47 (Part 2: Dark mark)

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Narcissa and Bellatrix ran up, hugging their children.
Blaise snickered and Draco hit him.

"Calm down mate." Harry chuckled. "I'm surprised you aren't getting smuggled with hugs." "We don't do that to our son." "Yes it's embarrassing."
Harry chuckled and moved Emily up his hip.

Tom watched as they interacted and Harry walked up.

"You look bored." "No I'm sitting." Harry shook his head and Nagini hissed.
"Don't hiss at me." Tom smirked but Nagini was still on her guard. "She knows your Harry Potter." "Yeah I'm scared."

Tom shook his head.
"I am surprised though. You didn't give in and get the mark with Hermione and the others." "Like I've said Tom, being held down isn't my style." "You've been held down all your life." "And I won't die being held down." Tom chuckled.
"... Don't want a kiss?" Harry looked back at Tom. "When did you start caring?" "Oh I don't. You just seem to care." Harry rolled his eyes and kissed him. "Get your facts straight Tom." Tom smirked and Harry stood straight again.

"... Go join the others." "They'll just be talking to their parents and how much it hurt to get the dark mark." "Don't tell me your feeling left out." "Why would I feel left out?" "Your here standing and talking to me with Emily... you look like the baby sitting." Harry rolled his eyes. "I am not baby sitting. I did my job here." "And that was?" "Making sure two mother's didn't stop you." Tom smirked. "They wouldn't have." Harry hummed and Tom rolled his eyes.

"... want to sit on my lap?" "Why would I want to do that?" "You seem tired of standing." "I'm perfectly fine standing." "Really? I thought you liked my lap." "When have I ever sat on your lap?" "... let me think." Harry rolled his eyes as Tom began to think.

Hermione looked over and smiled. Harry returned it but quickly turned, telling Nagini off.
She watched as Tom laughed and Harry talked to him.

"Do you think Harry feels left out?" "Why would Potter be left out?" "Well he didn't get the mark." "So? Potter doesn't care about that stuff." Hermione frowned and looked back up to see Harry telling Tom off.
She chuckled and smiled.
"Yeah I guess your right."

Blaise glanced up and shook his head.

'He needs to figure his shit out.' He thought and went back to eating.

Harry hummed as he stood with Emily on her feet, bouncing.
Tom watched as Harry bounced with her and Emily laughed. He sighed.

'Master do not stress yourself over that boy' Nagini hissed. "He is not a boy." Nagini looked back at Harry and slithered across Toms lap. 'He is.' She hissed. "Nagini he can understand you." 'Only select few can. That boy is not one.' Nagini stated.
"Man some snakes are just rude." Tom looked back at Harry who was smirking. Nagini hissed. 'I am not just a boy.' Harry hissed and walked away with Emily.
'Stupid boy' Nagini hissed and crawled back into herself behind Toms chair. Tom shook his head.

Harry entered one of the bathrooms and Emily looked around.
She made a spit noise and he chuckled.

Within a few minutes Harry picked Emily back up and she gripped onto his shirt.

"Better?" Emily laid on his shoulder. "I'll take that as a yes."
They exited and walked down the halls.

Emily looked around as Harry walked. She began to make weird noises and Harry looked down. He chuckled and hit a hard chest.

Harry looked up to see a man he did not recognize.

"Who are you?" "I could ask the same." "I am Gaspar Avery. Now, who are you?" "Harry." "Last name?" "Don't remember."
Within seconds Harry was pinned to the wall with Gaspars hand clenching his throat.

Emily started to cry and Gaspar whipped his wand out.

"Av-." "Touch her and you die by my wand."

Gaspar looked back at Harry who looked dangerously seriously.

"Who is this girl?" "Emily Malfoy. The youngest of the Malfoy family." Gaspar tightened his grip and Harry clenched his jaw. "Why do you have the Malfoys youngest?" ".. I am watching.. after her." "Lies."
Gaspar enclosed his hand around Harry's throat. Tears fell down Emily's cheeks.

Harry's vision began to blur as he was cut off by oxygen.

"..let.. go." "Kill me first." Harry sucked in the last air he could get and apparated, taking Gaspar with them.

Harry's back hit the wall with a large bam and everyone looked over.
Tom stood with the others rushing over.

"Gaspar let go!" "This boy wants to play." "Let go of Harry!"
Gaspars grip just tightened.

"Let go of him Gaspar." Gaspar looked behind him to see Tom with ruby eyes and his wand in hand.
"He was trying to kidnap the Malfoys youngster."

Narcissa began to freak out. Anyone could see Gaspar was killing him but Harry still had a grip on Emily, it was a loose one but he wasn't going to let her fall.

"He was taking care of my daughter let him go!" Gaspar flew away from Harry and the others. Draco caught his sister as Tom caught Harry.

"Is he alright?!" "He's fine just knocked out." Hermione sighed in relief.
"Put him in the dungeons!"

"How did this happen?" Emily cried and Draco looked at his sister, he turned so she didn't see Harry's unconscious state.
Narcissa frowned at her daughters reaction.

Harry had such an impact on them. Emily, an 11 month old was crying because Harry was knocked out, because she thought he was dead..
if Narcissa was being honest... this would be a whole different situation if Harry had actually died.

Yes, to her Harry Potter meant so much that this day would've turned for the worst.
The light would loose their savior and the dark would loose someone important, someone special. To the dark Harry was not a savior, but Harry was a main aspect. With Harry these past years have been different. They have been a thrill... but not everyone knows that Harry Potter was an alley.

Gaspar was a clear example of the outer circle death eaters that they do not know Harry Potter was not the savior meant to be. That Harry Potter was their dark lords lover. That Harry Potter was almost family to the inner circle.

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