7. Home Truths

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"What did Dumbledore want from you? Because I'm pretty sure he could have tidied the room without you. So, what did he want?" Questioned Tom, when Genevieve joined him at the Slytherin table.
"Nothing" mumbled Genevieve, as she began to pile food onto her plate.
"So, you are going to lie to me, like you do to everybody else" replied Tom.
"I'm not lying. Besides, you seem to really dislike him, so what do you have against Dumbledore, anyway?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Then why didn't you try to charm him, like you did with the rest of the teachers?"
"No reason"
"Now who's the liar".

Tom sighed, "Alright, I'll tell you the truth, if you do the same".
"O.K, deal" promised Genevieve.
"Dumbledore was the one who came to my orphanage to tell me that I had magic. So, he saw who I was before I came here, and I would prefer it, if no one knew who I was before, because I want a fresh start" admitted Tom.
"What was so bad about you, before to came to Hogwarts?" Asked Genevieve.
"I used my magic to steal and torment the other children who were mean to me. Which is something I want to keep secret from the rest of the teachers. Since Dumbledore knows I was a bad person, he's not going to believe that I've turned over a new leaf, which is why I didn't bother trying to charm him. I also may have told him more about myself than I normally would, because in the excitement of learning about Hogwarts, I forgot myself and revealed personal things about my life. So, I want to keep myself distant from him, from now on".

"Dumbledore has a habit of seeing the real us, and knowing more about us than we'd like" sighed Genevieve, as she pushed the food around her plate, no longer hungry.
"Yes, he does... So, what's your secret that Dumbledore knows?" Demanded Tom.
Genevieve lowered her voice and looked around at the other people on their table, making sure that no one was paying them any attention.
"I know we haven't known each other very long, but I can trust you, right?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Of course you can" reassured Tom.
"Me and you, are different to the rest of our classmates. Already we've shown that we are more talented than them. You have incredible natural abilities, and I've been practicing with a wand for longer than everyone else. I got my wand shortly after my 8th birthday, and I've been learning magic ever since".

Tom frowned, "I thought the Ministry of Magic could detect underage magic".
"They can in this country. But I only arrived in Britain a week ago. Besides, they can't detect who performed the magic, only that magic was done near someone underage. So, if you performed magic at the orphanage, they'd know it was you, because you're surrounded by Muggles. But if a pure-blood performed magic at home, the Ministry wouldn't be able to tell who did the spell" explained Genevieve.
"That is completely unfair" replied Tom.
"Yes, it is" agreed Genevieve.

"So, Dumbledore wanted to talk to you, because he knew you've had a wand for ages, even though it's against the law to get a wand before you turn 11?" Questioned Tom.
"No. Although, for all I know, he is aware of that fact. Dumbledore wanted to talk to me, because he knows who I am" admitted Genevieve.
"I don't understand" frowned Tom.
Genevieve sighed, "What have the other Slytherin's told you so far about Gellert Grindelwald?".
"Not much. Only that he wants to take over all of Europe, and change the law so that we don't have to hide ourselves from stupid Muggles. Which sounds like a great idea" answered Tom.

"So, you support his ideas?" Asked Genevieve.
"I don't know much about him, but I guess so" replied Tom.
"Good... Because, you see, my last name isn't Walden, it's Grindelwald. Gellert is my uncle, he's also my guardian as my parents died on a mission for him, when I was 5 years old" revealed Genevieve.
"You're related to this powerful wizard, Grindelwald?"
"My mother was his sister, yes. But he's really not as powerful as everyone thinks. He's just a really good orator. He's good at convincing people to do things, which is why he has so many supporters. But you can't tell anyone who I really am, because I would be in serious danger if you did. The Ministry would use me as bait to capture my uncle, so no one can know the truth".

"How does Dumbledore know the truth?" Quizzed Tom.
"He was friends with Gellert, a very long time ago. So he knows about the Grindelwald family, more than anyone else. He also spent a lot of time staring at Gellert when they hung out, so he recognised the similarities in our appearances. We both have Heterchromia in the same eye, which confirmed to Dumbledore who I was. But he has promised not to tell anyone the truth about me, provided I don't do anything that might make me a danger to others" informed Genevieve.

"Someone really needs to put Dumbledore in his place, because he knows far too much" admitted Tom.
"Well, it's not going to be me. I need to toe the line when around him, to ensure that he doesn't reveal my secret to anyone. Because if he does, my life is over" Genevieve said quietly.
"We won't give him a reason to doubt you. On the outside we will be the perfect students, who can do no wrong, whom everyone looks up to" announced Tom.
"And on the inside?"
"On the inside we can be whatever we want. I for one, want to become the most powerful wizard in the whole school"
"From what I've seen so far, that appears to be quite a reachable goal, for you are already very good at magic"
"Thank you".

"I need you to promise me, that you will not tell another living soul, my secret" said Genevieve.
"You have my word. This secret stays between us" reassured Tom.
"You swear?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I swear. I will never betray you. I will keep this secret of yours, and all future ones you reveal to me. And in return, you will also keep all of my secrets"
"It sounds like we've got ourselves a deal".
Genevieve raised her hand, and Tom shook it, securing their bond and the promise they had made. From then on, the two of them would go through school at each other's sides, and keep each other's secrets hidden from the rest of the world.

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