43. Safe Keeping

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Genevieve walked into the great hall for dinner, with a disappointed look on her face.
"I take it Dumbledore didn't have the answers you wanted?" Questioned Tom, as Genevieve sat down next to him.
"No, and I'm pretty sure he wasn't lying. According to him, he doesn't even remember my mother having a boyfriend. So, he's got no clue who my father is" revealed Genevieve.
"Well then, that's the end of that. You won't get the answers you seek, here at Hogwarts" replied Tom.
Genevieve sighed, "You're right. I will have to wait until next summer to question Gellert again".

"But until then, you can focus on being here at Hogwarts with me. It is our last year here, so we had better make the most of it" admitted Tom.
"You're right. We are 7th years now, and Head boy and girl, so this year isn't going to be like any other" agreed Genevieve, as she looked down at the pins on her robes.
She had her Head girl, Prefect, and dark mark badges in a triangle on the front of her robes, displaying them proudly for everyone to see.
"We are the most important students in the whole school" said Tom smuggly.
"Yes. But despite all the benefits of being back at Hogwarts, we don't get to be who we really are. And I have to admit that it was hard getting to sleep last night, without your arms around me" revealed Genevieve.

"I missed having you with me as well. But we have all eternity to be together, so spending one more year in separate beds, isn't the end of the world. Besides, we can always use the Room of Requirement to make love in" reminded Tom.
Genevieve smiled, "I suppose we can. There are many secret places around the school, where we can be alone together. We could even sneak off to the Shrieking Shack if we liked. Nowhere is off limits to us".
"We have more power than some of the teachers at this school, and I'd like to see them try to discipline us" admitted Tom.
"We must pretend to be like everyone else though. We can't let anyone find out just how powerful we are. Even your followers can't know about your Horcruxes, or the things we have done" said Genevieve as she lowered her voice so that no one would overhear them.

"Don't worry, all the staff here, except Dumbledore, think I'm the perfect, intelligent, handsome student that I've always been. They expect me to go on to do great things, which I will. They just don't know exactly what kind of things I have planned for the future. No one here thinks I'm going to become more powerful than Gellert Grindelwald" reassured Tom.
"I think you are already more powerful than him, for I know that he has never made a Horcrux. Let alone three" admitted Genevieve.
"No one has done the things I have, and I'm only just getting started" boasted Tom.
"You hid the Horcruxes in the chamber last night, right?"
"Yes, they are all safe. I take my immortality very seriously. Which is why I've been thinking about places to hide my Horcruxes, once we have left Hogwarts. Since it won't be safe to have them on my person at all times".

"But the ring and the diadem are important historical artifacts, you can't just hide them away forever" insisted Genevieve.
"They were, but now they are my Horcruxes, and I must protect them at all costs. Without them, I will die, so they must never be damaged. Which is why I've been thinking of places to hide them, where no one will ever find them. I don't want to just chuck them somewhere random. I want to hide my Horcruxes in places that mean something to me" informed Tom.

Genevieve sighed sadly at the thought of never seeing Ravenclaw's diadem in the future, "I suppose the objects do belong to you, since you found them, so you can do whatever you like with them".
"Yes, I can... Look, I know you like the diadem, which is why I don't plan on hiding it away just yet, as I like to see you wearing it. But at some point, it will have to be locked away. It is too powerful and important for this world" Tom said softly.
"I know" mumbled Genevieve.

Their conversation was interrupted by one of the younger Slytherin Prefects, approaching them.
"Headmaster Dippet wants you to meet him in his office at 8oclock this evening" informed the Prefect.
"Thank you" said Tom politely.
"What does the headmaster want with us?" Genevieve asked Tom, once the Prefect had disappeared.
"He probably talks to all of the new Head girls and boys, at the start of each year" reassured Tom.
"Are you sure we are not in trouble?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Stop looking so worried, Dippet cannot possibly know about any of the things we have done, so relax".

Genevieve felt the opposite of relaxed when her and Tom headed to the headmaster's office that evening.
"What are you grinning about?" Asked Genevieve, as her and Tom began to ascend the tower, after uttering the password.
"I was just thinking about how I would love to have this office, and my own private staircase" answered Tom.
"You want to be headmaster of Hogwarts?" Frowned Genevieve.
"Maybe one day"
"I would have thought that teaching would interfere with your plans for world domination"
"Teaching is the perfect way to indoctrinate the young, and get them to believe in whatever you want them to"
"I guess you've got a point there".

After Tom knocked on the door, it swung open, and the pair entered the office.
They approached Dippet's desk cautiously, and Genevieve could feel the eyes of all the previous Headmaster's, watching her, from their paintings.
"Ah, there you are, come in and take a seat" instructed Dippet.
Genevieve and Tom did as they were told, and sat down opposite the headmaster.
"I wanted to congratulate you on being chosen as Head boy and girl" continued Dippet.
"But sir, you were the one to choose us" reminded Tom.
"I was. But I wanted to say well done, for being the perfect candidates. There was really no one else in your year who I could have chosen instead of either of you" admitted Dippet.

Tom did his best to hold back his smug smile, but Genevieve could see the corner of his lips turn upwards.
"Thank you for choosing us, Professor" said Genevieve politely, trying to take the attention away from Tom.
"You are most welcome, Miss Walden. Being Head boy and girl is a big responsibility, for all the students in the school look up to you. It is a lot harder than being a Prefect, as you must look after all the students, and not just the ones in your house. You must follow all the rules, and prove to the rest of the school, why you were picked above everyone else" informed Dippet.

"I'm sure we can rise to the challenge" promised Tom.
"I'm sure you can. A large number of the Slytherin students already look up to you. You have quite a large following, in your house. I've even noticed you all wearing identical sliver pins on your robes, showing your unity" admitted Dippet.
Genevieve felt her head skip a beat as Dippet mentioned the dark mark pins.
Her and Tom had both taken their's off before the meeting, as they didn't want to draw attention to the dark mark, but Dippet had clearly noticed them wearing the pins the year before.
"I promise there is nothing ominous about the pins, Professor. I simply based the design off the Slytherin mascot, which is a snake. I gave the pins out to my friends, to show them how much they mean to me" lied Tom.

"How lovely. Despite them not being a part of the school uniform, I have no objection to you continuing to wear them. Provided you don't add more jewellery to your little collection. For I don't want the rest of the school copying you, and adding to their uniforms as well" said Dippet sternly.
"Don't worry, I have no intention of making anything else" reassured Tom.
"That is good to hear... Now, I'd better let you return to your dormitories" replied Dippet.
"That you, sir"
"Good luck with your new roles as Head boy and girl. I'm sure you will make me and Professor Slughorn very proud"
"I plan on doing just that. Me and Genevieve won't let you down, I promise. You can rely on us".

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