6. The Suspicious Teacher

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Tom and Genevieve excelled in their first few classes that day, and they were leagues above the rest of their peers.
Genevieve had been taught a lot from Gellert before arriving at Hogwarts, and Tom had a natural ability to perform magic perfectly. He was also very determined to do well, which is why he always succeeded.
The pair of them had both managed to charm Slughorn in Potions, and he had become excited by their skills in his subject.
At the end of the lesson he invited them to attend his Slug Club meeting, which had its first meet that term, at the weekend. It was a group of all his favourite students, and since Genevieve and Tom were desperate to impress their teachers and make a name for themselves, they agreed to attend the meeting.

Their last class that day was Transfiguration, which was taught by Albus Dumbledore.
This was the class Genevieve had been dreading.
She knew that Gellert and Albus had been good friends in their youth, so if anyone was going to recognise her for who she really was, it was Dumbledore.
Throughout the whole lesson, Dumbledore kept giving her strange glances, so she kept her head down, and didn't draw any attention to herself.
For some reason, Tom also made no attempt to charm Dumbledore, like he had the other teachers, for he seemed to harbor some grudge against Dumbledore.

At the end of the lesson, Dumbledore held Genevieve back, on the pretence of getting her to help him tidy up the classroom.
Genevieve was not fooled, so she had her guard up as soon as the other students had left the room.
She began to push all of thr chairs underneath the desks, while keeping one eye on Dumbledore.
"So, Miss Walden, how was your first day at Hogwarts?" Asked Dumbledore.
"Fine, Professor" answered Genevieve.
"I know it can't be easy moving half way across the world, and leaving everything you know behind" said Dumbledore sympathetically.
"It's alright, I'm doing O.K. Besides, I'm not in your house, Professor, so it's not your job to look out for me".

"I'm a teacher. I must care for all my students, not just those in Gryffindor" admitted Dumbledore.
"Even those in Slytherin? I've only been here one day, and I've already realised how much prejudice there is towards people in my house" informed Genevieve, as she gave up tidying and faced the teacher, who was still sat behind his desk.
"It is unfortunate that we must separate our students in such a way. I wish we did not segregate our students, as I would prefer it if everyone got along and worked harmoniously. You will also not find me favouring the Gryffindor's or abusing the Slytherin's. I treat all my students equally" replied Dumbledore.
"Well, you're probably the only teacher who does".

"Unfortunately, I think you are right... However, there is a reason I asked you to stay, which has nothing to do with the house you are in" revealed Dumbledore, as he slowly began to get up out of his chair and make his way around his desk.
"And what reason is that, Professor?" Questioned Genevieve, nervously.
"Unlike the other teachers, and headmaster Dippet, I happen to know who you are and where you came from" answered Dumbledore.
"I don't understand what you mean" lied Genevieve.
"You can't lie to me, for I am too good at telling when I'm being lied to"
"What do you think you know about me, that no one else does?".

"I know Gellert Grindelwald, better than anyone in this country. And I know about his family, which not many people know even exist. So, I know who you are, Miss Grindelwald" confessed Dumbledore.
Genevieve's heart skipped a beat, as Dumbledore referred to her by her real name.
She looked away from his piercing blue eyes, hoping that would stop him from telling that she was lying.
"You think I'm related to Gellert Grindelwald?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"No, I don't think. I know you are related to Gellert Grindelwald. You are his sister's child; Genevieve Elodie Grindelwald" revealed Dumbledore.
"Hardly anyone knows that he had a sister, so what makes you believe I am her child?"
"I understand why you want to deny what I've said. Believe me, I know what it's like to harbour a dark secret. But feigning ignorance will not work on me, for I know the truth".

"Say this was true, what would you do about it? I mean, who are you going to tell about your suspicions?" Asked Genevieve.
"Well, I'm certainly not going to tell anyone in the Ministry. They would only use you for their own gain. You would be in danger if they knew the truth" answered Dumbledore.
"Are you going to tell the headmaster and the other teachers?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I don't think so, no"
"You are not sure?"
"Not yet, no. First I must be sure that you are not a danger to the school, or anyone in it"
"But I'm not. I'm not dangerous, I'm only 11".

"Then tell me this, why did you come all the way to Hogwarts? Why not attend Durmstrang or Beauxbatons?" Quizzed Dumbledore.
"I wanted to go to them, but I wasn't allowed. I didn't want to come here" admitted Genevieve.
"Why were you not allowed to go to those other schools?" Asked Dumbledore.
"Because the rest of Europe is terrified of Grindelwald. And since I have Heterchromia, like him, people would think that we were related. Not that we are".
Genevieve was determined not to actually admit who she was to Dumbledore, despite him already knowing the truth.

"That makes sense. They would likely discover who you were, if you went to Durmstrang. But why would he send you here, to the school where the person who knows him best in the world, teaches. Why did Gellert send you to me?" Demanded Dumbledore.
"Nobody sent me to you. Me being at Hogwarts has nothing to do with you" insisted Genevieve.
"I find it hard to believe that he would send you here, without an alterier motive. He fears me, and what I could do to him, so it makes sense that he would send you here to watch me. He could use you to help take me down" replied Dumbledore.

"I was not sent to Hogwarts to spy on anyone. I was sent here by my guardian, because he doesn't care about me, and he doesn't want me anywhere near him. Not that he spent much time with me anyway. I hardly even know him, for I was raised by servants. He sent me here, to the outskirts of Europe, just so that he doesn't have to deal with me. And I have been told not to come home during the Holidays, so I will be here until the summer. That's how much he doesn't want to be around me. I swear to you, that I'm not a danger to anyone at this school!" Announced Genevieve.
There was an awkward silence in the room, as Dumbledore thought for a moment.
Eventually he took a deep sigh, and sat on top of his desk.
"Alright, I believe you" informed Dumbledore.
"Thank you, Professor" replied Genevieve.

"I will not tell anyone of your true identity, provided you give me no reason to" said Dumbledore.
"I won't, I swear" promised Genevieve.
"Very well then, you may go now" encouraged Dumbledore.
"Yes, Professor. Thank you for being so understanding. I promise I won't let you down"
"I hope for all our sakes that you stick to your promise".
Genevieve nodded her head and left the classroom.
With Dumbledore now watching her every move, she would have to be very careful and make sure that she never got caught, whenever she broke a school rule, or Dumbledore would reveal her secret to the world.

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