37. Coronation

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Genevieve and Tom set to work making their dark mark brooches over the next few days, so that they would be ready to give them out when the other students returned from their holidays.
They had an enjoyable Christmas together, as they had the common room to themselves, so they treated it like their own private home.
The 31st of December was Tom's birthday, and Genevieve had pulled out all the stops to make his 17th birthday very special.
"I wish you would tell me what you had planned" admitted Tom, that evening.
"But then it wouldn't be a suprise" replied Genevieve.
"I've decided that I don't like suprises"
"Well, it's too late to tell me that now".

The pair stepped out of the castle, and were hit by the cold winter air.
Snow covered the school grounds, which annoyed Genevieve, because it meant they had to use magic to cover their tracks, to stop anyone from following them.
"What are we doing out here?" Tom asked curiously.
"Don't worry, we won't be out in the open for long" promised Genevieve, avoiding Tom's question.
"Well, where are we headed? Or don't I get to find that out either?" Questioned Tom.
"Alright, I'll tell you. We're going to the Forbidden Forest" revealed Genevieve, as she pulled her fur shawl tighter to her body, to keep herself warm.
"We are?"
"Yep. It's one of our other favourite hiding places, so I thought it was the perfect place to celebrate your birthday".

Genevieve lead the way into the forest, and the pair lit their wands so that they could see where they were going.
"I hope this suprise doesn't end with us both being eaten alive by werewolves or Acromantula" Tom whispered in Genevieve's ear.
"We aren't going all the way in to the forest. Just far enough so that we can't be seen from the castle" answered Genevieve.
"Well, my life is in your hands" replied Tom.
"You trust me then?"
"You're probably the only person I do trust"

Eventually they came to a small clearing in the woods, which Genevieve had decorated.
A large fire had been made in the centre of the clearing, to light the space and keep them warm.
The trees around them also gave them ample protection from the cold wind.
"Don't worry, I have a back up plan if it starts to snow" admitted Genevieve, with a grin.
"Does your back up plan involve creating a shield charm above the clearing, to keep out the elements?" Asked Tom.
"Possibly" answered Genevieve.
"I thought so".

Genevieve left Tom's side and approached a nearby tree with a low hanging branch.
She then removed two circular objects from the branch, and headed back to Tom.
"What are those?" Quizzed Tom.
"Our crowns" answered Genevieve.
Tom raised an eyebrow, "I don't follow".
"Bend down, and all will become clear" replied Genevieve.
Rather cautiously Tom bent down on one knee, while keeping his eyes fixed on Genevieve.
She placed one of the crowns, both of which were made out of twigs and leaves, onto the ground, before turning back to Tom.

Genevieve smiled down at Tom, and placed the crown still in her hands, on top of Tom's head.
She then pulled her wand back out, and gently tapped each of Tom's shoulders with it, as if knighting him.
"Arise, Lord Voldemort. Heir of Slytherin, and king of darkness" she instructed.
Tom smiled at the use of his preferred name, and stood back up.
Genevieve did a deep curtsey, before looking back to Tom.
"The crown suits you. I know it's only made out of wood, but one day you will have a crown made of silver and gold, I'm sure of it" admitted Genevieve.
"I know I will" agreed Tom.
"I have no doubts".

"You made two crowns. Is it time for me to crown my queen?" Asked Tom.
"If you want to" replied Genevieve.
Tom nodded and picked up the smaller crown from the floor, as Genevieve bent down.
Tom placed the tiara on her head, before doing the same wand movements she had done.
"Arise, Lady Genevieve Grindelwald. My loyal comrad and queen of evil" said Tom.
Genevieve stood back up and took hold of Tom's hand.
"Happy coronation day, my love" replied Genevieve.
"This is the perfect birthday suprise, my queen" smiled Tom.
"I'm glad you liked it. You are impossible to please, so I was worried you wouldn't like all this"
"It is true, I have high standards and tastes. But this was all very lovely".

Genevieve placed her hand inside her pocket and pulled out two dark mark pins. But these two were different from the others, for they had sparkly crowns on the heads of the skulls.
"I made these for us, to make sure that everyone knows we are above the rest of your friends" informed Genevieve.
Tom took one of the pins and attached it to his robes, before taking the second and putting on Genevieve.
He then placed his hand against her face, "You always know how to make me happy".
"It's a skill I've been working on for many years" admitted Genevieve.
"No, I think this is a natural gift you were born with. We were born to understand each other" replied Tom.

"Like two sides of the same coin? Was I born to be the lightness to your darkness?" Asked Genevieve.
"I don't know about that. We are not opposites. We are the same. You are the female version of me. We can only be complete when we are together" answered Tom.
"I don't think I'm exactly the same as you" admitted Genevieve quitely.
"You think you are good?" Questioned Tom, as he hardened his grip around Genevieve.
"Not exactly-"
"You watched me set a Basilisk on Mudbloods and murder 3 innocent people. I hardly think that makes you a good person"
"I never said I was good!".

"You are not good. You are evil. You have a cold hard, just like me, that's why we are meant to be together. You are my queen of evil and darkness" insisted Tom.
Genevieve sighed in defeat, "I guess I am".
"And I am your king" whispered Tom, before placing his cold lips against Genevieve's neck.
"I am yours forever, my king" murmered Genevieve.
"I know" smiled Tom.

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