4. The Sorting

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Despite the long train ride to Hogwarts, Genevieve didn't feel like she knew Tom Riddle very well by the end of it.
He kept a lot about himself hidden, but since Genevieve did the same, they ended up bonding.
Since they expected that they would be the only orphans in their year, they decided to stick together for the time being, until they made friends, so that they didn't look like loners, by walking around by themselves.
Tom had been raised in a Muggle orphanage, so he didn't know much more about Hogwarts than Genevieve did.
So both of them were in the dark about what was to happen once they got to school.

When they got off the train they were escourted to a nearby lake, and placed into small boats.
The boats then sailed them towards the large castle in the distance.
Once at Hogwarts, they were taken through the castle with the rest of the first years.
Genevieve tried to take in everything that the deputy head teacher was saying, but it was like an information overload.
It turned out that there were 4 houses at Hogwarts, and they would each be placed into one of them by the Sorting Hat, depending on what personality traits they had.

Entering the Great Hall for the first time, blew Genevieve's breath away, as it was one of the most beautiful and enchanting places she had ever seen.
Around her there were 4 long house tables, and directly in front of her was the staff table, which was behind a small stall containing the Sorting Hat.
One by one the first years were called up to try the hat on.
Sometimes the hat struggled to place a student, and other times it had no trouble.
Tom Riddle was placed in Slytherin the second the hat touched his head, which was quicker than anybody else.

As Genevieve's fake last name was Walden, she was the last to try on the hat.
She nervously took a seat on the stall as the hat was placed onto her head.
"Hmm. What do we have here? Someone who pretends to be someone else" mumbled the hat.
Genevieve's palms began to sweat, and she prayed that the Sorting Hat wouldn't reveal her identity to everyone.
"I sense a lot of bravery but also a lot of doubt. Not a bad mind though. There is a lot of potential here. But where to put you" continued the Sorting Hat.

Genevieve's eyes flicked to Tom, who was the only person she was on speaking terms with, and a part of her didn't want to be parted from him.
A thought crossed through her mind, and the hat heard her, as it could read her thoughts.
"I think I agree with you. So, it had better be... SLYTHERIN!" Shouted the hat.
Genevieve felt a great weight lifted from her shoulders as she headed over to the Slytherin table.
Tom smiled at her, as she sat down beside him, and she felt glad that she wouldn't have to be parted from her new friend.

After the sorting, a huge feast appeared in front of them, and it must have been impressive, because even the other 1st year Slytherin's thought it was good.
Once it was over, Professor Dippet gave a speech, before dismissing everyone.
Tom and Genevieve followed the Slytherin Prefects down to the dungeons, where they were shown to the common room and dormitories.
Since the dormitories were gendered, Genevieve had to say goodnight to Tom, and head off with the other first years girls.

Once the girls were alone, they instantly began introducing themselves to each other.
"My name is Artemis Black, I'm a pure-blood, obviously" boasted one black haired girl.
"I don't think they let filthy Mudbloods into Slytherin" grinned the brown haired girl beside her.
"You're right Tessa" replied Artemis.
"I always am. For those of you that don't know, I'm Tessa Lestrange".
"I am Alexis Greengrass" announced the quiet blonde girl.
"Greengrass. You're a pure-blood too, right?" Questioned Tessa.
"Yes" answered Alexis.

"I'm Eileen Rosier. My twin brother Evan was also placed in Slytherin today. So it looks like I'm stuck with him" sighed the final girl in the group, who had long black hair.
"That must suck" sympathised Artemis.
"You've no idea. Evan is such a pain" groaned Eileen.
The girls all then turned on Genevieve, who was the last to introduce herself.
"My name's Genevieve Walden, but you can call me Gen" informed Genevieve.
"So, Gen, where's your family from?" Questioned Tessa.
"Originally we're from here, but my family moved to Bulgaria like a hundred years ago" lied Genevieve.

"Your name isn't on the Sacred 28 list. Are you a pure-blood?" Asked Artemis.
"Yes! All of family have magic" snapped Genevieve defensively.
"Why did you come to Hogwarts? Why not go to Durmstrang?" Quizzed Alexis.
"Because my father was expelled from Durmstrang, in his final year, so he didn't want me to get picked on by the teachers because of him" answered Genevieve.
It felt weird refering to Gellert as her father, but it was a part of the storyline they had concocted together.
"What did he get expelled for?" Questioned Artemis.
"Practicing dark magic. But don't tell anyone" replied Genevieve.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with us" reassured Alexis.
"Thanks" mumbled Genevieve.

"So, since no one else is going to ask, I will. What is wrong with your eye?" Queried Tessa.
"I have Heterochromia. It basically means my eyes are different colours. It's hereditary, so I got it from my father" answered Genevieve.
Her mother hasn't had it, but Gellert did, because it only occurred in certain members of their family. But she didn't tell her roommates this, as it didn't fit with the fake story.
"Can you see out of them both?" Asked Alexis curiously.
"Yep. I just have one gold eye and one blue eye. It's no big deal" replied Genevieve.
"A lot of people are going to ask you about your gold eye"
"Yeah, I know... Maybe I should walk around school with a big sign, explaining my condition".

The other girls chuckled.
"That's not a bad idea" smiled Eileen.
"Some people are bound to tease you about it though" warned Alexis.
"Don't worry, I'm just going to hex anyone who dares to say anything about my eyes. I'm not going to let some low life mock me, especially if they are a Mudblood" announced Genevieve.
"Spoken like a true Slytherin. I'm glad to have you with us" admitted Tessa.
"And I'm happy to be here" grinned Genevieve, who felt like she had gained a new family, and a new home.
She had never really belonged anywhere, but she was beginning to think that she might find a home at Hogwarts.

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