30. Incomplete

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When Genevieve woke up the following morning, she found Tom sitting at the end of the bed, playing with the ring he'd stolen from Morfin.
He had put his trousers back on, but hadn't bothered to button up his white shirt.
Genevieve was in nothing but her thin pyjamas, but she didn't feel cold, since it was the middle of summer, and therefore quite warm inside the room.
"Morning" said Genevieve, as she covered her mouth, hiding a yawn.
"Good Morning. Did you sleep well?" Asked Tom.

"As well as can be expected, considering what happened yesterday" answered Genevieve.
"I think yesterday was a great success. I found the Gaunt's and my father, all in one evening. Don't worry, I've soundproofed the room with magic, so that no one can eavesdrop on our conversation, which means that you can say whatever you like" informed Tom.
"Well, you and I clearly have very different ideas about what makes a day successful. I'm just waiting for aurors to burst in the room and arrest the two of us for murder" replied Genevieve.
"That won't happen. No one can place us at the scene of the crime. We even used the Imperius Curse on the bus employees, so that they don't remember picking us up in Little Hangleton. Which means that we are going to be fine".

"I hope you're right... I see you're still wearing your uncle's ring" said Genevieve.
"Well, it does belong to my family, so it's only right that I ended up with it. But it's not the only family heirloom that should belong to me. Morfin mentioned that my mother took Slytherin's locket when she left, yet it was not on her when she arrived at the orphanage" replied Tom.
"Maybe the orphanage staff took it" suggested Genevieve.
"Even they wouldn't have taken something like that from a dead woman"
"Then I expect your mother sold it. She was alone, and without a penny to her name, so she must have sold the last thing of value that she had, which was the locket"
"I guess so. I just wish I knew where it was"
"The locket it long gone now Vee, focus on the family heirloom that you do have and not the one you don't".

"You're right. This ring is important, as it proves that I am a descendant from another powerful pure-blood family; the Peverell's. I think I might use this ring as my next Horcrux" admitted Tom.
"Please tell me you're joking" begged Genevieve.
Tom frowned, "I never joke".
"But you only just made a Horcrux a few weeks ago, you can't make another one yet. We haven't been able to assess the long term effects of making a Horcrux yet" replied Genevieve.
"There are no side effects, I feel fine. In fact, I feel better than before I made it. So you don't need to worry about me".

"All of our research told us that splitting your soul like that, makes your body unstable. Making a Horcrux is dangerous, which is why no one has ever made more than one" reminded Genevieve.
"That we know of" replied Tom.
"We've read every book on Horcruxes that we could get out hands on, and no one has ever split their soul into more than two pieces. You're not even an adult yet, so you can't seriously think it's a good idea to split your soul again at such a young age".

"I wasn't planning on doing it today, or anything like that. But I will make another in the future. I want my diary to be found, and used to open the Chamber of Secrets, once we are no longer students. That puts my Horcrux at risk of being destroyed, so I must have another, to ensure that I remain immortal" insisted Tom.
"Splitting your soul again is risky" warned Genevieve.
"It won't kill me though, since I already have one Horcrux to keep me alive" replied Tom.
"There are worst things than death"
"No, there's nothing worse than death".

"Well, I think there is. You could lose what makes you, you. You could become a shadow of your former self. You could even forget what it means to be human... You could forget about me" Genevieve said quietly.
Tom crawled towards Genevieve, "I could never forget about you".
"You can't say that, for you don't know what the future holds. You don't know how making more Horcruxes will effect you" replied Genevieve.
"Then I promise not to make another, until I have considered all my options and consulted with someone about the risks involved in making multiple Horcruxes" reassured Tom.

"Who are you going to have that kind of a discussion with?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Slughorn or course. He's the only teacher who would keep my secret. So, I'll ask him what he knows about Horcruxes when we return to Hogwarts in September" answered Tom.
"You have a lot of faith in Slughorn's ability to keep a secret" replied Genevieve.
"I'm good at manipulating people, and I'm pretty sure that I've got Slughorn wrapped around my finger. He would do anything for me"
"You're probably right".

"I usually am... Anyway, you shouldn't be worried about me, because I know what I'm doing. I'm not like other people. It could be dangerous for a normal person to make numerous Horcruxes, but not for me. I never knew why I was different, but after speaking to Morfin and my father, I now know why I'm not like everyone else" revealed Tom.
"What do you mean?" Asked Genevieve.
"I was not made in an act of love. It is clear to me, that my mother must have enchanted my father, to get him to love her. I was made while my father was under the influence of either a love potion or the Imperius Curse. This is why I am not like everyone else. I never felt empathy or compassion for other people, and now we know why. I was made without love, which therefore means that I cannot love" explained Tom.

"I don't believe that. I know that you love me" insisted Genevieve.
"I do not know what love really is. I know that I do care about you, but since I am incapable of love, I can never fully reciprocate what you feel for me. I am incomplete, for I was born without the ability to love" admitted Tom.
Genevieve shook her head and leaned forward, grabbing hold of Tom's hands.
"You can love, and I'll tell you why. You cared for me, before you knew I was related to Gellert Grindelwald and before you knew I was a seer. That means you liked me, before you knew I could be useful to you. Which means that you do have a heart" informed Genevieve.

"But my parents never loved each other, and I was raised in an orphanage, which means that I've never experienced love. I'm not even sure I know what it is" revealed Tom.
"You're not the only person in the world born to parents who hate each other. Hundreds of women are assaulted every year, and they often give birth to perfectly normal, healthy children. You are not a freak. You put on this hard tough guy act, but I see past that. I can see the real you underneath" replied Genevieve.
"So, you will always love me, even if I do not know how to love you back?" Asked Tom.

"I will always love you" promised Genevieve.
She picked up Tom's hand and placed it against her chest, before placing her own against Tom's.
"Listen to my heart beat. It is steady and strong, just like yours. And it beats only for you" continued Genevieve.
"You keep managing to suprise me. I used to think that love made people weak. But it seems to make you stronger, not weaker. And I want to be someone worthy of your love. When I'm with you, I don't feel like a monster. You make me feel whole" admitted Tom.

"That's because you're not a monster, not to me at least. Because a monster wouldn't be able to make me feel the way I do about you" replied Genevieve, as she inched forward, placing her arms around Tom's neck, and her legs around his waist.
"Take me, here and now. And let me show you what love is, and prove to you that you know how to love" she whispered in his ear.
Tom laid Genevieve back down onto the bed, before placing himself on top of her, "Whatever my lady commands, she shall have".

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