19. The Diary

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Since Gellert knew Genevieve didn't want to be there, he did his best to be a good host.
He did go away and leave her until Christmas Eve, but when he returned he stayed with her until it was time for her to return to Hogwarts.
Although Genevieve would have preferred to be at Hogwarts, she did have a good time with Gellert. He had also bought her a lot of gifts, to make up for dragging her home.
But Genevieve's favourite present was a silver bracelet from Tom. And since she knew he had no money, Genevieve had no idea how he'd managed to get her such an amazing present.

Francis took Genevieve back to England as normal at the beginning of January, and she rode the Hogwarts Express with her roommates, all of whom had had over the top Christmases with their rich pure-blood familes.
The second Genevieve got to Hogwarts, she began looking for Tom, as she wanted to reunite with him as soon as possible.
When she couldn't find him in the common room, great hall, or restricted section of the library, she headed down to the Chamber of Secrets, hoping to find him there.

After travelling through the dark slimy tunnels, Genevieve found Tom sitting by the feet of Slytherin's statue, reading a book.
He looked up when he saw her approaching, and smiled.
Genevieve ran forward and embraced Tom once he'd stood up.
"I missed you" admitted Genevieve.
Tom kissed her cheek softly, "And I you. It is awfully lonely here at Hogwarts, without you".
"Don't worry, I don't think my uncle is going to call me back for Easter, or any other Christmases" replied Genevieve.

"Why did he summon you for this Christmas?" Asked Tom.
"He was worried that the heir of Slytherin might wish me harm, and that the monster might kill me. But I reassured him that I'm not in any danger. I even told him that I knew who the heir was, but I don't think he believed me. You are so mysterious and dangerous afterall, to everyone but me" answered Genevieve.
Tom grinned and placed his hand around the back of Genevieve's neck.
"I don't know about that. I'm a very dangerous person to be around, you might still be in danger being this close to me" he whispered.
"I know. But it's even more dangerous for me not to be near you. And despite the risk, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. You are my whole world, Vee" admitted Genevieve.

Tom kissed the side of Genevieve's neck, sending impulses throughout her body.
She wanted to throw herself at him, and take off his clothes, but she managed to restain herself.
"I didn't like not having you near me" murmered Tom.
Genevieve placed her hand against Tom's face, "I'm never going to leave you again".
Tom caressed Genevieve's face with his fingers, before pressing his lips against hers.

"I've got a present for you" revealed Genevieve, when the pair drew apart.
"Another gift for me?" Questioned Tom.
"Yes. The first one was your Christmas present. But I wanted to wait until I got back, until I gave you your birthday present, because I wanted to see you open it in person" answered Genevieve, as she sat down on the floor.
"The writing set you sent me for Christmas was very nice" thanked Tom, as he copied Genevieve and joined her on the floor.
"As was the bracelet you sent me".
Genevieve began rummaging around her bag until she found Tom's gift, which she'd wrapped in red paper.
"Here you go, happy belated birthday" continued Genevieve.

Tom took the present from Genevieve and tore off the wrapping paper, revealing his gift underneath.
It was a black leather notebook with gold edges, and Tom's full name engraved in gold on the back.
"I didn't want to put Lord Voldemort on it, in case anyone saw it. So, I just had it engraved with your birth name" explained Genevieve.
"Now the posh writing kit makes sense. This is wonderful, thank you Gen" replied Tom.
"I'm glad you like it. I know you're not exactly the kind of person who keeps a diary, but you don't have to use it as one. You could just use it as a notebook".

"I think this might be just the thing I need right now" informed Tom.
"What for? What are you planning?" Questioned Genevieve.
"You'll see soon enough" replied Tom.
"Are you keeping secrets from me?" Frowned Genevieve.
"It's not a secret. You know that I intend on making a Horcrux in the future. I also want to be able to take credit for opening the chamber, since I can't do it now because I'll just get arrested. But in the future, I want the Chamber of Secrets to be opened again, and I want people to know it was me who found it. This diary might help me do that".

"We don't know yet how to make a Horcrux. Herpo the Foul didn't leave clear instructions on how to make one. At least with the Basilisk, everyone knows how to make one, just hatch a chicken egg under a toad. But hardly anyone has even heard of a Horcrux, and even fewer know how to make one" reminded Genevieve.
"But soon we will have worked it out. We are close to finding out how to make one. And once I've made a Horcrux, I will be immortal. Only then will I be powerful enough to take over the world" announced Tom.
"Yes, but we aren't there just yet, so don't go getting ahead of yourself. Right now, we are just two 16 year olds, at Hogwarts. It's too early in our lives for you to start planning your rise to power" replied Genevieve.

Tom sighed, "Why do you always have to be such a buzz kill? No, I don't know how to make a Horcrux just yet, but I will. Why focus on the present, when the future is so much more exciting?".
"Because we are not living in the future, we are living in the present. One of us has to be the realist, and since you're the dreamer, I'm the one who has to keep their feet on the ground" admitted Genevieve.
"Stop being so boring. I know deep down, that you are just as excited as I am, about what the future holds for us both. Together we will be immortal and take over the world together. There isn't a force on this earth that will be powerful enough to stop us!" Announced Tom.

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