8. Prefects

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Over the years, Genevieve's friendship with Tom grew, and during her 4th year she began to develop romantic feelings for him, which she kept hidden.
They kept each other's secrets as promised, and became the most powerful and respected students in their year.
Even though Genevieve told Tom everything, her feelings for him was the one thing she kept secret.
All the teachers boasted of their talents, none more than Slughorn, who invited them to all his Slug Club meetings, and liked to show them off to his famous friends.

It was only Dumbledore who treated Tom and Genevieve like everybody else, and they knew better than to get too close to him, for he knew too much about them.
The other students were in awe of them, and some even followed Tom around, as if they were his servants. They carried his bags and even did his homework for him on ocassion. They even took the blame for all Tom and Genevieve's wrongdoings.
Despite the pair searching hard for Tom Riddle senior, they never found anything out about him. So they eventually came to the conclusion that Tom's father never went to Hogwarts.

So they turned their attention to Tom's mother, who's father's name had been Marvolo.
It wasn't much to go on, but eventually they discovered the existence of the Gaunt family, the last living descendants of Salazar Slytherin.
Realising that he was a descendant of Slytherin increased Tom's ego dramatically, and gave the other Slytherin's even more of a reason to respect him.
Suspecting that his father had been a filthy Muggle, Tom created a new name for himself, which he got his friends to call him; Lord Voldemort.

Genevieve hated going home each summer, but she kept in touch with Tom via letters.
He was the first person she told when she received her Prefects' badge, before the start of their 5th year. And she was delighted to find out that he had been made a Prefect too.
The 1st of September was always her favourite day of the year, as it was the time she could reunite with Tom, and the pair could head back to Hogwarts.
"Did you miss me?" Questioned Genevieve, when she saw Tom walking towards her on Platform 9 and 3/4.
"Of course I did, Gen" answered Tom.

Over the summer, Tom had become even more handsome, and Genevieve couldn't help but stare.
"Is your butler not here with you?" Asked Tom, as he looked around the station for Francis.
"No. I walked here from the hotel by myself, I don't need Francis to escout me everywhere anymore, I'm not a child" replied Genevieve.
"I suppose not" agreed Tom.
"I just can't wait until I'm 17, and I don't have to go back to my uncle ever again"
"I too am looking forward to becoming an adult, so that I can use magic outside of school, and I won't have to go back to the awful Muggle orphanage anymore"
"Well, we've only got a few more years left. And then our lives will really start".

"Do you think your uncle will have taken over the world by then?" Questioned Tom.
"He has been growing in power these last few years, but I don't know how far away he is from world domination. He certainly doesn't share his plans with me" admitted Genevieve.
"Did you really not see much of him during the holidays?" Quizzed Tom.
"No. He was only in Bulgaria for about a week, and then he left. He didn't want me travelling Europe with him, so I stayed in his manor without him. It's just been me and Francis all summer"
"At least you've been able to practice magic, unlike me"
"That's the only perk to living out of the country, with an adult wizard, in a building that doesn't officially exist".

"Still, we are both about to head back to Hogwarts, where our lives will improve greatly. Afterall, we are Prefects now. We will be in charge, and we can dish out detentions whenever we like" smiled Tom.
"I certainly hope you are not going to abuse this position of power" grinned Genevieve.
"Of course not. I will be a fair and just ruler" replied Tom.
"Somehow I doubt that. Besides, the head girl and boy will still be above us"
"For now. When we are 7th years, we will be head boy and girl"
"You don't know that for sure".

Tom raised an eyebrow, "You seriously think that someone in our year will get chosen instead of us? We are the best behaved and most talented students in our year".
"We are only well behaved, because the teachers don't know what we really get up to, as we don't take the blame for any of the things we do. Besides, getting the Prefect badge was easy, because Slughorn is the one who chooses the Slytherin Prefects, and he's obsessed with you. Getting head boy and girl is harder, because you have to be chosen by Dippet, or whoever is headmaster at the time" reminded Genevieve.

"There is still no one in our year who is better than us. In fact, we are the best students in the whole school. So you don't need to worry about anything, because we will get chosen" reassured Tom.
"I wish I had your confidence, Vee" sighed Genevieve.
Vee was Genevieve's nickname for Tom, as it was a shorter version of Voldemort, and she knew how much he hated being called Tom.
"Don't worry, we are the perfect pairing. No one in their right mind would make someone else a Prefect instead of us" insisted Tom.

"Dumbledore would, he hates us" Genevieve said quietly.
"Well, Dumbledore doesn't get to choose" replied Tom.
"I know, but he has a lot of influence over Dippet" reminded Genevieve.
"Maybe, but Dippet will not let Dumbledore sway his decision, for he actually likes us. Anyway, we've still got 2 years until then, so there is no point worrying about it now"
"I guess you're right. We should probably find the Prefects carriage on the train, before it leaves without us".

Tom placed his arm around Genevieve's shoulders, and guided her towards the train.
She shuddered at his touch, and a part of her wanted to take his hand, but she managed to restrain herself.
Genevieve didn't want to ruin their friendship by bringing up her feelings.
She knew that Tom had no interest in girls or relationships, so she knew better than to tell him how she felt. Even though she could feel butterflies in her stomach every time she was around him.

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