48. The Legendary Battle

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Once all of Gellert's supporters had arrived, he turned to address them all.
"My friends, it is time for us to fight for the world we wish to build. There will be casualties and losses, but in the end, it will all be worth it. For the greater good!" Announced Gellert.
"For the greater good!" Shouted Gellert's followers in unison.
"Now, it is finally time for you all to split up into your groups, and begin the battle. It shouldn't take long for the aurors to arrive, and once they do, we will fight down until the very last man. Now, off you go" instructed Gellert.

The fighters all split off into groups and began making their way through the city.
Gellert wanted to make things harder for the aurors, by placing his followers throughout the city, and have them make chaos wherever they went.
Genevieve, Gellert and the largest group were staying where they were.
"Are you ready?" Gellert whispered to Genevieve.
"I don't think I'll ever be ready" admitted Genevieve nervously.
"Would you like to be the one to start off the revolution?" Asked Gellert.

"Me?" Frowned Genevieve.
"Why not? I'm doing all this for you, to make a better world for you to grow up in" informed Gellert.
"What do I have to do?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Just send up red sparks with your wand. Everyone in the city will see it, and they will start performing magic"
"That's all I have to do?"
"Yes. I mean, it would be best if you made a spectacle of yourself, since this is an important moment in history. For instance if you climbed on top of that water feature in the centre of the square, and set of a sensational firework display, that would be good. But you can do whatever you like. I trust that you will make me proud".

Genevieve stepped away from Gellert and began to make her way towards the water fountain.
She carefully climbed into the middle of the fountain, and stood on top of the sculpture of the mermaid which sat in the centre.
A few people stared at her, but a lot of people just carried on walking.
Genevieve took a deep breath and removed her wand from her pocket.
What she was about to, would get her sent to Azkaban, for intentially performing magic in front of Muggles, was illegal.

Gellert gave her a reassuring smile, and Genevieve knew it was time to take a stand.
She raised her wand into the sky, and closed her eyes as she sent up red sparks, which exploded in the sky above her.
Genevieve opened her eyes and saw that she had attracted the attention of all the Muggles around her.
Before she could chicken out, Genevieve sent up more sparks, and she didn't stop until she heard more explosions throughout the city.
The Muggles in the square stared and gasped at Genevieve's magic. Some even took their large cameras out of their pockets and began taking pictures of her.

Gellert approached the fountain, and offered Genevieve his hand.
She took it and allowed him to help her down off the statue.
"Greetings Muggles. It's time you realised just how small you are. You live in a world filled with magic, which you have been oblivious to, thus far. But today, things will change. It is time for my people to take their rightful place above you all" announced Gellert, in Swedish.
He then pointed his wand at a nearby Muggle, "levicorpus".
The Muggle was raised into the air by his ankles, causing those with magic to laugh.
Gellert then dropped the Muggle, letting him crash onto the ground.
This caused the Muggles to panic and begin to run around manically. But everywhere they turned, there was another witch or wizard, waiting to perform more magic on them.

Genevieve could hear screams from across the city, and she could see fire and explosions in the distance.
She felt bad for the Muggles, who ran around helplessly, for there was nothing they could do to escape those with magic.
It was then that Genevieve realised Muggles were no different to people like her. They were all human, and they all felt fear and pain.
It was not Muggles that Genevieve wanted to hurt, and she hated that Gellert was using the Muggles, to gain attention from the Ministry of Magic.
She had been raised by Gellert, but it was at that moment she realised she didn't care about his cause at all.

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