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"Wake up bitches! Classes start in 20 minutes!"

Harry barged through both, Blaise and Dracos rooms yelling that and walked away.

"Fucking ass!"
Harry chuckled darkly.

Draco came downstairs 5 minutes later with his hair in disarray.

"Are we actually going to be late?" Harry looked over and Draco noticed he wasn't even wearing his robes. "No it's a Saturday why would you be late?" "Oh you fucker!" Harry laughed and ran from Draco who was chasing after him.

The whole house of Slytherin watched and were amazed Dracos hair wasn't gelled back.

Blaise came down and raised an eyebrow.

"Draco stop messing around! We're going to be late for classes!"

Suddenly everyone knew what was happening and cheered for Harry who was hiding behind a couch.
He chuckled and smiled.

"It's Saturday! We don't have classes!"
Ron came down and instantly became pissed. "Harry!"

Harry chuckled and ran upstairs.
"Harry!" The three chased after him and the house heard Harry screamed.

They roared in laughter but soon went back to what they were doing before.

Harry was pinned to the wall while Hermione and Ron tickled him.

"I-im sorry!" "No you aren't!" Harry cried out in laughter and Draco took his glasses, putting them on. "Sexy Draco." "Shut up Blaise."
Harry began to cry and Hermione laughed.

"Next time you won't wake us up." Draco and Blaise let Harry go. "I feel violated." Draco smirked. "I'm doing that to you next time." "You were the dumbass that believed me." Draco held up a fist and Harry covered his ribs. Blaise laughed and pecked Ron who felt accomplished.

"Breakfast?" Harry bit his lip to hold a laugh in. "Harry?" He chuckled and Draco checked his watch. "It's 6 in the fucking morning!" "Harry!"

He laughed and ran out.

"Can't catch me now bitches!"

"I'll beat his ass." Hermione held up a fist. "Let's get dressed first." Hermione nodded and walked out of Harry's room.

Draco and the others walked into the Great Hall but to their disappointment, Harry wasn't there.

"Where is he?" "Dunno and don't care." "But Harry never misses breakfast." Draco sighed and kissed Hermione. "Just go eat. He'll come in soon." Hermione frowned but nodded.


But Harry didn't show up.. and neither did Dumbledore.

"Harry my boy... I am thinking." Harry looked at Dumbledore. "I was wondering.. how did you get into Slytherin?" Harry shrugged. "I had talked the sorting hat out of it the first time." Dumbledore hummed and stared Harry down.

"My boy are you lying to me?" "Professor why would I lie to you about such a thing?" "Harry I do trust you... but you seem to have changed.. I did not question about how you got rid of Umbridge and I will not question you... but I am worried for your well being." "Professor if anything had changed I would've told you."

Dumbledore was lost. Harry was so convincing and he knew Harry would tell him... but something..  something made him think that Harry was lying to him. Harry was a Slytherin and that was clear now. Slytherins lie and deceive.
... than Dumbledore noticed something.

"Harry why are you picking at your band?" Harry looked down and stopped. "It had become a habit since last years summer." "Why?" "Why? Professor everyone except me knows their mate, they have love and someone to make them complete.. while I don't. I see everyone in my year sitting beside their mate and being lovey dovey than there's me. My friends are even snuggly and stuff when I am with them. I am the only one with a band on my wrist, I am the only one who does not know who my mate is." "Are you jealous?" "I'm curious. Love isn't something I yearn for but I'm curious about why my mate has to be kept a secret, kept a secret from me." "Harry your mate is very evil." "Are you afraid I'd go to the dark side?"
Dumbledore did not answer. Harry flopped back onto the ugly chair he sat in.

"Who is my mate Professor?" "I can not tell you." Within seconds Harry stood and slammed his hand on the desk. "I'm tired of the secrets! If I'm supposed to kill Voldemort! If I'm supposed to be everyone's savior once again than I want to know everything!"
"Are you hiding more from me Professor? Am I Hermiones twin brother? Am I Harry Lestrange?! If I am I'd like to know that! I have lived thinking my parents are dead, that I have no family except those gits I live with!"

"My boy calm down." "I'm 16! Next year I turn 17! I'm an adult Professor! I know what it means to feel pain!.. so why can't I have the slightest bit of happiness?"
Dumbledore frowned as Harry panted.
"My boy you have many who adore you. Ron and Hermione are your best friends." "That Malfoy and Zabini are stealing. Ron and Hermione have their mates, Ron and Hermione are busy with their own lives... Professor it isn't like 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year. Their leaving me for their mates... I can't understand why and I can't take them back. Their happy and I'll continue to let them be happy... but their happiness isn't enough for me anymore. It hurts seeing what they have and I don't. Ron and Hermione have so much more than I do.. while I pretend."

"I'm sorry Harry but I can not tell you." Harry took his glasses off. "Of course you can't. I can't know anything. I'm supposed to stay on the path of the light.. well Professor let me tell you something about us teenagers, if we don't know what's happening, if we don't understand why we can not know, we drift away. I'm sick of the lies. I'm sick of the secrets but that's all I get.. it's as if your using me to kill Voldemort." "I am not using you Harry." "How do I know that? I'm not going on a blind statement.. I want proof. I want to know that I'm not being used because that's how it's been my whole fucking life."
Dumbledore stood and gripped Harry's shoulder firmly.
"I know you know I am not using you Harry. If I could I would take the band off of you." "You were the one who put it on me in 1st year." "I do not know how to get it off." "I'm sure I can find a spell than. I have Hermione as a friend right."

Harry put his glasses back on.

"I'm not stupid or naive Professor.. but I am a teenager with the stubbornness of a horse." Harry walked out after that.
Dumbledore sighed and sat back down.

'He's getting harder to control.. I can not take that band off.. if Harry knew who his mate truly was he'd never have the will to kill Voldemort.'

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