2. Banished

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"I'm not going!" Shouted 11 year old Genevieve.
She was stood in her Uncle's mansion, with her arms folded and an angry look on her face.
"I'm not having this argument with you again" sighed Gellert.
"Well, you're going to have to, because I'm not going to let you send me away" yelled Genevieve.
"You are a child in my care, you have no say in what happens to you. I am your guardian, so what I say goes, and I say that you are going to Hogwarts in September"
"But I don't want to go all the way to Britain. It's so far away from you and everything I know"
"You speak English don't you?"
"Of course, but-"
"Then there is no reason you can't study at Hogwarts".

"Setä, please don't send me away" begged Genevieve.
She often called her Uncle, Setä, as it was the Finnish word for uncle, and she had spent a while in Finland, while Gellert travelled around Europe.
"You could continue teaching me magic, like you've been doing since I got my wand" continued Genevieve.
"The only reason I've been looking after you, is because you had nowhere else to go. But now that you are 11, you can go to school with all the other kids, and I can focus on my work, without you getting in the way" replied Gellert.

"I know that your mission is important, so I get why you don't want me around. But why Hogwarts? It's all the way in Scotland afterall. Why can't I go to Durmstrang, like you did? Or even Beauxbatons?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I was expelled from Durmstrang, as I'm sure you remember" reminded Gellert.
"So? What's that got to do with me?" Asked Genevieve.
"You look too much like me, so everyone at Durmstrang will work out that we are related, which is something we must avoid, for your sake. Beauxbatons is in France, which is one of the countries I have influence over. Britain however, is out of my reach, and those there do not fear me, so they will not know exactly what I look like. No one at Hogwarts will realise who you really are, which is why you must go there".

"But what if I have an important vision, and I can't tell you about it, because I'm not with you?" Asked Genevieve.
"How many useful future visions do you even have?" Mocked Gellert.
Genevieve's cheek's went red, "I have some".
"Not enough for it to be worth keeping you at my side. Besides, I've left the country without you before, and you've been fine. So, I don't know why you are making such a big fuss about this" replied Gellert.
"I've always had Francis, or one of your servants looking after me"
"Well, it's time you looked after yourself".

"So, you're certain that no one at Hogwarts will work out who I am?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Yes, I'm sure. Headmaster Armando Dippet is looking forward to you arriving at Hogwarts. He received a very nice letter from a Mr Walden, asking if his daughter could attend Hogwarts, even though they don't live in Britain. Professor Dippet, said yes straight away" revealed Gellert.
Genevieve frowned, "Mr Walden?".
"Yes, it's the surname I coined for myself. Do you like it? I used part of our real name, but not enough to make anyone suspicious" explained Gellert.
"So, I'm going to be Genevieve Walden, while at Hogwarts?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Well, you couldn't be a Grindelwald, could you? That would undermine everything we're doing to protect your identity".

"Am I allowed to tell anyone who I am?" Queried Genevieve.
"No. I can't risk anyone interfering with my plans, which is why you must keep your relation to me, a secret" warned Gellert.
"Don't worry, I will" reassured Genevieve.
"Good. I trust you will not let me down, or disappoint me"
"I won't, I promise"
"That's a promise I expect you to keep... Students at Hogwarts are allowed to come home during the Christmas and Easter holidays, but I think it would be best if you stayed at school, and only come back when you have to, during the summer".

"You really are trying to get rid of me, aren't you?" Said Genevieve quietly.
"I know it's hard, but you must understand, that I have more important things going on in my life, than you. I am trying to free the world from the control of the Ministry of Magic. I am trying to make a better world, for everyone, where we don't have to hide our magic from Muggles. And to achieve this goal, certain sacrifices must be made. For the greater-"
"For the greater good, yeah, I know" interrupted Genevieve.

Gellert sighed, "When you are older, you will see that everything I have done over the years, is to improve the future, for you and others like you. But until that day, you must follow and obey my rules".
"Fine... When are you shipping me off then?" Questioned Genevieve coldly.
"Francis will take you to England a few days before the end of the summer holidays. He will then take you to Diagon Alley, to buy you all the things you will need for school. You two will stay in a hotel until the 1st of September, when you will go to Platform 9 and 3/4, to catch the Hogwarts Express. Once you're on the train, Francis will return to me" answered Gellert.
"So, you won't be coming with me, to say goodbye and wish me luck?"
"No, I have important business to attend to, in Germany".

"Is it another rally?" Asked Genevieve curiously.
"Yes, but do not question me further about matters which do not concern you" said Gellert sternly.
"Sorry Setä" apologised Genevieve.
"Since we are done here, you should head back to your bedroom. I will see you at dinner, but until then, you must amuse yourself"
"No change there then".
Genevieve turned away from her uncle and headed upstairs to the bedroom she was currently living in.
She'd been travelling around Europe ever since she was a small child, so she had never had a permanent home before. And she'd spent more time with her Uncle's servants, than she had him.

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