31. The Deathly Hallows

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Genevieve spent the rest of the summer at the Leaky Cauldron. Tom stayed with her, but he had to return to the orphanage once a day, so that it looked like he was still living there.
The pair of them had seen in the Daily Prophet that Morfin had been arrested for killing the Riddles, so he had been sent to Azkaban, and thanks to Tom's powerful memory charm, Morfin had confessed to the murders, meaning there was no need for a trial.
This also meant that Tom and Genevieve were in the clear, so they could go on with their lives as if nothing had happened.
Genevieve had to return home at the end of August though, to spend a few days with Gellert before the start of the school year, but she didn't mind going back, as she knew she would be reunited with Tom within the week.

After finding the Peverell ring with the mark of the Deathly Hallows on it, Genevieve had been itching to question her uncle about it. So on her first night back, she decided to ask him what he knew about it.
"I have a question" announced Genevieve.
"About what?" Asked Gellert.
The two of them were sat at opposite ends of the large dining table, having their evening meal. And even though there was no one else at the table, Genevieve still hadn't wanted to sit by her Uncle's side.

"My question is about the Deathly Hallows" informed Genevieve.
This wasn't the answer Gellert had been expecting, and it caused him to frown.
"Go on" he encouraged.
"I want to know if you are still searching for them, now that you've got the Elder wand" replied Genevieve.
"That is none of your business. And now I have a question for you. Why do you want to know if I am still searching for the resurrection stone and the invisibility cloak?" Questioned Gellert.
"Because while in Britain, I saw a family heirloom belonging to the Peverell family. The owner claimed it bore the families crest, but I recognised it as the mark of the Deathly Hallows".

Genevieve knew she couldn't give too much away, as she didn't want to put Tom in danger. But she still wanted Gellert's imput.
"This family you met, they are descendants of the Peverell family?" Asked Gellert.
"Yes. They do not share the name Peverell since the surname is extinct, as you know. But they are related to the Peverell's" answered Genevieve.
"I don't suppose you know which Peverell, out of the three brothers, this family is descended from" replied Gellert.
"I don't, no".

"But you think this family might know the location of one of the Deathly Hallows" said Gellert.
"The thought crossed my mind, yes. I know that you found the Elder wand without the help of a Peverell. But there's still a chance the other two items are in the families possession" admitted Genevieve.
"Where are these descendants now? Can I talk to them?" Questioned Gellert.
"Um, no. No one is going to be able to get anything out of them ever again"
"Because there is only one member left, and he's just been sent to Azkaban"
"He's been sent to Azkaban, shortly after talking to you. This doesn't strike me as a coincidence. What were you and your boyfriend up this summer"
"Don't ask me something like that, unless you want me to lie to you".

"Alright, then tell me why you told me all this, if I cannot meet with the descendants of the Peverell's myself?" Asked Gellert.
"I wasn't telling you anything. I was asking you a question, for my own benefit, to help further my understanding of the Hallows. As far as I know, you stopped looking for them as soon as you found the Elder wand. So I wanted to know how close to them you'd got" answered Genevieve.
Gellert sighed, "It's true. I did stop my search once I got my hands on the most powerful Hallow. I do not need the ring or the cloak, to take over the world. But if I knew where they were, I would still want to possess them, to become the master of death".
"Well, I don't know where they are, which is why I was hoping you could fill me in on what you had learned" replied Genevieve.

"I suppose if I'm not going to continue my search, I might as well tell you what I know. If I can't find them, than no one can, so telling you won't do any harm" admitted Gellert.
"Thank you" Genevieve said politely.
"Well, as you know, there were three Peverell brothers; Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus. Each of which possessed one Hallow. How they created such extraordinary items, no one knows. Their story however, is made more dramatic in the tales of Beedle the Bard. For I do not believe that they were gifted these items by death himself" informed Gellert.
"No, that does sound rather silly".

"Quite. Anyway, Antioch was killed in his sleep, and his wand was stolen. The wand has changed hands hundreds of times since then, before ending up in mine" smiled Gellert, as he twirled the Elder wand around his fingers.
"What about the other two brothers?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Well, eventually Cadmus took his own life, to be with his deceased lover. No one knows what happened to the resurrection stone after he used it. Which is why it is the hardest to track. I assume it was given to one of his children, but I can't prove that" admitted Gellert.

"He had kids?" Frowned Genevieve.
"Oh yes. Before he died, he had a family. So the Peverell family continued through his descendants for a while, before disappearing" answered Gellert.
"And the third brother?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Ignotus lived a long time, and died of old age, after giving the cloak to his son. But when his son only had girls, the Peverell name died. His granddaughter Iolanthe was the last one I was able to prove had the cloak. I've no idea what happened to it after that. I went to Godric's Hollow, searching for answers, when I was not much older than you. But I came back empty handed".

"Do you believe the Deathly Hallows are still out there somewhere?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Oh yes. If the Elder wand survived for all this time, then I have no doubt the other objects did too. But finding them is impossible. Whoever has them isn't going to want the world to know. They would keep the objects a secret, for the same reason I didn't tell the world that I am the master of the Elder wand. If people knew the truth, they would seek to take it from me" admitted Gellert.
"Don't worry, I haven't told anybody your secret" reassured Genevieve.
"Not even your little boyfriend?"
"No, not even him".

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