virgin." Harry chuckled. "It's not like someone can be rude about it. 5th year and up is when people start losing their virginities.. that leaves me and 4th years down." Draco sighed. "Your pathetic." "Thanks you!" Draco rolled his eyes and headed to his room with Hermione.

Harry sighed and laid down on the couch.
The Slytherin common room was empty so Harry was left by himself and with his thoughts.

"You do have a room correct?" Harry looked over to see Tom. "Holy shit your talking to me." Tom rolled his eyes and moved Harry feet, sitting on the couch.
Harry groaned and sat up.
"You do have a room correct?" "Yes but my room is between Draco and Blaises... and they aren't sound proof." "Must be hard being the only virgin." Tom smirked when Harry rolled his eyes. "It's not that big of a deal." "Fine. Must be hard to be the only single one". Harry glared at him. "It doesn't matter if I'm single or not." "Oh so you aren't jealous?" "Why would I be jealous?" "Your eyes don't help when you lie." "Are you spying on me?" "No." Harry sighed and slid to the floor.
"I told you, you would get jealous." "I'm not jealous." "Yes you are. You want to be held like that, you want to know who your mate is." Harry rolled his eyes. "I don't care about that crap." "I hope you realize I am not one you can lie to." Harry rolled his eyes. "I'm serious." "So am I." Harry sighed. "Why does it matter? It's a person." "That you love." "Loves a waste of time." "You wouldn't think that if you knew what it felt like." "And you do?" "Yes I was loved by my mate before they were kidnapped." "Didn't you say your mate was like 3 at that time?" "He was stolen on his 4th birthday." Harry clapped and Tom smacked his head. "That is not something to mockingly clap about." "I got no other response to your seriousness. I get everything else but that. You care for your lost mate and you love them. I don't know how to respond to that." "You don't know how to respond to anything except hard ships and pain." "Exactly. I am not one you go to for love or relationship advice." Tom rolled his eyes.
"So you are telling me the time we kissed means nothing." "Why did you kiss me? You have a mate." "Because I was curious about something." "I hope you found your answer." Tom rolled his eyes. "Did you not like the kiss?" Harry sighed and stood.
"Im hungry." "Don't dodge the question." Harry clapped his hands on his sides and turned. "Yeah I liked the kiss okay? You took my first kiss congrats Tom." Tom got in Harry's face. "Than why act as if you are irritated?" "Because you act as if it never happened."

Harry turned and went to walk out the stone wall but Tom turned him by his wrist and pinned him to the wall.

"Don't act naive. I know you aren't." "Really than what am I?" "That's what I'm trying to figure out."

Harry felt as his and Toms hot breath clashed together and went to get out of Toms grip but he pinned Harry's other wrist to the wall.

"Feel powerful?" "You just love mocking me don't you?" "It's fun to see your reaction." Tom got closer to Harry, their lips almost touching. "You look pathetic, not even fighting back." "You are the second person to call me pathetic tonight." Tom smirked at Harry's obvious annoyance.
"Well you are pinned." "Good for you Tom. You caught the golden boy." "Your really a brat you know that?" Harry looked Tom in the eye after he growled. "I'm a lot of things. You just call me a brat because I piss you off and I'm younger."
"Your on thin ice." Harry stomped his foot on the floor. "Doesn't seem like it."

Tom growled and connected their lips.
Harry wanted to push away, just like the last time.. but once again something stopped him. A feeling stopped him... and that exact feeling made his eyes flutter close.

Harry couldn't come up with an answer about why he couldn't stop Tom from kissing him. He couldn't understand why it felt right. He couldn't understand the feeling that made him want more.

Tom pressed harder and Harry went onto his tippy toes since Tom was bending down quite a bit.
They separated for air but that gap didn't last long when both went in for more.

Slowly Toms hands went from Harry's wrists to Harry's cheeks and Harry gripped the hem of his robe, pulling him down.

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