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Flashes of Tom resting a rose on his mates nightstand came into mind.
Suddenly the box closed and Tom looked up to see a panting and flustered Harry.

"Don't stare at them!" "Where did you get these?" "Doesn't matter."
Tom walked out and Harry followed.

Harry followed Tom through the dimly lit green and black large hallways.
Tom opened two dark oaked doors and the whole inner circle looked over. Harry jumped onto Tom and took the box.

"Don't ignore me when I'm talking!" Harry walked out after that and Tom followed. The inner circle looked at one another in confusion and looked back when Tom walked in with the box.

Harry walked in and they began to bicker.

"No ones ever talked back to the dark lord." "Not true. Harry did." Bellatrix lowered her head and Rodolphus hugged her, flipping the others off.

"There just roses! Give me the box!"

Everyone looked over to see Harry pissed and annoyed while Tom was losing his patients quickly.
Harry stomped out with the box and Toms eyes flashed ruby red to quickly for any of their liking.

"What a brat."
Tom followed Harry.

Bellatrix and Narcissa followed them and hid.

"Give me the box." "They're mine." "I'm not asking." "And I'm telling."
Tom growled and Harry put the box behind his back.

"Give me the box!" Tom leaned forward but Harry held his arm out, stopping Tom from such a decision.


The box appeared in Toms hand and he began to walk away, well until Harry grabbed his robe and jumped over him, taking the box and running.

"Give me that fucking box!" Tom ran after Harry and the two chased after them.

Tom was fairly surprised with how fast Harry could go without losing his stamina quickly but didn't let such a thing stop him.


Tom held the box and Harry spun.

"Would you stop using magic?!" "That's why we have it." "This isn't 5th grade where you take from the loser! Give me what's mine!" "These are not yours." Harry clenched his extended hand. "And they are not yours..." Harry got in Toms face. "Who's are they arse? I'm sure you don't know where to drop them off." Tom clenched the box and Harry took it.

Harry apparated and Tom growled.

"What a brat."

Harry barged into Dracos room and Draco hid Hermione.

"I've seen it all Malfoy." Hermione blushed as Draco glared.

Tom barged into the room and Hermione hid under Draco who was half naked.

"Wheres the box?" Harry didn't answer and walked out. Tom growled and slammed the door on his way out.

".. what the fuck?" "Their acting like children." "No they're acting like you and Harry times 10." Draco rolled his eyes and went back to pleasuring his girlfriend.

Tom harshly grabbed Harrys arm with the two women watching around a corner.

"Give me the box." "I burnt it. Let me go." Harry tried to get out of Toms grip but he just tightened it. Harry looked away in pain since all he was, was skin and bone.

"Last time. Give me the box." "They're roses! Roses are beautiful but they aren't special!" "Don't make my gestures seem unimportant." "I'm not! But I bet you aren't the only one to give their mate a rose! How do you even know my roses are your mates? How are you so certain?" Tom growled with his grip subconsciously becoming tighter.
Harry looked away again and held back a whimper of pain.

"They're roses. Send more and see if you'll find your mate than." Harry ripped out of Toms grip and walked away. Tom growled and clenched his fists.
Both women frowned. Bellatrix went after Harry and Narcissa kept on watching their dark lord.

Bellatrix opened a cramped dark room to see a small ball that was supposed to be Harry.

"You look pathetic."

That did it. Bellatrix broke the last thread that kept Harry sane.
In an instant Bellatrix was pulled down and met with shimmering emerald green eyes.

"I'm pathetic? Your so called dark lord was fawning over a box of roses. Actually how about I yell at you and grip your arm so tight that I almost break it." Harry's tone was low and dark, not many can pull such a tone off but he did and made it sound absolutely terrifying.
"I wanted 5 minute of silence... something I rarely ever get. But than you come and tell me I'm pathetic. It's a box of roses for fucks sake!"

Harry let go, sitting back down. His emerald eyes piercing Bellatrixs soul.
With much hesitation.. Bellatrix shut the door behind her and sat beside Harry.

"... you remind me of my son... my son is actually the dark lords mate. When Harry was here the dark lord was always so happy and was always kind to Harry.. but than he was taken... and we haven't been able to find him.... those roses are the only thing our dark lord has of Harry..." Bellatrix smiled sadly. "Really it's scary how much you remind me of Harry.. I mean you two even have the same name. Just a little tweak at your appearance and you could be my son." Harry stayed silent.

"... the box is under the living room chair.." Bellatrix nodded and stood. She walked out and Harry buried into his arms that rested on his knees.

"... not like they meant anything to me."

Bellatrix told Tom where the roses were and he took them without a second thought.

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