33. A Fractured Soul

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Tom and Genevieve were loving being back at Hogwarts. And this year, there was only one group of students older than them; the 7th years.
They liked feeling so grown up and important, compared to the younger students.
Genevieve felt that the 1st years were so tiny and innocent, and she couldn't remember ever being like that, as she'd felt so mature when she arrived at Hogwarts.

A few weeks into the new term, Slughorn held a meeting in his office, which was just for his favourite Slytherin's, and as usual, Genevieve was the only girl to be invited, since her and Tom were a package deal.
Tom had told Genevieve before the meeting, that he planned on talking to Slughorn about Horcruxes, once he and Slughorn were alone. So this was playing on her mind during the whole meeting, as she knew Tom wanted to make another Horcrux very soon.

"Sir, is it true that Professor Merrythought is retiring?" Asked Tom, towards the end of the evening, after giving Slughorn a box of crystallised pinapple.
"Tom, Tom, I couldn't tell you if I knew" admitted Slughorn.
"Of course not, Professor" replied Tom, politely.
"I must say, I'd like to know where you get your information from, boy. You know more than half the staff".
The other boys laughed, but Tom meerly smiled, causing Genevieve to roll her eyes.
"What with your uncanny ability to know things you shouldn't, and your careful flattery of the people who matter- thank you for the pineapple, by the way, you're quite right, it is my favourite. But how did you know?" Questioned Slughorn curiously.

"Just a guess, sir" lied Tom, making some of the boys chuckle.
"Well, with skills like yours, I confidently expect you to rise to Minister for Magic, within 20 years. 15, if you keep sending me pineapple. I have excellent contacts at the Ministry" informed Slughorn.
"I don't know that politics would suit me, sir. I don't have the right kind of background" admitted Tom.
A few of the boys smirked and shared a smile, because they knew that Tom was a descendant of Salazar Slytherin.

"Nonsense, couldn't be plainer that you come from decent wizarding stock, with abilities like yours. No, you'll go far, Tom. I've never been wrong about a student before" said Slughorn.
The chime of Slughorn's golden clock, made Genevieve jump. And she looked over to see that it was already 11oclock.
"Good gracious, is that the time already. You'd better get going, or we'll all be in trouble. Lestrange, I want your essay by tomorrow's lesson, or it's detention. Same goes for you Avery" continued Slughorn.

"Yes sir" mumbled the boys Slughorn had addressed.
Everyone began getting out of their seats, except for Tom, who stayed put, so that he could talk to Slughorn alone.
"Miss Walden, I have already marked your essay, and to no one's suprise, you received full marks" informed Slughorn, as he gave her a wink.
"Thank you Professor" replied Genevieve.
"You're welcome. See you tomorrow"
"Yes, see you tomorrow, sir".

Genevieve walked out of Slughorn's office alone, wondering how him and Tom's discussion about Horcruxes was going.
As she drifted through the school, taking a detour to the dungeons, since she didn't want to return without Tom, she saw that a light was on in the Transfiguration room.
Even though Genevieve and Dumbledore didn't get along, her curiosity got the better of her, as she wondered what he was doing up at that hour, so she pushed open the door and stepped inside the classroom.
"Professor" she called out.

Dumbledore looked up from his desk, and frowned when he saw her.
"Genevieve, what time is it?" He asked.
"It's just gone 11" answered Genevieve.
Dumbledore looked at his watch and sighed, "You're right. I hadn't realised how late it had gotten. I've been so busy marking homework, that I lost track of the time. What are you doing up this late?".
"Slughorn had a meeting in his office for a select few Slytherin students" informed Genevieve.
"But the Potions office is in the dungeons, beside your common room. So, what are you doing up here?" Asked Dumbledore curiously.
"I just wanted to take a walk".

"Riddle not with you?" Questioned Dumbledore.
"No, he stayed behind to talk to Professor Slughorn" answered Genevieve.
"I see. Well, you had better be off. You don't want to get caught wandering the corridors at night" warned Dumbledore.
"I'm not afraid of the caretaker"
"I can see that... You look like you have something on your mind".
Genevieve bit her lip, and stepped closer to Dumbledore's desk.
"Can I ask you something, Professor?".
"I never forbid students from asking questions. What is it you wanted to ask me?" Quizzed Dumbledore.

"It's about my uncle" revealed Genevieve.
Dumbledore sighed, "I'm afraid that I cannot answer questions about the past I shared with him".
"It's not about what you and him were to each other. It's about who he is now" admitted Genevieve.
"Go on" encouraged Dumbledore.
"He's done a lot of bad things in his life. Do you think he has maimed his soul forever, by killing people? Or do you think there is a chance his soul can be healed?" Asked Genevieve.
She wasn't asking for Gellert's sake, but for Tom's, and she just hoped that Dumbledore wouldn't work out the truth.

"That is a very big question" admitted Dumbledore.
"I know... They say that killing rips the soul. Does it rip the soul once, and you are forever in two pieces? Or does your soul rip every time you commit a murder?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I don't have the answers to all these questions" informed Dumbledore.
"Then give me your opinion, since it's nearly always right. Do you think that committing one bad act makes you evil forever? Or can your soul be redeemed?".

"Well, I am a big believer in second chances. As you know, I did bad things in my youth, but I turned it all around, and became a better person. So, I believe that people can change" admitted Dumbledore.
"Can all people change? Or are there some people who are dammed forever?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"I don't think that anyone is born evil, nor do I believe that one evil act defines you. But if you keep on committing evil acts, there is little hope that you can be redeemed... I still believe that there is good in your uncle, but it seems unlikely that he will stop his quest for power and control".

"What about his soul? If he doesn't change, is it maimed forever? Has it been broken into a hundred little pieces, or just two?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I'm not sure. I expect that every life you take, impacts your soul in some way. But to what extent, I do not know" answered Dumbledore.
"Does all this killing make the soul unstable? I mean, is it dangerous to kill lots of people?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"I don't think that murder puts your life in any danger. But the consequences it will have on your immortal soul are unknown"
"I see".

"Where have all these questions come from?" Asked Dumbledore curiously.
"They've been on the back of my mind for a while now. I'm not a child anymore, so I can see that my uncle has done a lot of bad things in his lifetime. And I worry what impact this will have on his soul" admitted Genevieve.
"While I don't think Gellert has a very pure soul anymore, I do not believe he is in any danger, so you don't need to worry about him. In his case, he gets other people to kill on his behalf, to leave him free of any guilt, so his soul might not be as damaged as you think".
Genevieve sighed, her thoughts still on Tom's soul, which she knew he intended on splitting up further.
"Not yet" she mumbled.

"You should get back to your common room now" instructed Dumbledore.
"Yes. Thank you, Professor. Thanks for answering my questions and putting my mind at ease" replied Genevieve.
"I'm sorry I couldn't provide you with all the answers that you seek" apologised Dumbledore.
"Don't worry. I'm sure I will find the truth out for myself, soon enough"
"Well, goodnight Miss Grindelwald"
"Goodnight, Professor".

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