36. The Dark Mark

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After Tom had proven to Genevieve that he still loved her, she stopped worrying that his Horcruxes were changing him.
The next time he disappeared to see The Grey Lady, Genevieve didn't get upset, because this time she knew what he was up to.
Even if they weren't together all the time, she knew that he was securing a better future for them, wherever he was, for everything he did was for them.
"Evening" said Tom, as he kissed Genevieve's cheek, before sitting beside her in the common room, one evening.
"Hi Vee. How did it go with Helena?" Asked Genevieve.
"Good. She even told me that she was the one to steal the diadem from her mother, before she ran away. She hasn't revealed yet where she hid it, but I know it's only a matter of time before she tells me" answered Tom.
"That's good".

"So, what have you been up to?" Questioned Tom, as he looked down at the parchment Genevieve had been doodling on.
"Not much. I got tired of doing homework, so I just decided to do a few sketches to pass the time" admitted Genevieve.
"These are really good" praised Tom.
Genevieve blushed, "Thanks. They're nothing special. Most of them just involve a snake, since I am going out with the heir of Slytherin".
"My favourite one is this one, with the snake and the skull" pointed Tom.
"I'm glad you like it. But they aren't important, they're just doodles".

"Nothing you do is unimportant. In fact, I'd like you to make me more designs of the one with the skull" instructed Tom.
Genevieve frowned, "Why?".
"Because I had an idea the other day, that I'd like my followers in the future to have something on them at all times, to unite them" answered Tom.
"Like a pin or a badge?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes. And there is nothing suspicious about wearing a snake pin, if you are a Slytherin. So no one but my followers, will know what the snake really represents"
"It's a cool idea"
"Thank you"
"So, you want me to design your symbol for you?"
"Alright then. I'll show you some more sketches by the end of the week".

"Good... Have you heard back from your uncle yet?" Asked Tom.
"He hasn't written to me in a while, no" replied Genevieve.
"So, you don't know whether or not he wants you to return for Christmas this year, like he did last time?" Questioned Tom.
"I don't know for sure if he is going to ask me to return home. He only asked me to come home last year, because he was worried I would be hurt by the monster in the Chamber of Secrets. And since that isn't an issue this year, he probably won't ask me to come over. Especially since Francis won't be there to keep me company. But even if he does, I will just decline his invitation. I'm an adult now, so he can't summon me anymore. I go where I please, and I want to spend Christmas, here with you".

Tom leaned across the table, and laced his fingers through Genevieve's.
"I'm glad to hear it. I didn't want you missing my birthday again" smiled Tom.
"Don't worry, I intend on making your birthday a day you will never forget, since you made my day so special" admitted Genevieve.
"I look forward to being suprised then" replied Tom.
"I don't know if I will be as good at suprises, as you, but I will certainly try my best"
"If you need help from the boys, just ask. They will do anything for you, as they would me"
"No thanks. I don't need your friends help to make your birthday special".

A couple of weeks later, at the start of the Christmas holidays, Genevieve came down to dinner and sat by Tom's side.
They were the only Slytherin's to stay that year, as the rest had gone home to their family mansions. So they had the whole table to themselves.
Genevieve pulled out a piece of parchment, and handed it to Tom.
"Here it is. The final design. I hope you like it" said Genevieve nervously.
Tom had given her feedback after every drawing she'd given him, until finally she felt like she had the perfect design.

Tom unrolled the parchment and his eyes lit up when he saw the drawing.
"This is perfect" informed Tom.
Genevieve sighed in relief, "Thank Merlin. I really feel like this one encompasses everything you wanted".
"It looks just like how I imagined it looking, in my head" replied Tom.
"Really? That's great then"
"We should get hold of some metal and melt it down, so that we can turn it into this shape. We can then make it into a pin and give it to my most loyal followers when they come back from their holidays".

"That's not going to be easy. Drawing it is one thing, but turning it into a 3D shape, is another" admitted Genevieve.
"We are the brightest students Hogwarts has ever known, I'm sure we can figure it out" reassured Tom.
"I'm sure you're right" replied Genevieve.
"Soon, everyone in Slytherin will want one of these pins. And all the other students will know that anyone wearing one of these pins, is with me, and therefore not to be messed with".

"Do you have a name in mind for the pins and the people who wear them? Like, Voldemort's supporters or something?" Asked Genevieve.
"I've been thinking a lot about this recently. And no, I don't want my name in the title. I want my name to be something people one day fear to speak, so my followers cannot have that name" answered Tom.
"Do you have any other ideas for names then?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"A few, but none I want to disclose just yet. However, I had an idea for what to call this design"
"Go on"
"I'm going to call it, the dark mark. For it is a mark of evil that I want people to associate with me"
"The dark mark it is then".

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