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"I can't believe we're doing this." "What Ron? Going to break into Malfoy manor or try and steal the Slytherin locket from them?" "Both!" "Would you two shut up?"

Harry sighed and peeked around the corner.

"Death eaters are guarding this place like fucking Azakaban." "What do we do?"
Harry pulled out his invisibility cloak from the small bag.
"Brilliant mate."

"... This has gotten harder since we were 11." "Just move slowly and silently."

The three quietly past the outdoor guards and shuffled their way along the white large walls.

"Why is the Malfoy Manor so.. magnificent?" "Did you just compliment the Malfoys?" "No but.. look at this place?!"
"Ron watch out!"

Before Ron turned he bumped into someone and fell, bringing Harry and Hermione with him.
The cloak flew off and an outer circle death eater Harry nor Hermione recognized stood quickly and pointed her wand.

"M-move another step a-and I'll ki-kill you!"

"She's a new death eater." "I think she was one of the last to get marked."
"Shut up!"

The girl held her wand at Harry.
Rodolphus quickly came and stiffened when he saw Harry and Hermione.

With no other choice he played along.

"Get the Weasel." The girl nodded and lowered her shaking wand.

"What do you two think your doing?" "Getting the Slytherin locket like good boys and girls". Rodolphus sighed. "I'll have to put you in the dungeons." "We understand dad."
Rodolphus led the way and threw them into one of the dungeons, the girl followed suit with Ron.

"Fucking bitch!" "... How do we get out?"

They looked over for Luna Lovegood to step out of the shadows.

"Holy shit Luna. Ok we need to get out of here." "I have tried. They have put spells along the walls and door." Harry bit his lip. "Doesn't mean we can't go old fashion."
Hermione pulled a hair pin out of her hair.

"Or.. Dobby could help."
The four looked down.

"Dobby! What are you doing here?" "Dobby heard Master Potter was in trouble." "Are you sure you can help?" Dobby nodded. "Only one at a time Master Potter." Harry nodded. "Luna you go first.. I'll be our way of paying your father back."
Luna nodded and took Dobbys hand.
"Be careful Master Potter." "You too Dobby."

They disappeared with a snap of Dobbys fingers.

The dungeon door swung open to show Bellatrix. Ron froze when she quickly walked to Hermione and gripped her face.

"What are you doing here?" "Getting the Slytherin locket." Bellatrix nodded ever so slightly. She looked at Harry and snaked in front of him.

"Harry Potter~!" She jumped happily. "We'll have fun~!"
Harry clenched his jaw.

"Get Harry Potter! We will show the dark lord what we have caught!" Another newbie nodded and grabbed Harry's arms harshly.

The door slammed closed.

"Harry! Hermione!" "Dobby Ron!"

They entered a room and the two made Harry and Hermione fall to their knees.
Unlike Bellatrix who held Hermiones shoulder, the newbie held Harry's head low, but not kindly.

Tom looked up and clenched his fists when he saw who was in front of him.

"They broke in my lord."
Tom instantly knew what was happening but didn't have time to answer when the doors opened and a goblin was thrown into the room.

"The sword my lord. He will not give it to us." Rabastan stood in front of Griphook who clenched the sword and looked up, trying to terrify Tom.

Tom stared at Griphook and looked at Harry for any sign if he wanted him alive.
And with no sign, Tom whipped out his wand and casted the unforgivable curse.

Harry took the chance of the newbies surprise and punched his groin.
He groaned in pain and fell to the floor.

He stood and held his wand at Bellatrix. A crazed look entered her eyes.
Oh how much she loved Harry and his acting skills.

She slithered to him and held his arm away, gripping his face.

"What do you think your doing?" " 'Mione run!" "I'm not leaving you!"
Hermione held her wand out and pointed it at her uncle who held his wand at Harry.

The newbie gripped Harry's foot, making him almost stumble.
Hermiones hand shook, not because she was scared but because of what the newbie was doing to her best friend.

She ran over and kicked him in the face.
Her wand went right back to Rabastan.

Tom stood and walked up to all of them. Hermione glanced, nervous Tom would hurt Harry.

Tom held Harry's face close to his.

"What are you doing?" "I need the Slytherin locket."
Tom lifted his face a little more and put the locket in his hand secretly.
"Don't be reckless Harry." "Im trying not to be."

Ron appeared with Dobby.
Harry got out of Toms grip and got Hermione.

Before they could disappear, Bellatrix threw a knife.

They reappeared in front of Fleur and Williams house.
Dobby fell backwards and Harry caught him.

"Master Potter." "Fuck Dobby." Harry went to take the knife out but Dobby stopped him. "Dobby helped Master Potter?" "Yes you helped. You helped big time." Dobby smiled. "Then can master Potter let Dobby rest for just a little bit?"

Hermione held her hands to her mouth.
Today was a day for acting but right now... there was no acting.

Tears were actually built up in Harry's eyes and tears fell down Hermiones. Ron looked away when Dobbys unsteady breathing stopped.

Luna walked up and knelt down, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"We'll make him better Harry." Harry watched as Luna took the knife out of Dobby and closed his big green eyes.
"He will just sleep. Dobby deserves a nice rest no?" "Not like this." Luna smiled. "He helped us all Harry. Dobby to us will be a hero, one we won't forget."

Harry bit his lip and looked at the clear blue sky.

"Than let's give him a proper rest." Luna nodded and stood with Harry who held Dobby in his arms.

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