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Harry walked into the living room and was tackled by Narcissa.

"I'm sorry! If I hadn't asked you to watch Emily this wouldn't have happened!" Draco sighed with Lucius.
Harry smiled and hugged her.

"Narcissa I would've taken her either way." Narcissa sat up. "I still feel horrible! And oh my god that bruise."
Tom sighed.
"I tried." "You have nothing but school uniforms." Harry sighed and looked at Narcissa. "This bruise just shows how badass I am." "Yeah because he wouldn't have died without help." "Haha." Draco smirked and Harry shook his head. "Don't listen to the prat." Narcissa chuckled airily and Harry helped her stand.

Harry walked over and Emily looked over. She smiled brightly and Harry ran his hand through her hair before sitting down.

Hermione punched his arm and Harry groaned.
"You. You are a bastard! No! An arse! Do you know how scared I was?!" "I'm sorry!" Everyone chuckled as Hermione continued to beat Harry who was trying to get away.

Harry fell over the couch and crawled away.

"Don't crawl from me!" Everyone burst into laughter and Harry cried out.

Harry hid behind Tom and he sighed.

"Stop hurting me!" "You scared the living crap out of me!" "I didn't mean too." Harry pouted and Hermione looked away.
"Never do that again." "Swear on my life." Hermione nodded and sat back down. Draco chuckled and Harry sat beside Tom.

"Aw the shows over?" Harry and Hermione rolled their eyes. "What show? It hurt!" Rodolphus and Rabastan chuckled. "It was funny when she yelled for you to not crawl away." "Yeah we have to say that to Emily." "Are you calling me a baby?" "Yeah." Harry gasped exasperatedly and everyone chuckled.
Tom shook his head when Harry sat back down properly.

"Though how did you get yourself into that position?" "I didn't give him my last name and when he tried to kill Emily before knowing who she was I threatened him." "Harry your a moron." "Yeah but Emily's still with us so I'm happy." "You almost died!" "I apparated give me a break." "You should've killed him." "I didn't have my wand." "Yeah your not really good at magic without your wand." Harry threw his hands into the air and everyone chuckled. "State the obvious 'Mione!"

"Harry!" "Oh no." Ginny jumped onto him and squeezed his neck. "Surprise." "Shut up Malfoy." Draco smirked and Harry ripped out of her grip. "Why are you still here?" Ginny frowned and gasped when she saw the bruise.

She immediately turned to Tom.

"You gave that to him!" "I did no such thing." Tom growled. "Ginny go away." "Harry I love you." "And I could care less."
The Lestrange twins snorted.
"Shut up! Harry I know you love me so you don't have to say it."

Narcissa and Bellatrix moved away when Toms eye twitched.

Harry sighed.
"Get off of me." "No." "No?" "No."

Harry pushed her onto the floor. He crossed his legs and ran a hand through his hair.

"Don't say no to me Ginny." "You sound like a Slytherin." Harry hissed and Hermione rolled her eyes. Harry smirked and chuckled.
"Watch out." "Haha."

"Harry why are you so mean to me?" Harry looked down to see Ginny pouting. "I thought that was obvious. You piss me off. Actually you piss all of us off, really you should be glad your not dead yet."
Ginny looked at Harry in disbelief.
"I've had to stop Tom like 20 times. We got another month.. well if you don't go home that is." "Isn't Ron coming for the last few days?" Harry nodded. "Just so we can leave.. but he probably forgot so.." "Of course he forgot." Hermione sighed.

Ginny looked appalled and stood. She turned to Harry.

"Why is it always my brother?! I'm your mate!" "You aren't my mate." "I am! My mark says it!" Ginny showed it to all of them.
"That's a spell." "See everyone knows it's a spell. Stop deceiving yourself Ginny." "Ok! Than who the fuck is your mate?! Huh?!" Harry held his arm up. "I don't know. No one except Dumbledore does."
Ginny clenched her hands.
"Then why are you doubting it's me?!" "Because Dumbledore wouldn't have put this on me if it was you or someone from the light." "Fine! I'm on the dark side check your wrist now!" "You can't just switch like that." "Oh really why?! It's not like any of you are on the dark! Harry your on the light and so is Malfoy, Hermione and the others."

Everyone snorted.
Harry stood and pulled Ginny done.

He leaned toward her ear and she thought it was going to be a sweet whisper....
But oh was she wrong.

"I've killed. You think the light hasn't. Ginny think about it. If I'm on the light than how will I kill Voldemort? How does the light keep such a balance? It's because they kill, some even torture. You want to say your on the dark.. than your really on the light.. there is no difference.. just the kill count and who has the ministries permission."
Harry sat back down and Ginny felt as if her whole beliefs were torn.

"Tell me now Ginny. Which ones dark?" Everyones watched as she broke, tears falling, her body shaking and her fists clenched.

"Whatever side Voldemort is on." "Voldemort doesn't exist." Ginnys breath hitched. "If Voldemort exists then it has to be Dumbledore. Really? You think you mean something to Dumbledore, to the wizarding world. The only way you'll ever matter is if you become a savior.. but then again once your task if done.. your nothing. Life's cruel figure that out."
Ginny ran off crying and Tom was stunned Harry could just tear down someone's mental stability like that.

"Wow Harry that was rude." "Haha Hermione." She smirked. "But I think I should've said it." She pouted and Harry smiled.
"Though you did lie. Voldemort's right beside you." Harry looked at Tom who smirked. "No he's a little kitten." Everyone snorted and Tom rolled his eyes. "Plus it's a nickname. It's not really his name." "You keep saying that and it takes away the fear from others for me." Harry patted Toms shoulder. "I know that must suck." "Oh fuck off." Tom swatted Harry's hand away and he chuckled.

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