1. Prologue

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Gellert Grindelwald had succeeded in creating a massive following of loyal supporters.
He was growing in power and his influence stretched across all of Europe. But despite this, he dared not cause too much damage in Britain, for fear of enraging his old friend Albus Dumbledore.
Gellert had powerful and important friends, all of whom were devoted to him and his cause. They wished to reveal the magical world to the Muggles, and rule over them.
He used their desire to take over, to further his own goal to become the master of death and ruler of the world.

During one late night meeting with his most loyal followers, he was interrupted by one of his supporters, who he treated like a servant.
"What is the matter Francis, can't you see we're in the middle of something?" Snapped Gellert.
"I'm sorry sir, but it is an emergency. The mission you organised today ended in failure" revealed Francis.
Gellert sighed, "Well, that is disappointing".
"Yes, and a number of people were lost today" replied Francis.
"That is sad. Tonight we shall all mourn the loss of our devoted brothers and sisters, all of whom were killed by trigger happy aurors. They died fighting for a cause they believed in, and we shall honour them by redoubling our efforts to free the world from the oppression of the Ministry. For the greater good".

Everyone around the table raised their glasses in unison and repeated the phrase, for the greater good.
It was Gellert's catchphrase, and one that all his supporters used to show their devotion to him.
"I'm afraid sir, that there is more bad news. Your sister Adèle was among the dead" informed Francis.
"Adèle is dead?" Frowned Gellert, as if he didn't believe what he was hearing.
"Yes, her body was retrieved tonight, along with a dozen or so others" replied Francis.

"This news troubles me deeply. Adèle was always one of my most devoted supporters. She was there for me when no one else was. Life won't be the same without her" admitted Gellert.
"I am sorry for your loss" replied Franics, as he bowed his head respectfully.
"Thank you. Although this news is shocking, we must carry on as planned. Afterall, we must all sacrifice things for the greater good... What about the child?" Questioned Gellert.
"We collected her from your sister's house. She's sitting in the corridor".

Gellert stood to his feet and turned to his friends, "If you'll excuse me for a minute, I have urgent business to attend to".
He then followed Francis out of the room and into the corridor.
There he saw a small 5 year old girl with blonde hair, sitting on a chair that was far too big for her, so her feet were dangling off the edge.
Gellert approached the girl and bent down to look in her eyes.
Like him, she had mismatched eyes, Heterochromia is what it was called.
He had hoped that she would develop the second sight, but she hadn't shown any signs that she could see the future yet.
However, if she developed the same gift as him, then he would need her.

"Hello" mumbled the child, who's name was Genevieve Elodie Grindelwald.
"Hello child. It looks like me and you are going to be spending a lot of time together from now on" sighed Gellert.
He then stood to his feet and turned back to face Francis.
"Take her to my house. I will join you both there once my meeting is over" instructed Gellert.
"Yes sir" replied Francis, before placing his hand on Genevieve's shoulder.

"Give her anything she wants, and make sure she is well looked after" said Gellert sternly.
Francis nodded his head, before disapparating with the little girl, taking her to the large manor house that her uncle currently resided in.
With half of the wizarding world after him, he moved around a lot, and now that Genevieve was parentless, she would have to get used to a very different way of life at his side.

Disclaimer, since the Fantastic Beasts franchise is not yet complete, I will not be using characters or storylines from it.

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