24. Horcrux

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Once again, Genevieve couldn't get to sleep. With everything that had happened, she didn't want to be alone, as every time she closed her eyes she saw Myrtle and Rubeus's distraught faces.
So she crept into the boy's dormitory to find Tom, knowing that only he could make her feel better.
All of the boys had green curtains drawn around their beds, but Genevieve knew where in the room Tom slept, therefore had no trouble finding him. So she pulled open his curtains and snuck into his bed.
The bed wasn't really designed for two people, so Genevieve had to push her body up against Tom's, to fit on it.
With his arm around her, she felt safe and was finally able to get to sleep.

The next morning, Dippet gave a speech praising Tom for uncovering the truth about the heir of Slytherin and putting an end to the attacks.
Later that day, Genevieve and Tom cleared out the Chamber of Secrets, putting all their belongings back into their dormitories. So that if someone found the chamber in the future, it would look like no one had been there in a long time.
With the chamber now out of bounds, the pair began spending a lot of time in the library, as they prepared for their OWLs.

On the night before their first exam, Tom entered the common room with a grin on his face.
"Why do you look so cheery? You haven't found a copy of the test paper for tomorrow, have you?" Questioned Genevieve, when Tom approached the table she was sat at.
"No. But I've discovered something even better" revealed Tom.
"Go on" encouraged Genevieve, as she closed her textbook.
"I've finally finished working out how to create a Horcrux"
"We've been researching Horcruxes for ages. What makes you think you've worked it out now?".

"Trust me, I've done enough research into Horcruxes to make one. I've found the incantation for the spell, and collected the ingredients I will need to perform the ritual. So I'm going down into the chamber to do it now. Soon I will be indestructible" announced Tom.
"Keep your voice down, you don't want anyone to overhear you" hissed Genevieve.
"Sorry, I'm just so excited to do this" admitted Tom.
"And you really think tonight is the best time to do this? I mean, we've got our first exam in the morning, so we really need to spend all night revising".

"I want to do this tonight. Now that I know how to make a Horcrux I want to do it. I can't just let the information sit at the back of my mind" admitted Tom.
"But there are so many factors we need to consider, you can't just rush into it, because you want to do it. Besides, for all we know, Myrtle's death was not enough to split your soul, as you didn't kill her yourself with your wand, and she became a ghost which complicates things" replied Genevieve.
"The ghost part is irrelevant, because the girl is still death. And I was the one who set the Basilisk on her, so I am responsible for her death. Which means that my soul has been split in two, so I will be able to successfully create a Horcrux".

"Are you sure?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Positive. This is going to work" insisted Tom.
"Then I guess there is no stopping you" sighed Genevieve.
"So, you'll come with me?"
"If you want me to come, I'll be there"
"Good. This is my first step in becoming immortal, and I want you at my side as normal"
"Then let's go".

It had been several weeks since Genevieve had stepped foot inside the chamber, and she'd forgotten how much she disliked it in there.
"What if there is a spell around the school, stopping anyone from performing any dark magic, like creating a Horcrux?" Questioned Genevieve, as Tom knelt on the floor and began setting everything up.
"If something like that did exist, we are under the castle now, remember, so there are different rules. This place was also built by Salazar Slytherin, who wouldn't want any restrictions on his magic. But, if it doesn't work then we can just try again tomorrow in Hogsmeade" answered Tom, as he began spreading a strange powdery substance in a circle around himself.

"And you're positive that this won't change you in any way?" Asked Genevieve.
"I'm as sure as I can be" admitted Tom.
"I'm still not convinced this is a good idea" Genevieve said quietly.
"Don't worry, it will all be fine. You'll see... But while I am performing the spell, you are not to intervene in anyway, or say anything at all, even if it looks like I'm in danger. If you get in the way you might harm yourself or ruin the spell, and I won't have that"
"I promise not to interfere"

Genevieve watched as Tom removed the diary she'd given him, from his pocket and place it on the floor.
He then began chanting words that were not in English, which made the hairs on the back of Genevieve's neck stand up.
The room around them began to feel colder, and it also appeared to be getting darker.
Tom then cut open his palm and allowed his blood to spill on a blank page of the diary.
As he continued chanting, he began mixing together the potion ingredients he had stolen from Slughorn's personal supply, into a cauldron.
Once the potion had turned jet black, he poured it into a glass and downed it in one gulp.

After consuming the liquid, Tom's body began to shake, yet he continued chanting, with his wand pointing at the diary.
Genevieve nearly screamed when she saw Tom's spirit appear out of his body and head towards his diary.
Despite the horrific scene, Genevieve stood her ground and kept her mouth closed, as Tom had instructed her to.
Eventually Tom's spirit reached the diary and was sucked inside it.
When this was done, Tom stopped chanting and gasped loudly as if in great pain.

As Tom collapsed to the ground, Genevieve realised she couldn't stand back any longer.
She ran to his aid and began trying to revive him.
His chest was still and he wasn't breathing, which made Genevieve start to cry.
"Tom. Tom! Wake up!" She yelled as she tried shaking him.
After several minutes Tom's eyes flicked open and met Genevieve's.
"Tom, you scared me. I thought you were dead" sobbed Genevieve, as she held Tom's body close to her.

"You do not need to worry. It is done. I am now immortal" announced Tom.
Genevieve thought she saw Tom's eyes flash red for a moment, but she dismissed the thought, assuming it had been a trick of the light.
"How do you feel?" Asked Genevieve.
Tom smiled, "Strong. I feel strong. No power on earth can stop me now, for I am invincible and always will be".

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