42. Knowledge Is Power

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"He's lying" said Genevieve.
Neither her or Tom had moved since Gellert apparated out of the building.
"He could be" Tom said quietly.
"He has to be. There's no way my father is alive, and has been for all these years... But me and you know when we are being lied to, so we both know that he didn't lie" admitted Genevieve.
"Yes, we do. I don't believe he intended on letting slip that your father is alive, I think he just lost control in the heat of the argument"
"How could he lie to me all my life, with such ease? My father is out there somewhere, yet my uncle seems intent on hiding the truth from me. What is he so scared that I'll find out?".

Tom sighed, "I do not have these answers".
"No, I know. Gellert is the only one who knows the truth, and he's left, so that he doesn't have to deal with the consequences of lying to me all my life" groaned Genevieve.
"Sometimes we have to accept that we will never know everything about the past" replied Tom.
Genevieve turned around and faced him, "If you were me, could you really take not knowing who your father is? I think not, because we did everything humanely possible to find where you came from. Besides, you always say that knowledge is power".
"The circumstances are not the same. I didn't know anything about my lineage or my past when I came to Hogwarts, so we researched my past relatives, in the library. I doubt you will find a book on who your father is, particularly since your family is not from this country" replied Tom.

"Maybe you are right. We might not be able to look up the truth, but there is one person, aside from Gellert, who might have the answers I need. He knew who I was when I arrived at Hogwarts, so there's a chance he also knows the identity of my father" admitted Genevieve.
"You can't be serious? You want to ask Albus Dumbledore for help?" Questioned Tom.
"He knows my family better than anyone in Britain. If anyone knows where I came from, it's him" answered Genevieve.
"What if, like your uncle, he knows the answer, but just doesn't want to tell you?"
"Then I will have to find a way to persuade him".

Genevieve was in a bad mood for the rest of the holiday, because she was desperate for answers.
Even once she got to Hogwarts, her mind was focused on one thing, and that was talking to Dumbledore.
So, after her first Transfiguration lesson, she stayed behind to confront her teacher.
"Miss Walden, chop chop, you don't want Riddle wondering where you are" said Dumbledore.
"He can wait. I have something that I need to ask you" informed Genevieve, as she got out of her seat, and began to slowly walk up to Dumbledore's desk.

"What can I help you with?" Asked Dumbledore.
"It's a delicate matter that is very important to me" admitted Genevieve.
"I would of thought a Head girl like you, no longer needed advice from her teachers. Especially me, when it's clear you have closer bonds with other teachers, particularly Professor Slughorn" replied Dumbledore.
"I am close to Slughorn. But the answers I seek can only be provided by someone like you. Someone who knows my family and my real last name. They say that knowledge gives you power, and you are the most powerful person I know. Only you can answer my questions"
"I've told you before that I cannot tell you about me and Gellert during the months we were friends".

"My question is not about him, it's about me. When we first met, you told me that you knew who I was. You knew my mother was Gellert's sister, and you knew my full name. Which makes me wonder what else you know about me" said Genevieve.
She often tried to pretend that she was a Grindelwald. But since she wanted answers, she decided not to beat around the bush.
Instead she fully accepted that Gellert was her uncle, in order to get Dumbledore to answer her question.
"What exactly is your question?" Asked Dumbledore.
"My uncle let slip to me, over the holidays, that my father is alive and well. I never enquired much about him, because he was dead, so I never cared to even learn his name. But now I know he is still alive, and I have to find out who he is. So my question is this, do you know who my father is?" Questioned Genevieve.

"I'm sure Gellert could answer that question for you" admitted Dumbledore.
"He has refused to tell me anything. He claims he promised my parents that he would never tell me. Apparently my father is staying out of my life, for my benefit, not his. But I'm an adult now, and I need to know where I came from. With my uncle refusing to help me, you were the next person I could think of, who could give me answers" revealed Genevieve.
Dumbledore sighed, "I'm afraid I cannot help you, for I do not who your father is".

Genevieve frowned, "You really have no idea?".
"Your mother, Adèle was never married, if that's what you're asking" replied Dumbledore.
"I know that. But she must have had a lover, otherwise I wouldn't be here" pointed out Genevieve.
"The first time I knew of your existence was after you were born. I learned from my contacts that Adèle was your mother, but I never learned the identity of your father. I never even heard she was was expecting a child, until after your birth"
"You never even heard rumours of men she dated?"
"No. I never heard of her favouring one of your uncle's followers over another. As far as I know, she never had a boyfriend".

"If she never had a lover, then I must have been a mistake from a one night stand, or something like that. But if that were the case, why is Gellert so determined to keep my father's identity from me?" Asked Genevieve.
"I do not know. Perhaps he didn't want you to know that your parents were not in love, but merely two people who met on a night out" suggested Dumbledore.
Genevieve snorted, "He doesn't care about me enough, to worry about things like my feelings. Whatever reason he has for hiding my father from me, must be pretty big. Otherwise he wouldn't have gone through all this trouble to keep it a secret for all these years".

"Maybe you're right. And I'm sorry I could not be of more help" apologised Dumbledore.
"That's alright. If a powerful wizard such as yourself doesn't know the answer, then there really is only one way of me finding out the truth. I am going to have to demand answers out of my uncle, when I next see him. And I'm not going to take no for an answer. This is my life, and he has no right keeping this from me" informed Genevieve.
"Well then, I wish you good luck, because I can't imagine Gellert will give up the information easily" replied Dumbledore.
"Don't worry, I don't plan on making it easy. I am going to push him so hard, that he's going to regret ever hiding this secret from me".

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