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Harry sat beside the window and looked at Hermione was planted on Dracos lap.

"Are you not going to put a glamour up?" "Why would I?" Harry hummed and looked out the window. "Excited to go back?" "Are you going to kidnap me for Christmas?" Draco rolled his eyes as Hermione looked at him like he was stupid. Harry chuckled.
The door opened to show Blaise.

"Holy crap he lives!" "Shut up Potter." Blaise nudged him and sat down.
The three looked over when Blaise did.
"Why are you standing at the door?" Ron looked at Blaise than at Harry. Harry rolled his eyes and stood. "Because he's afraid I'll use the killing curse."
"Harry." Hermione sighed when Harry walked out and shoved his shoulder against Ron's. "Ron you could just forget about it." "How?" Ron sat in the spot Harry had sat in. "He killed a spider." "Not a human." Ron crossed his arms in stubbornness. "You know Barty was testing him." "Who?" "You haven't told him?" Blaise shook his head and both sighed.
"Barty Jr Crouch was pretending to be Mad-eye. Harry knew that and also knew Barty was testing him." Ron looked shocked. "How'd he know?" "Barty was constantly drinking from that flask.. anyone would be suspicious Ronald." Ron looked away from Hermione.. who he didn't know was Hermione.

"For us not knowing each other you sure know how to make an impression." Hermione looked at him dumbfounded than at Draco who rolled his eyes at Ron's stupidity. "I'm Hermione Ron."
Ron looked Hermione up and down and Draco covered her with his robe. Ron rolled her eyes. "You are not Hermione Granger." "Your right. I'm Hermione Lestrange. Dumbledore took me from my parents and I'm going to find my brother. Do you have anymore smart remarks?" Ron scoffed. "A Lestrange?" "No a Weasel." Draco smirked as Blaise sat back in amusement. Ron growled.
"What are you a Slytherin?" "Your dating a Slytherin and no I'm a Gryffindor." Ron looked at Blaise who waved. He sighed. "Than what's Harry. Harry Lestrange I presume." Hermione raised an eyebrow.. Ron wasn't wrong. Harry had the same name as her brother and acted the same.
"Don't be ridiculous." Ron rolled his eyes and slouched in the seat.

Harry sat at in the back of the train.
The wind blew furiously, making his hair dance with his clothes.

For Harry the back of the train was one of the most relaxing places. There was no noise except the train moving at high speed and a once in a while bird chirping.
It was silent and peaceful.

Harry picked at the black band on his wrist, a new found habit of his.
Harry had become curious over the summer. He wanted the bracelet off but never had the will to find out how. He knew it would cause some sort of powerful spell... but he could only go to Dumbledore or Tom and he was definitely not about to ask either.
Tom would make fun about how he can't take it off himself and Dumbledore would flatly reject his request.

He sat there. From day to night as he watched the scenery change with the suns light dimming down.
Harry always loved the night, he loved the dark, he knew the dark.

The light was scary to Harry. Light could become so bright you can't see anything and in light you could see all around you.
Harry felt safer in the dark. He liked to be oblivious to what was near him, he liked the relaxation about not fearing what was coming, either slowly or quickly.

Harry also liked closed in spaces. He liked knowing what was in front of him, beside him and behind him.. a large open space didn't give that sort of security like a closed in space.

Harry looked ahead to see Hogwarts and stood. Everyone else was surely changed and he too, needed to get his robes.

Harry walked into the compartment and Ron avoided eye contact as Hermione smiled. Harry returned the smile and got his robes before walking out.

"He would've stayed if you weren't here." "Shut up." Hermione grumbled and went back to her book. Blaise sighed and shook his head with Draco.

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