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"Ok let's split up." Harry yawned. "How do we do that?" "Well Narcissa and Lucius can go with each other, Rodolphus and I can go with one another, Draco and Hermione and you and my lord." Hermione glanced at Harry who didn't seem to approve that arrangement but wasn't going to complain.
She sighed and Draco out an arm around her shoulders.

"Don't feel bad love." Hermione sighed and held his hand.
"We'll meet at Flourish and Bolts." The group nodded and went their ways.

"Where are we going?" "I need new robes and you can do whatever." "I'm not leaving a small boy in a crowd like this." "I'm not small." "Your half my size." "Your just tall." Tom rolled his eyes and Harry opened a door.
"Oh Harry Potter it's such a delight to see you." "Harry Potter?"

A first year looked over and sparkled.

"Yes hello. I'm sorry to bother you if your busy." Harry gave his famous smile and the first year blushed. "Oh it's fine."
Harry stood on the stool beside the 1st year and could feel her gaze.

"Is something wrong?" She blushed furiously being caught and Tom rolled his eyes. "Oh no it's just amazing to actually meet you Harry Potter." Harry smiled. "A first year?" She nodded. "Well I hope to be in Gryffindor with you." She smiled brightly and Harry took his robes.

Tom followed Harry out.

"Was that really necessary?" "What was necessary?" "What you did? Did you have to speak to her?" "Her gaze was annoying so shut up." "Don't tell me to shut up." "Than stop talking to me."
Tom growled and followed Harry as the brunette got all of his things.

They walked to Flourish and Bolts and Hermione sighed, seeing Harry was still being an arse to Tom.

"Harry you should talk to him." "He broke my rose." "Harry it's a rose." " 'Mione if you feel pity for Riddle than you talk to him."
Hermione sighed.
"Your so stubborn!" "Your worse." Draco kissed her cheek and followed Harry inside.

Hermione sighed.

"I'm sorry about Harry's antics." "He's acting like a child." "I don't want to go down to Harry's level but you did break the rose. Those roses are really the only thing Harry cares about when it comes to his belongings." "That's pathetic." "No it's sweet. I'm sure you've seen Harry's wounds... those are the only things he's gotten for a birthday present... well until 1st year. Really those roses are the only thing he looks forward to...
Of course you don't have to feel bad because Harry will keep being an arse to you and will make you hate him." Tom rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you already said something along the lines of "I should've killed you.." something something."

" 'Mione are you going to keep giving the bitch a lesson about humans or are you going to get your stuff?" Hermione sighed. "Talk to him." "Kill me first." Hermione rolled her eyes and entered the crowded shop.

Tom stared at Harry who yawned and checked his stuff.

"You call them "just roses" but you care." "We're still on that topic?" "Yes we're still on this topic. I'll follow you to Hogwarts to get an answer." "So persistent... it's annoying." "You are annoying." "It's my specialty." "You just don't care about what people think do you?" "I have people calling me a murder for Cedrics death and I have people calling me a hero for "killing" lord Voldemort." "I still find it amusing you aren't scared to say my name." "Your name is Tom Marvolo Riddle. Your nickname is Voldemort." Tom rolled his eyes. "You know everything don't you?" "It comes with being the hero." Tom rolled his eyes and Harry smirked.
"And when I say "just roses"... it's because it's embarrassing to say I care about a beautiful flower." Tom smirked at Harry's defeat. "Don't smirk I'll punch you." Tom rolled his eyes. "You were nicer in the graveyard." "I was nice until you took what's mine." "I burnt it." Harry glared at him and Tom rolled his eyes. "Weren't those your words?" "To get you off my arse." "How'd that work?" "Terrible your a persistent little puppy." "I am not a puppy." "A defenseless kitten." "I'm nor a kitten or defenseless." "A small bunny." "I'm not a small anything." "You sure?" "Are you offending my.. *sigh* I'll kill you." "Cute little defenseless kitten." "You can die by my wand." "It was either you or me." "That's funny." "I know. Haha." Tom rolled his eyes and Harry stood.
"Why are you such an arse?" "You started it." "Do not go to 5th grade fights." "We played tag I think it's suiting." Tom rolled his eyes.

The door banged open and someone ran out, completely crashing into Harry. Harry fell forward and fell into someone's arms.

"Oh sor- oh... Harry." Harry looked over to see Ron.
"Ron could you at least watch where your goin?""Yeah sorry... don't want to get killed right?" Ron laughed nervously but Harry didn't find it funny... he found it more hurtful.

"Ronald!" Molly stormed out to scold him but stopped when she saw Harry. A wide smile curved her lips.
"Harry! Why haven't you come to the burrow?! Where's Hermione?" "Hermiones inside and I'm sorry for not coming over.. the Dursley's have been more ruthful than usual." Molly frowned and hugged him.
She noticed Tom who was almost glaring at her subconsciously for touching Harry.

"Oh are you with this man?" Harry looked at Tom and smirked. Tom glared at him, knowing what he was going to do. "Yes this is a man I ran into on the street. We chatted and he told me he was a wizard after seeing my scar." "Oh? And his name?" "Timmothy Flicket." Toms eye twitched as Harry was trying to hold a laugh in. Molly smiled. "Well we'll see you at the train station... tell me if um Timmothy Flicket does something."

Molly walked off as Harry shook with laughter.

"Timmothy.. Flicket?!" Harry burst out laughing and Tom growled. "It isn't funny!" "I-I'm so calling you that now!"
Hermione walked out with Draco to see Harry dying of laughter while Tom was yelling at him to shut up.

"... what happened?" "Timmothy Flicket is mad!" Harry burst out laughing again and Toms eyes turned ruby red. "I will kill you!"
Harry snorted and patted his shoulder.
"It's ok. It must be hard with the.. name your... parents.. gave you!" Harry laughed again and Tom pushed him away.
"Timmothy Flicket.. what the fuck kind of name is that?" "His!" "Shut the fuck up Potter and call me that and you'll die!" Draco looked away as Hermione was still confused.

Harry calmed down after some time and the others gathered around.

"Is everything ok my lord?" "No. I will torture Potter when we get back?" "May I ask why?" "Timmothy Flicket that's why?" Harry chuckled and Tom glared at him.
Everyone looked at the duo in confusion.
"It's ok Timmothy. I get it if your mad someone knows your name." "That's not my name!" Harry's eye twitched. "Laugh again and I'll kill you right here." Harry covered his mouth. "I have no idea what you mean." Tom stared at Harry and the longer he did the harder it was for Harry.

He broke and burst out laughing again and Tom rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go I've had enough with him." Tom grabbed Harry's arm and disappeared in the shadows as the others apparated.

"Ok so what happened?" "Harry did something and got to calling the dark lord Timmothy Flicket... we don't know why?" "It's his name that's why!" "It's not my name you prat!" "But it could easily be your new name Timmothy." "Would you stop calling me that?!" "No." "No?" "No."
Tom grabbed Harry's shirt and pulled him along.

"See ya~!" "Wait where are you going?" "I don't know. Timmothy?" "Somewhere your screams won't be heard." "That's where we're going."
"Oh my god." Hermione breathed and Draco smirked.

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