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It's been a month since summer break has started.
Tom had found it weird that he woke up with a blanket over him the first night but hadn't put in any thought about who could've done it.
Narcissa had become close with Harry. She thought of him as almost a son and was happy to have him here... even if she wanted to know more. She wanted to know everything Harry was, everything Harry knew.

Narcissa was close to giving birth. Harry said it would be any day and Draco was excited.. he was definitely NOT letting Hermione hold his sister first which she pouted and had a small tantrum about but Harry had calmed her down since she wouldn't listen to Draco who just found it amusing.

"I'm bored~!" Harry snored and Draco pushed him off of the couch. "Don't pull that crap with me Potter." Harry chuckled and Narcissa smiled.

She still didn't understand why Harry wanted to keep his fake name but she knew it would be weird to Harry if Draco started to call him by his first name of a different last name.

Harry laid down on the floor and Hermione sat on his stomach.

"This reminds me of the train." "All we need is Ron and Blaise." "No. Weasel is NOT coming to my house." Harry chuckled. "Yeah we already hear you two. I don't need to hear them as well." Hermione blushed and hit Harry's chest while Draco just smirked. "Don't smirk! That's so embarrassing! Am I really that loud?" "It's good to know he's treating you right." "Harry!" Harry laughed at her whine and she hid her face in her hands.

"Whats all the commotion?" The four looked over to see Tom. "We're making fun of Hermione want to join?" Hermione sat on Harry's chest and he groaned. "I'm not heavy." "Your on my lungs." "It's payback." "So... do you two know what a break is?" "Oh my god Harry shut up!" "No! I'm generally curious!"
Tom sighed and sat down in the chair beside Narcissa who was watching the three in amusement.

"You seem happier." Narcissa looked at her dark lord and smiled. "Yes. I've gotten to know Hermione and Harry." "Harry? He spoke to you?" Narcissa pouted. "It's sad you don't believe in my mothering skills." Tom rolled his eyes. "No. Harry won't talk to me that's why I say it." "Why not ask my lord? Harry spoke to me and answered my questions.. sure he probably won't give you names but he'll talk." "So he just makes you more curious?" "Yes. It's annoying." Tom chuckled a little and Narcissa was stunned but didn't show it.

They heard a playful scream and looked over to see Hermiones legs over Harry's shoulders as he held her hands.
Narcissa giggled as Harry swung her from side to side.

"It's as if she's his sister." Narcissa looked at Tom. "He certainly acts like she is." Tom hummed. "Do you have a doctor for the baby?" Narcissa frowned and sighed.
"Lucy and I have been looking but none seem available for a secret birth." "Maybe Lucius could deliver your child." Narcissa laughed and Tom raised an eyebrow. She shook her head. "Lucy could barely stand cutting the cord for Draco.. I don't think he has the stamina to not vomit while delivering our child." Tom chuckled with Narcissa smiled at her lords small one.

"... maybe Harry." Tom looked at Narcissa in confusion. "It was a thought. He's so good at children and I'm sure he has the will power to deliver my child." "Well that would mean Harry gets to hold Emily before any of you."

'He remembered her name.' Narcissa thought happily.

"Yes... but Harry isn't as we think. He.. he really isn't a boy." Tom was confused, doesn't Narcissa see what he sees.
Harry is always smiling and joking and laughing with Rodolphus and Rabastan. Harry is a child mentally and most likely does not have the attention span to deliver a child.. or to not make a smart comment while doing so.

Harry flipped Hermione onto her feet and held her up, laughing.

"I'm so dizzy." Draco chuckled and Harry sat Hermione down. "You should've told me to stop sooner." "But it was so fun!" "Yeah well don't move for a couple of minutes." Hermione pouted and Harry chuckled.

"You see me moon walkin." They looked over to see Rabastan coming in, moon walking backyards with a hat over his head and looking down. Rodolphus followed after and Bellatrix followed in normally.

Harry laughed and grabbed the hat Rodolphus held out.
He put it on and tilted it down a little.

"Wha pa!" Everyone laughed as the three began to act like Micheal Jackson.
Hermione clapped and laughed when the three pointed at her dramatically.

"I swear Harry is exactly like them." Narcissa smiled at the sighing Bellatrix. "This house is quiet without them." "Yes but their acting like children."
"Haha! I am a child!" Harry spun and landed with his feet on the ground slightly spread apart. The Lestrange twins laughed.

Tom watched in amusement as Harry joked with the older twins.


Rabastan held out a hat and she took it, standing beside Harry as they continued on.

"And the two pair of twins continue." Bellatrix laughed but her smile soon faded when she thought about her son.

Over these summers she had found herself thinking about her still missing boy. Whenever Harry would join in on Rabastan and Rodolphus' antics and jokes it reminded her of her son who would do the exact same thing..
Harry was older than her son yes... but they would be the same age. Hermiones the same age as Harry and weirdly enough, has the same birthday.

She remembered Harry's face last year when they celebrated Hermiones birthday...
He seemed hurt but.. he hid it and celebrated. He had acted the same. He had smiled and he had laughed...
But why had he looked hurt?

Bellatrix continued to watch Harry as he spun her daughter and hopped onto the coffee table, dancing with Hermione.

"Talk to him." Bellatrix looked down at her life long friend. "What?" Narcissa smiled. "I talked Harry. He told me what I wanted to know.. you just have to ask." "Yes but if he's like my son, he won't give you all the information your seeking." Narcissa frowned and nodded. "Yes. I asked about his life.. and he told me but I didn't get any names or locations that mattered."
Bellatrix clenched her robes.
"How are we so comfortable with him?"

Rodolphus and Rabastan looked at each other and slid into the conversation.

"I don't know... it just feels right Bell." "But he's a stranger. He's Harry Potter." "The boy who's destained to kill me." They looked at Tom who kept his eyes on Harry. "Yes my lord." "Harry isn't like boys his age." They then looked at Narcissa. "He knows more than he should, he knows more than he leads... but he won't tell you." Bellatrix clenched her robe. "If he knows where my son is then I'll get it out of him." "He does." Rodolphus looked at Narcissa than Harry. "He knows everything... but I don't know what or why he isn't telling us. He says he has to play along with the man who took him from his real parents until that man is dead.. maybe when that man dies..." "No." They looked back at their dark lord. "Harry isn't one to just give away information and you all know that. Harry's smart and strategic. If Harry knows something he'll tell you when he knows it's safe. He'll tell you when the right time comes." "But when will that time come?" Tom shrugged. "You all know Harry as well as I do. He's a mystery and he'll keep it that way." "But why?!" "Rabastan calm down." "It's annoying."
Tom sighed.
"He's scared. If you think about it Harry's always been someone's tool.. I even use him from time to time. Harry's the "golden boy". He can get anything he wants with just a few right moves and words. I'm not scared or unnerved easily but Harry has something about him..." "That attracts you." Rodolphus nodded. "That scares you." Bellatrix bit her lip. "That enchants you." "He's a Slytherin... but on a level we can't understand."

The adults went silent...
But only if they knew who had heard everything they said.

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