18. Summons

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Tom's next victim was a 6th year Hufflepuff girl. But she didn't die either, as she had only seen the Basilisk's reflection in her compact mirror, as she adjusted her make-up in an empty corridor.
There weren't many students staying for Christmas that year, given the attacks. So Genevieve was looking forward to a quiet Christmas with Tom.
But in December she received an owl from her uncle, instructing her to come home for the holidays.
Although she didn't want to leave Tom, and miss out on his birthday, she knew that she couldn't refuse a summons from Gellert.
So rather reluctantly she boarded the Hogwarts Express and headed to Platform 9 and 3/4, with the majority of the students at Hogwarts.
Francis was waiting for her when she got off, and he escourted her to an illegal Portkey, a few streets away, that would take them to Bulgaria.

Once she was back home she opened Soot's cage so that her cat could stretch his legs.
"Why am I here Francis?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Your uncle wanted to spend Christmas with you, as he hasn't had the chance for the past 4 years" answered Francis.
Genevieve raised an eyebrow and folded her arms.
"You're going to have to do better than that. Setä didn't exactly spend Christmas with me before I went to Hogwarts, so I can't see why he'd want to now. So, why don't you tell me why I'm really here" suggested Genevieve.

"I'm afraid I don't know. Your uncle will be here after dinner to talk to you. But I do not know the nature of this conversation" admitted Francis.
"So, he's not even here right now? He summons me half way across the world, and he can't even be bothered to be here to greet me when I arrive" said Genevieve angrily.
"Gellert Grindelwald is a very-"
"A very busy man. Yes I know. But if he's so busy, why did he ask me to come here? I was happy staying at Hogwarts for Christmas" interrupted Genevieve.
"I'm sure you were. But I've organised a lavish meal for you, to welcome you home. You must be hungry after sitting on a train all day" replied Francis.

"You always try to make me feel at home, no matter what country we're in... Thank you for looking after me for all these years" said Genevieve.
"It is my job" reminded Francis.
"I know. But I can't imagine you expected to become my babysitter when you joined the cause, all those years ago" admitted Genevieve.
"No, I certainly had no idea that this would be my future. But I wouldn't change anything. You are the daughter I never had, and you're an amazing person to be around"
"I wish my uncle felt the same way as you... Come on, lets get something to eat".

After dinner, Genevieve headed to her room, where her belongings had already been unpacked for her.
She wasn't alone for long, as her door swung open and Gellert Grindelwald stepped inside her bedroom.
"Hi Setä" sighed Genevieve, as she turned to face him.
"What, no hug for your favourite uncle?" Questioned Gellert.
"I'm not a child anymore, so I don't leap for joy every time you enter a room" reminded Genevieve.
"You're not an adult yet either. You're still 16"
"Yeah, I know. But I'm old enough to look after myself"
"I suppose you are... Did you like the Birthday presents I sent you?"
"Yes, the cloak was very nice. But what is the real reason you requested that I came home for Christmas".

"Surely you don't need me to answer that. Two students at your school have been attacked by a monster, and left in a petrified state. So I obviously don't want you spending any more time at Hogwarts than necessary. I'm actually worried about sending you back there, if I'm being honest" informed Gellert.
"Wait, you're concerned that the monster will hurt me?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Of course I am. Your wellbeing matters greatly to me" answered Gellert.
"Yes, I'm sure it does, but if you'd been paying enough attention, you would have noticed that the victims have both been Mudbloods, and I'm a pure-blood. So you don't have to worry about me".

"I assumed the victims blood status being the same was a coincidence" admitted Gellert.
"I know that you don't believe in coincidences. I'm also in Slytherin, so I'm unlikely to be an enemy of the heir of Slytherin. There is no need for you to worry, for the monster inside the Chamber of Secrets, has no interest in me" reassured Genevieve.
"How can you be so sure?" Quizzed Gellert.

Genevieve sighed, and decided to tell her uncle the truth.
"Because I know who the heir of Slytherin is, and trust me, he doesn't want any harm to come to me" revealed Genevieve.
Gellert raised a sceptical eyebrow, "You know who opened this Chamber of Secrets?".
"Yes. I've also been inside the chamber and met the monster that resides there. It's a Basilisk. But don't ask me to control it to help your cause, for it only obeys the heir of Slytherin. Speaking Parseltongue isn't enough to get it to do what you want. You have to have Slytherin's blood inside you, which I do not have" informed Genevieve.

"How do I know that you are telling the truth?" Asked Gellert.
"You don't. But I don't care if you believe me or not, for your opinion doesn't matter to me" admitted Genevieve.
"That's a little cruel" commented Gellert.
"You're the one who sent me away to Hogwarts, to get rid of me, remember? So, you've got no right to call me cruel"
"Don't try and tell me that you wish you'd never gone to Hogwarts, because I know how much you love it there"
"Sending me there was the one thing you did right. But by sending me away you severed our bond forever"
"I'm sorry you feel that way. But I still greatly about you".

"Sure you do... When are you leaving?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Tomorrow" answered Gellert.
"So soon?" Frowned Genevieve.
"I have business in Finland" admitted Gellert.
"So, you called me all the way here to have one conversation with me, and then ditch me for the rest of the holidays?"
"No, I will return on Christmas Eve, and spend a couple of days with you, before heading to Spain in the new year"
"Lucky me. Don't over-exert yourself with the family bonding"
"Look, I know you're angry with me, for sending you away, you've made that quite clear. But I am still the only family you have left, so you're stuck with me whether you like it or not".

"Just because we are related it doesn't mean I have to like you. I feel closer to Francis, and my friends at school, than I do you. You've brought this on yourself by not spending enough time with me when I was younger. And now that I know what love is really like, I realise what I've missed out on my whole life" revealed Genevieve.
"You're in love?" Questioned Gellert.
Genevieve bit her lip, as she hadn't meant to mention her relationship status.
"Yes, I have a boyfriend. But that is not your concern. It's my business so you can keep your nose out" snapped Genevieve.
"You claim that I don't take enough interest in you, but here I am wanting to get to know you further, and you shut me out" replied Gellert.

"Fine. His name is Tom, and he's a Slytherin Prefect like me. He loves me, and that's all you need to know" informed Genevieve.
"I'm glad that you have someone in your life who loves you" Gellert said softly.
"Thanks" mumbled Genevieve awkwardly.
"I'll leave you alone now, so that you can get some rest. I know how exhausting travelling all day can be"
"Will I see you before you go tomorrow?"
"Yes, I'll be there at breakfast... Goodnight Gen"
"Goodnight Setä".

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