35. Redemption

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A few days after their disagreement in the library, Tom decided to make his second Horcrux.
He took Genevieve through the secret passage that lead to the Shrieking Shack, where he intended to create his next Horcrux.
Here he performed the dark ritual, turning his family ring into a vessel for his soul.
After making it, he was unconscious for even longer than the first time. And although this made Genevieve worried, she tried not to show it, as she didn't want Tom to accuse her of fussing over him or being too sentimental.

Once the spell was complete, Tom locked his ring away, as he didn't want to wear it anymore, and risk endangering his Horcrux.
He tried to keep his behaviour normal, but Genevieve could tell there was something different about him.
He even started distancing himself from Genevieve during the evenings, and she had no idea where he went.
But since her work load was so great, she tried not to think too much about what Tom was getting up to.
Not only did she have Alchemy added to her curriculum, but her Tom were also taking apparition lessons, like the rest of their year. Which was another thing they had to devote their time too.

On Genevieve's birthday at the end of October, she received a copy of the Tales of Beedle the Bard, from Gellert. Which she assumed was because of their discussion about the Deathly Hallows.
Tom however, hadn't given her anything, and she was worried that his Horcruxes were making him forget about mundane things, like Birthday's.
When he returned to the common room that evening, Genevieve was cold towards him for ignoring her birthday.

"Good evening" said Tom, as he made his way over to her.
"Hello" replied Genevieve curtly.
"I've got a suprise for you" revealed Tom.
"Really? Does this suprise have anything to do with where you've been disappearing to each evening?"
"No, that is something different"
"Care to enlighten me"
"Well, if you really want to know, I've been talking to the Grey Lady"
"Why have you been sneaking off to talk to the ghost of Ravenclaw tower?"
"Because she happens to be the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw".

"The Grey Lady is Helena Ravenclaw?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes. And I thought it could be useful to get closer to the daughter of one of the other Hogwarts founders" admitted Tom.
"Why?" Asked Genevieve.
"Because I think she might be of use to me. Who knows the school better than the child of one of the founders? I also have a hunch that she knows the location of Ravenclaw's lost diadem, which would be a fine jewel to add to my collection"
"If she did know, wouldn't she have told someone by now?"
"Not necessarily. She wouldn't want just anyone to get their hands on such an important historical artifact. I on the other hand, am a genius, who is capable of charming even ghosts. And I'm sure that very soon, she will tell me where it is... Anyway, this suprise isn't about her. It's about you. So take my hand, and come with me".

Intrigued, Genevieve took Tom's hand and allowed him to escourt her through the castle.
Eventually he stopped opposite a blank wall, which made Genevieve frown.
"Why are we here?" She demanded.
"You'll see" smiled Tom.
A few moments later a door began to appear in the middle of the wall, making Genevieve gasp.
Tom then pushed open the door, and Genevieve was hot on his heels.
"Welcome, to the Room of Requirement. The come and go room, that is completely un-plotable" announced Tom.

Genevieve looked around the room, which appeared to be like a cosier version of the Slytherin common room.
Large birthday banners hung from the ceiling, and green and silver balloons bounced around the room.
Genevieve smiled at the decorations and turned to face Tom.
"You didn't forget" she said.
Tom grinned, "I could never forget your birthday".

"How did you find this place?" Asked Genevieve.
"I had a little help from my new ghost friend" answered Tom.
"Should I be jealous that you're spending so much time with another girl?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Don't worry, I don't have a strange fetish for thousand year old dead girls"
"That is good to know"
"I found this place a few days ago, and I wanted to keep it a secret, so that I could suprise you with it on your birthday"
"Well, consider me suprised".

"Good... This room can become anything, for it changes for each persons needs. It certainly didn't look like this when I first found it. And I think this is the perfect place to hold my meetings with my followers, away from those who are unloyal" informed Tom.
"You mean friends, not followers" corrected Genevieve.
"Sure... It can also be a great place for us to meet in secret, for I'm pretty sure this room could conjure a bed, if we needed one"
"I bet it could. But why have you gone to such extremes on my birthday. You've never been one to celebrate holidays or events in such an extravagant way before?".

"This is your 17th birthday, so it's special. You're also an adult now, so you can legally do magic outside of Hogwarts... I'm also aware that I've been a little cold towards you recently. My quest for power and immortality has taken over, and I'm sorry that those things put a strain on our relationship. I never wanted to hurt you" admitted Tom.
"I know Vee. And I understand that certain personal sacrifices must be made, so that we can achieve greatness in the future" replied Genevieve.
"I'm glad that you are so understanding, and that you can see the goal I have for us"
"It's a small sacrifice now, for us to be kings and queens of the new world"
"And what a beautiful new world it will be".

Genevieve reached forward and took Tom's hand, and as she did pain bursted through her head.
She sunk to her knees and closed her eyes, allowing the vision to come through.
She saw herself in the future, staring  into a mirror, wearing a black and white wedding dress, and accompanied by a large ring on her finger.
Suddenly the vision ended and Genevieve found herself back in the Room of Requirement.
"What happened?" Demanded Tom.
"I had a vision. But it was really short" answered Genevieve, as she shakily stood back up.

"What did you see?" Quizzed Tom.
"A ring" revealed Genevieve.
"What! The Peverell ring? My Horcrux? Is it in danger?" Questioned Tom.
Genevieve shook her head, "Not an old ring like yours. A new one. And it was on my finger... I think it was a wedding ring. I'm pretty sure I just saw a snapshot of our wedding".
"I guess this confirms it then. We were meant to be together, and one day in the future, we will be husband and wife; partners for all eternity" admitted Tom, as he placed his hand against Genevieve's face.
"Till death do us part" said Genevieve mockingly.

Tom chuckled, since his immortality meant that he would never die, "Yes. As long as we both shall live".
"I look forward to the future we will share together" whispered Genevieve.
"Forget about the future for once, and focus on right now, for I still haven't given you your birthday present" admitted Tom seductively.
"I hope I like it" replied Genevieve.
"Oh, I know you will" murmered Tom, before pressing his lips against her neck.
His lips were colder than normal, against Genevieve's warm skin, but she didn't pull away.
Instead, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to get lost in the moment. She let everything melt away, focusing on just Tom's body as it began to entwine itself around hers.

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