25. Planning The Future

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Tom decided to keep his Horcrux diary in a chest inside the Chamber of Secrets, since no one else would be able to get to it, so it would be safe.
No one else noticed anything different about his behaviour, but Genevieve did, because she spent more time with him than anybody else.
He was bolder and darker than before, and his skin seemed slightly more pale than before he made a Horcrux.
Tom insisted that he was no different, and that it was simply Genevieve's mind playing tricks on her. But she knew better.

But Tom wasn't the only thing on Genevieve's mind, as she had her OWLs to sit, which meant an exam every single day.
Those two weeks were some of the hardest in her life, and she was relieved when her final exam was over.
Even Tom seemed glad to not have any more tests. And after the last one, Genevieve saw the side of Tom that she had missed. The carefree and happy side.

"Are you sure you don't want to be down there?" Questioned Tom.
The pair of them were stood in the Astronomy tower, soaking in the sun, and looking down at the other students who were frolicking around the school grounds.
"This is our last day together, as we go home tomorrow. So I want to spend as much time as possible, alone with you" admitted Genevieve.
"You're wrong about that. Everyone else returns home for the holidays. But we don't. Hogwarts is our home, and I hate that we have to be parted from it and each other, for 6 whole weeks" replied Tom.

Genevieve placed her arm through Tom's, closing the gap between them.
"I'm sure the weeks will fly by as they always do, and we will be back together soon, in the place we love" reassured Genevieve.
"It's alright for you. You get to go to Gellert Grindelwald's headquarters at the height of the revolution. Whereas I have to return to a dreary Muggle orphanage" spat Tom.
"You know full well that I know nothing about what my uncle gets up to. He doesn't hold his meetings in the house I live in. And if he does, he sends me away to one of the other buildings he resides in on occasion. It will just be me and Francis together all summer, as usual. And I'll be lucky if I get to spend one week with my uncle" admitted Genevieve.

Tom sighed, "I know. I'm sorry for snapping".
"It's alright" replied Genevieve.
"I just hate that place so much. And being trapped there, without magic, for 6 weeks, is like my own personal hell" Tom said quietly.
"I know. But me and you turn 17 this year, which means that you don't have to return to the orphanage next summer, because you'll be an adult"
"Muggles don't become adults until they turn 18. So I might still have to go back there next year"
"Even if you do, it won't be long until we are living together in our own place, away from the people we despise. Because once I turn 17, I never have to return to my uncle, so I can stay in this country, with you. I will even stay in a small flat, if that's what it takes to be near you, while you continue living at the orphanage".

Tom turned to face Genevieve and placed his hand on her face.
"I want to give you the world, which is what you deserve. But I can't yet. I only have a small number of loyal followers, and I don't have a penny to my name" he admitted sadly.
"Gellert will give me money if I ask him, so we will be able to get our own place" promised Genevieve.
"I am the man, it is my job to provide for you, not the other way around" Tom said sternly.
"Then you will just have to use magic to get us what we want. If you use the Imperius Curse on a few Muggles, you and I could live a life of luxury".

Tom smiled, "That does sound nice. But we can't take over the world the second we leave school. Which means we must obey the wizarding laws until we are ready to advance our plans".
Genevieve raised a skeptical eyebrow, "Obey all the laws. You've got to be joking. You used dark magic to create a Horcrux. And you opened the Chamber of Secrets, unleashing a Basilisk onto several students, one of which died".
"That doesn't count, because we are still at school. But when we leave here, we won't have teachers to protect us and vouch for us, so we will have to be careful. We mustn't draw attention to ourselves until the time is right" informed Tom.

"You've got this whole thing planned out haven't you" said Genevieve.
"I have big dreams, that is all. Dreams that fill my every thought. I have been planning how to take my rightful place in this world, ever since I came to Hogwarts" revealed Tom.
"Well, we still have two years of school left, so you can't do anything until then" reminded Genevieve.
Tom lowered his hand and sighed, "No, I can't".

"In these dreams, where am I?" Questioned Genevieve.
"At my side, of course" answered Tom.
"At your side, like one of your servants and followers?" Asked Genevieve.
"No, not like that. Every king must have a queen, and you are mine... However, only I can take over the world and live forever. I must always be more important than you, for there can only be one true leader. We might not be equal, but you matter more to me than anyone else on this earth, besides myself. You will be at my side, above every single one of my followers. They are like mindless cattle, compared to you. You were meant to be by my side, ruling over them all".

"I was just making sure... I don't want you to forget me, once you've gotten everything you've ever wanted and taken over the world" mumbled Genevieve.
Tom placed his thumb on Genevieve's lip, "I could never forget you, my little comrad. You make me feel things, that I only feel in your presence. You make me whole".
"I can't imagine a life without you in it. You are my whole world" admitted Genevieve.
Tom rested his hand against her face and lent in to kiss her.
As their lips met, the sun began to set, filling the room with an orange glow. Making the scene seem almost romantic, if the two lovers hadn't been discussing world domination.

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