12. Search Team

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Genevieve had the vision 3 more times throughout September, and each time the image got slightly clearer.
She had the 4th one in the restricted section, while sitting at her favourite desk beside Tom.
The pair liked to hang out there, as no one could see what they were up to. And they couldn't be overheard, provided they spoke in whispers.
"Do you want to tell me what you saw?" Asked Tom.
Genevieve massaged her temples to eliminate the pain in her head, before nodding.
"Yes, I think it will help me work out what I saw if I say it out loud" admitted Genevieve.
"Was it exactly the same as the last ones?" Questioned Tom.

"Yes, I didn't see anything new, just the same two rooms. But they were much clearer this time" revealed Genevieve.
"Go on" encouraged Tom.
"Well, the first room is a very large chamber, which has a very damp and dark feel to it. It's green and covered in silver snake statues. There's a giant statue of a man at the end of the chamber, but I'm too far away to see what it is. And I can't move of my own free will in the visions. While I'm there I can hear something slithering behind me. I've never seen what it is, but given the snakey stuff in the room, I expect it's a snake" replied Genevieve.

"What about the second room?" Quizzed Tom.
"It's definitely a bathroom, because I can see toliet cubicles and sinks. But I can't tell which bathroom it is" answered Genevieve.
"And you're sure this bathroom and the chamber are at Hogwarts?" Asked Tom.
"Yes. They both feel like parts of Hogwarts"
"Do you know who the girl in the vision is yet?"
"No, she always has her back to me. Her hair is dark and in pigtails, and she wears a Ravenclaw uniform. But I never get to see any part of her face. I only ever hear her scream, and then the vision ends".

The cogs in Tom's head were turning, and Genevieve could tell that he was trying to work something out.
"I've got it!" Announced Tom.
"Shh. You don't want to get us kicked out by the librarian" warned Genevieve.
"Don't worry about her, we're doing important work here" informed Tom.
"What do you think you've worked out?"
"The room you see, is the Chamber of Secrets. Think about it, and you'll see that it makes sense"
"We don't know for sure that it even exists".

Tom pointed to their desk which was covered in numerous books and papers, "We've been searching for it ever since we came to Hogwarts, and I think your vision is a clue to help us find it".
"Even if that's true, I still have no idea where the Chamber of Secrets is, because I don't have the locations for the places I visit in my visions" replied Genevieve.
"I think the second room in your vision is a clue to how to find the chamber" admitted Tom.
"What, a bathroom? What's so special about a girl's bathroom?" Frowned Genevieve.
Tom began rummaging around for a particular notebook on the table, and his eyes gleamed with joy when he found what he was looking for inside it.

"Which book is that?" Asked Genevieve.
"It's the one full of notes I've made about the Gaunt family that I'm a part of" answered Tom.
"Why is that important now?" Queried Genevieve.
"Because my family are descendants of Salazar Slytherin, and according to legend, only heirs of Slytherin can open the Chamber of Secrets. So, the only people capable of opening it, would be my relatives. I just need to find the right one... Ah, got it"
"Who have you found?"
"Corvinus Gaunt"
"What's so special about him?".

"Corvinus was heavily involved with the installation of plumbing at Hogwarts in the 1700s. Think, why would a proud pure-blood get involved with such a messy peasant job? He would do it, if he was trying to cover something up. The information I have on him, says that he was extremely involved in building a particular girl's bathroom, but it doesn't say which one" revealed Tom.
"So, you think that when plumbing was invented, this Corvinus guy got involved to stop the builders accidentally coming across the secret entrance to the chamber?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes, I do" answered Tom.

"Well, how are we going to figure out which bathroom. There are loads at Hogwarts, and we can't search them all, without looking like weirdo's" admitted Genevieve.
"It has to be a girl's bathroom, which narrow's the search. And you've been in them all, so you must know which is the one we are after" replied Tom.
"I don't. And I don't spend all my time hanging about in bathrooms like some sort of loser" insisted Genevieve.
"Think. One of them must be different in some way. Or have something in it that could be hiding the chamber. If you think of anything, no matter how small, you must let me know. You've seen the bathroom in your vision, so just think of one at Hogwarts that best matches it, and tell me".

"Alright, give me a minute to think" instructed Genevieve as she closed her eyes and began trying to picture all the bathrooms at Hogwarts.
When she opened them again, she saw Tom leaning across the desk, waiting for her response.
"Well?" He demanded.
"There is one bathroom, I think it's on the 2nd floor, that looks kind of like the one in my vision. It has a loads of sinks in it, but one of them has never worked, it's always blocked and no one seems capable of unblocking it" informed Genevieve.
"Maybe that's because the entrance to the chamber is underneath it, so it can never function properly" smiled Tom.

"Wait, I've just remembered something else about that bathroom. On the tap that doesn't work, there is a tiny snake carved onto it, so that must be the entrance" admitted Genevieve.
"You're a genius, Gen" praised Tom, as he stood to his feet, and began to pack away their things.
"What do you think you're doing?" Asked Genevieve.
"I'm going to find the Chamber of Secrets, of course" answered Tom.
"Not in the middle of the day you're not. For one thing, you're a boy, so if anyone catches you in a girl's bathroom, you'll be in trouble. And two, we can't risk anyone seeing us open the chamber. Which is why we will have to search for it at night".

Tom sighed and sat back down, "I suppose you are right. In my eagerness to find the chamber, I didn't think things through".
"It's alright, I know how excited you are. You've been searching for the Chamber of Secrets since our first year at Hogwarts" replied Genevieve.
"It is my birthright to find it, as I am Slytherin's only heir" reminded Tom.
Genevieve leant across the table and squeezed Tom's hand, "And I will be at your side as we search for it together".
"I wouldn't have it any other way" smiled Tom.
"Good. That's settled then, we go tonight" announced Genevieve.

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