14. Plotting A Murder

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Tom was in a great mood the next day, which everyone assumed was because he had a girlfriend, but Genevieve knew better.
"So, what happens now?" Genevieve asked Tom during dinner the following day.
The pair were sitting alone at the table, instead of with their classmates, as Genevieve wanted to talk Tom without being overheard or interrupted.
"Well, I'm going down into the chamber again tonight, but I'm going alone this time" informed Tom.
"Do you think that's wise?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Now that we know where the chamber is, there's no need for you to come along".

Genevieve frowned, "So, you're just going to keep ditching me and disappearing off into the Chamber of Secrets to hang out with that snake?".
"No, but this time I want to explore it alone, as it was built by my ancestor afterall" admitted Tom.
"Fine" mumbled Genevieve.
"Don't get jealous, it's just for the time being. I am going to teach you how to say open, in Parseltongue, so that you can join me in the chamber whenever you feel like" replied Tom.
"Is that possible?"
"It's a language isn't it? So I see no reason why it can't be learned. I speak it naturally, but I'm sure I can help you understand certain words and phrases".

"Thank you... Now that you've found Slytherin's Basilisk, do you really intend on letting it loose on our classmates?" Asked Genevieve.
"It is the mission that has been passed down to me, so I must fufil it. Slytherin left his descendants a job to do and I will not let him down" answered Tom.
"A lot has changed since Salazar Slytherin was running the school. For one, there are way less pure-bloods around now than there were back then. Most people are Half-bloods now, like you" reminded Genevieve.
"I know that, and the Basilisk won't hurt anyone with a wizarding parent. It is only the Mudbloods who will be targeted".

"And are you really O.K with this snake committing murder on your behalf? Not to mention the risk you will be taking by unleashing the monster. It could hurt our friends by mistake, afterall accidents do happen. And if anyone finds out what you've done you will be expelled, and you might even end up in Azkaban" warned Genevieve.
"No other heir has been caught before, so I see no reason why I should be caught. Besides, I'm a Prefect whom all the teachers love, so no one is going to suspect me" reassured Tom.
"They will if you and I keep disappearing, to sneak off into the chamber"
"I doubt it. Most people will just assume we are making out in private somewhere".

Genevieve's cheeks flushed at the thought of her and Tom making out.
"You didn't answer my first question. Are you really prepared to become a murderer at 15?" Questioned Genevieve.
"It's not murder, not really" admitted Tom.
"Just because you're not the one performing the spell, it doesn't mean that you are innocent. If you're the one setting the Basilisk on other students, then you are basically a murderer" replied Genevieve.

"You're acting as if me becoming a murderer is the strangest thing you've ever heard. You know what I plan on doing in the future" Tom said quietly.
"The future is not now" mumbled Genevieve.
"Well then, answer me this, how many people has your Uncle killed?" Asked Tom.
"That's different. He's fighting a war, and he's only killing in self-defence. He doesn't kill students either"
"I think that if you looked a little closer, you would see that he doesn't just kill adults. Like you said earlier, accidents happen so occasionally kids get in the way. And sometimes evil deeds must be done, for the greater good"
"Don't say my Uncle's words back at me, I hear them enough at home".

"My apologies. But you see what I'm getting at. There are times when murder isn't a bad thing. And purging the school of undesirables, like Mudbloods, is necessary. I am a descendant of the great and noble Salazar Slytherin. And I'm also a descendant of the Peverell family. Two glorious pure-blood familes came together many years ago, to make me. I must live up to my family name and do what is expected of me. I cannot be afraid of getting my hands dirty" announced Tom.
"Killing Muggles is one thing, but Mudbloods are like us, they have magic. They're also our classmates. And killing people we know, just feels wrong" admitted Genevieve.

"They are nothing like us. Mudbloods are no different than filthy Muggles. We are pure-bloods, therefore we are better than everyone else" insisted Tom.
"You're not technically a pure-blood" reminded Genevieve.
"I am a descendant of Slytherin himself. That makes me a pure-blood, even if my mother was foolish enough to fall in love with a Muggle. And you are the only one who knows about my mother's mistake" replied Tom.
"Don't worry, I have no intention of ever telling anyone the truth about you" Genevieve said quickly.

"You promise to keep my secrets, yet you still think my mission is wrong?" Asked Tom.
"I don't think murder is ever the right answer" revealed Genevieve.
Tom sighed and stood to his feet, "Come with me".
Genevieve pushed her plate away from her and got up.
She followed Tom out of the hall and into a deserted classroom.
Once they were alone, Tom pushed Genevieve against the wall and placed his hands on her shoulders.
"I have an important task ahead of me. And even if you don't agree with what I have to do, I need to know that you will be at my side every step of the way. I also need to be sure that you will never betray me" said Tom firmly.

"I would never betray you. I love you and I don't want any harm to come to you" insisted Genevieve.
"So, when I open the chamber again, and unleash the monster on Mudbloods-" started Tom.
"I won't tell a soul" interrupted Genevieve.
"I really can trust you then?"
"Yes, I will be loyal to you, until my last breath".
Tom smiled before lacing his hands around Genevieve's waist and pulling her closer to him.
"I knew I could always rely on you, my little comrade" he whispered, before leaning forward and kissing Genevieve on the lips, more passionately than ever before.

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