40. Crown For A Queen

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The next morning, after catching fish from the stream, Genevieve and Tom set about finding the lost diadem of Ravenclaw.
Helena had apparently placed the crown inside a hollow tree, so this is what the pair were searching for.
There was also supposed to be powerful magic protecting the tree, so Tom was doing his best to try and sense the magic.
After several hours of stumbling around the forest, Tom suddenly stopped in a clearing.
"This is it. It's here" announced Tom.
"How can you be so sure?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I can feel it" answered Tom.
He was so powerful, that Genevieve took this as a good enough response.

Tom slowly began to make his way through the clearing, with his wand raised.
Genevieve spotted a large hollow tree, and could feel herself being drawn to it, just like Tom.
Together, they approached the tree, which on the outside, looked no different to any other hollow tree. But Genevieve and Tom could sense that the tree was shrouded in magic.
When they reached it, Tom placed his hand against the wood, and waved his wand, "revelio".

At first, nothing happened. But then Genevieve saw a flash of silver, as the diadem began to appear inside the tree.
Once it had fully materialised, Genevieve's jaw dropped, as it was the most beautiful thing she had seen.
She instinctively reached out her hand to take hold of it, but Tom was closer than her, so he was the first to pick it up.
"Finally" said Tom, with a triumphant smile on his face.
"It's beautiful" murmered Genevieve.
"It's a lot more than that. I am now holding something that hasn't been touched in hundreds of years. This belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw. It is an incredibly important historical artifact" replied Tom.

"I know all that, but I just never expected it to be so beautiful" admitted Genevieve.
Tom raised an eyebrow when he saw that Genevieve was lustfully looking at the diadem.
He sighed before stepping closer to her and placing the tiara onto her head.
As it touched her, Genevieve felt her whole body tingle.
"It suits you" commented Tom.
"Thank you" beamed Genevieve.
"It looks a lot better than the ones you made out of twigs on my birthday" replied Tom.
"Well, those ones were only temporary".

Genevieve reached for the diadem, planning to hand it back to Tom before she fell in love with it, but Tom stopped her and shook his head.
"No, leave it, it looks nice on you" he said.
"But I thought you wanted to turn it into a Horcrux" replied Genevieve.
"I do, but I don't have to do that right now. We've got all summer before we have to return to Hogwarts. I'm in no rush to make my next Horcrux, now that I have the diadem in my possession, which is all I really wanted. Especially as I like how it looks on you" admitted Tom.
"So, I can keep it?"
"For now. But don't get any ideas, for I still intend on making it into a Horcrux, and there's nothing you can do to stop me or change my mind".

Genevieve sighed, "I gave up trying to persuade you from splitting your soul 7 times, ages ago. You will do whatever you want to do, which is what you've always done. And I've learned that there's no stopping you sometimes".
"It's true, I am very determined" agreed Tom.
"Yes, you are. But I guess that's one of the reasons I love you. When you want something, you stick to it, until you have achieved your goal. I mean, in our first year, the Chamber of Secrets was just something you fantasised about. Back then, I never thought that'd we'd actually find it, but you did, and in the end, you were right about everything" replied Genevieve.

"They say a man is nothing without his queen, and you are mine. You've stood by my side every step of the way, even when you've disagreed with what I was doing. I trust you, because I know that you will always support me, even if you don't agree with me. And there aren't many people in the world who can say that" admitted Tom.
"As long as your love for me, never falters, I will stand by you, no matter what" promised Genevieve.
"Well, that is one thing I can reassure you, will never change. For my love for you will always remain strong"
"That's what I like to hear".

Tom kissed Genevieve's lips, and the pair then began making their way back to the castle ruins.
"Now that we've found the diadem, do you plan on going back to England?" Asked Genevieve.
"No, I think it will be best if I turn the diadem into a Horcrux in this country, far from the prying eyes of Dumbledore and the Ministry" answered Tom.
"So, you wouldn't mind if we stayed in the castle a while? I know it's not the nicest place in the world. But here, we are miles away from the world we know, so we can do whatever we like. It's a home we could share together. We could even do it up, to make it look the way we like" suggested Genevieve.

"That's a good idea. Back home, we don't have anywhere we can live together. And we can have a whole castle to ourselves, without even having to pay a thing" smiled Tom.
"We might have to go into the Muggle town to steal a few things, and maybe some food. But other than that, we have this whole forest to do as we please in" replied Genevieve.
"It's the perfect place to practice dark magic away from anyone who might get in the way"
"The only danger is the Muggle war. But hopefully Albania won't fall apart during the 6 weeks we're here"
"Don't worry, we are far enough away, that I don't think we need to be concerned about any of that".

"Then this can be our own little paradise. Our first home together, where we can truly be alone, and never have to worry about being interrupted" admitted Genevieve.
"Think of all the things I could do to you here" whispered Tom.
"Oh, I am" grinned Genevieve.
"Out here, no one will hear you scream"
"No, we are the only people around for miles"
"Then let's make the most of it"
"I intend to"
"I've never made love to a queen before, so this should be interesting"
"It's only a crown, we both know that I'm not really a queen"
"You are to me"
"You flatter me, my lord"
"Go on, say my full name for once"
"I love you with all my heart, Lord Voldemort".

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