3. New World

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Francis had been resentful at first to becoming Genevieve's babysitter, but over the years he had grown to care for her.
His parenting technique was very different to Gellert's, and he was often a lot nicer to Genevieve, so sometimes she preferred being around him.
Gellert left for Germany a few days after his talk with Genevieve, so she didn't see him for the rest of the summer.
Her and Francis took an illegal Portkey on the 28th of August, which transported them to the home of one of their contacts in London.
They then headed to Diagon Alley to buy Genevieve all her school supplies. She also purchased a pet kitten, whom she christened Soot, because of his jet black fur.

In no time at all it was the 1st of September, so they left the hotel they had been staying at, and headed to Platform 9 and 3/4.
After placing her luggage on the train, Genevieve stood awkwardly in front of Francis, and prepared to say goodbye.
"So, I guess this is it for now" said Francis.
"Yeah" mumbled Genevieve.
She couldn't help but look around at all the parents who were hugging their children goodbye.
Without parents she would never experience the same things as her peers, and she was envious of those who had a mother and father.
"You should try and have fun when you get there" encouraged Francis.
"Am I allowed to have fun?" Asked Genevieve glumly.
"Of course you are. Your uncle doesn't want you to be miserable for the next 7 years"
"How would I know what he wants, when he's not even here?".

"He did want to be here, but unfortunately he had business to attend to" admitted Francis.
"He always has business to attend to" grumbled Genevieve.
"Well, he is a very busy and important man" reminded Francis.
"I know. But this is the most important day in my life so far, and it's a shame that he couldn't be bothered to wish me good luck before I go to school"
"I am here in his place, wishing you luck on his behalf"
"It's not the same, no offence".

Genevieve looked away from Francis at all the people around her, and she wondered how she was going to fit in with any of them.
They all seemed so jolly and surrounded by loving family members.
But there was one boy who was stood by himself, watching the happy train station scene, like Genevieve was.
He seemed to be around her age, but unlike her he wore tatty second hand clothes.
The boy took one last look at the crowds on the Platform, before climbing onto the train.
"You will write to me, won't you?" Questioned Francis, interrupting Genevieve's thoughts, and pulling her attention away from the strange boy.

"You actually want me to send you letters?" Asked Genevieve.
"Of course, I will want to know how you are getting on. The school has owls you can use to send letters, since you decided not to buy an owl for yourself" answered Francis.
"I didn't see the point in getting an owl, since I didn't think anyone would want to hear from me. My uncle certainly won't" admitted Genevieve.
"But I will"
"Where will I even send the owl to? Without me, you're going to be at Setä's side all the time, and that could be anywhere in Europe"
"Just send it to his house in Switzerland or Bulgaria, and it will get back to me eventually".

"Alright... Francis, how am I supposed to act around my classrooms. I mean, I'm going to be different to all of them. For one, both of my parents are dead, and secondly I have to hide my real identity from everyone. I'm also bilingual and I have different colour eyes. So, I'm not going to have anything in common with these English people" said Genevieve.
"If you give them a chance, you might find that they suprise you. I expect you have more in common with them, than the people your uncle hangs out with, since they will be your age" reminded Francis.
"I have no experience being around people my own age, so I'm bound to mess it up. They are going to think I'm super weird, especially if I slip into a different language all the time by accident".

"You're not fluent in every language, so it shouldn't be a problem. English is still technically your first language" said Francis.
"Yeah, but I can speak most European languages at a basic level, since I've been travelling all my life, and Setä has followers everywhere" admitted Genevieve.
"I think you're worrying unnecessarily. Working yourself into a frenzy, is not going to help either of us. You need to calm down"
"You don't know what it's like to be me, so you can't tell me to calm down! What if I have a vision, and everyone finds out that I'm a Seer? My life will be over, and Setä will be angry at me for disappointing him"
"You don't have that many visions, so you should be alright. And I do know what it's like to be 11, and get sent away from home. I went to Beauxbatons afterall".

"I know. And I'm sorry for snapping" apologised Genevieve.
"It's alright. I know you are scared, but you don't need to be, because you are going to be just fine... It's nearly 11, so should probably get a seat on the train before it leaves" replied Francis.
"O.K" mumbled Genevieve.
Before she could change her mind, she threw her arms around Francis, crushing him in a hug.
He patted her on the back, before pushing her off him.
"Good luck Gen" he whispered.
"Thanks" replied Genevieve, before heading off towards the train.

Once on board she began looking for an empty compartment, or one that didn't contain older students.
Eventually she came across one that only contained the strange boy she had seen earlier.
Deciding that sitting with him wouldn't be the end of the world, she pulled open the compartment door.
"Sorry, everywhere else is full. Do you have any objections to me joining you?" Asked Genevieve, politely.
"No, it's fine" replied the boy.
Genevieve nodded and sat down opposite him.
"My name is Genevieve Walden, but most people who actually like me, call me Gen" introduced Genevieve, as she extended her hand towards the boy.
He took it, and shook her hand, "I'm Tom, Tom Riddle".

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