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"I'm bored~!" Harry snored and Ron pushed him off the seat. He chuckled and laid in the middle of their groups feet.
"Comfy Potter?" "Yeah want to join Malfoy?" "No. Unlike you I have clothes that can't be ruined." Harry rolled his eyes and laid his hands behind his head. "That's funny." "I'm serious. Look at what your wearing." "He has a point mate." "All of you are haters."

Harry yawned and Hermione sat on his stomach.

"Do you like wearing baggy clothes?" "There the only clothes I have." "We should go shopping." "I hate shopping." Draco silently agreed and Hermione pouted. "Well to bad I'm making you go." Harry sighed.
"Oh I forgot. Malfoy I'm going to your house for the summer." Draco looked appalled yet stunned at the sudden declare. "Why?" "Because I have to keep an eye on Hermione Lestrange." "Why?" "Because Dumbledores scared you'll go to the dark side." Hermione rolled her eyes. "Already there." "I know but I have to go because that means a free pass from the Dursley's." "So your going to make my life hell for your pleasure?" "Yeah." Draco rolled his eyes and leaned back. "Your a nuisance." "And your a prat." Draco rolled his eyes. "But why this year? Mother's going to give birth to my baby sister and I don't need you there." "I am great with little children." "It's true." Hermione sighed. "How do you know?" "Because Harry was amazing with Grawp." "He's a giant babe." "Grawp was only like 5 and Harry knew exactly how to talk to him." Harry stuck his tongue out. "How are you good with little children? Your an only child." "I had to baby sit for Dudleys babysitting job." "Did you get paid mate?" "No Dudley did." "Why didn't you?" "Because I was the moron who made the house a mess while he took care of the children." Hermione face palmed. "Your such a push over." "This was before I knew I was a wizard." Harry did jazzy hands.

"Anyways Ron where are you going?" Ron shrugged. "He's coming home with me." "Oh Ronald you go so fast." Ron blushed and kicked Harry's side. "Shut up Harry!" "I thought it was funny." "You got a bruised rib for that joke. Was it worth it?" "Would you be mad if I said yes?" "Yes!" "Than no of course it wasn't worth it."
Draco high fived Harry and Hermione sighed.
"You two are impossible." "People keep telling me that. Why?" "Because it's true!" "Gah! Your all shouting at once!"
Blaise smirked.

After 5 meaningless hours of talking the group got off of the train. Ron went with Blaise while the rest went with Draco.

"Oh. Your staying again." "Oh. Your picking us up." Lucius growled at Harry's mocking tone. "What are with those rags you wear?" "What's with that dashing outfit you wear?" Hermione secretly high fived Harry when Lucius looked loss for words.
"Whatever let's just go." Harry smirked and grabbed Hermiones shoulder.

They apparated to the Malfoy Manor and the three sat their trunks down for the house elves.

"You three have to greet the dark lord and Draco, your mother is in the living room." They nodded and advanced toward Toms study here.

"How fast do you think we can greet him?" "Not as fast as you hope." Draco grumbled and knocked on the door.
An annoyed "come in!" rang through the door and Draco pushed it open.

Tom looked up and Hermione and Draco bowed while Harry stood behind them.
He sighed.

"You came back faster than I expected." "We apparated." Tom hummed.
"You may go." Draco and Hermione practically ran out to see the very pregnant Narcissa.

Harry was about to close the door when Tom called his name.
He looked back and Tom waved him over.

"To tired to get up?" "I have a lot to do." "Yes I can see that." Harry lifted up some of the papers and Tom rolled his eyes. "Why are you staying here again?" "Dumbledore wanted me to watch over Hermione. He thinks she'll come to the dark side." Tom hummed. "Isn't Hermione one of his puppets?" "That's why he asked me to watch her." "Did you three get resorted?" "No. Umbridge screwed everything up so next year we will." "What house do you hope you get?" Harry shrugged. "It's not a matter of what house I want but a matter of what house I belong in." Harry leaned against Toms desk and Tom pulled at Harry's baggy clothes. "I swear you don't know what fashion is." "These are the only clothes I have." "What about those clothes you borrowed all last summer?" "I had to return them. They weren't my clothes Tom." "You look hideous in these clothes though." "Thanks." Tom rolled his eyes and Harry slipped a hand out of his pocket. "You do know that sleep is essential for your health correct?" Tom swatted Harry's hand away from the bags under his eyes. "I do not have time for sleep." "You have time for sleep." "I don't." "You have followers to help for a reason~." "Don't sing that and no I don't have followers who can help because their either in hiding or having troubles of their own." "Oh? Like Lucius and Narcissa with their unborn child? Or Bellatrix and Rodolphus who have found one of their children? Or Rabastan who sits around all day doing nothing-" "I get it!"

Harry stayed silent for a moment as Tom rubbed his head in annoyance.

"You don't like to ask for help but people are there for a reason." Tom looked over at Harry who was staring straight. "They do not fear you as much as you think Tom. Just ask and one will help." Tom rolled his eyes. "You act as if you know." "I do know. I know more than I lead on." Tom rolled his eyes. "Yes Harry Potters life is truly terrible isn't it?" Harry rolled his eyes. "I'm telling you to ask for help. You know what it feels like to be an outcast and ridiculed.. you've stuck with those feelings and are scared to ask for help. If you ask for help you think people will reject you and ridicule you more.... If you haven't noticed Tom you are not at the orphanage." Tom stiffened. "You are not surrounded my muggles who think it's creepy that you can talk to snakes or that you can make indescribable things happen." Tom looked back at Harry. "Your in the wizarding world where that talent to talk to snakes is rare and those who can are famous for it. You are in the world where indescribable things happen everywhere. Start figuring that out before all of this destroys you."

Harry stood straight.

"Chores aren't forced on you here." Tom clenched his fists as Harry walked out. "I hate it when he's right. I hate it when he talks to me like a fucking wise man."

Tom cursed Harry out and laid his head on the desk.

"What a brat."

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