29. Killer Instinct

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On the journey to the Riddle manor, Genevieve did her best to calm Tom down. But nothing she did had any effect.
He walked with Morfin's wand in his hand, like a man on a mission, and Genevieve was worried about what that mission entailed.
When they arrived at the large manor house, Tom flicked his wand causing the door to swing open, so that they could enter with ease.
They heard voices echoing through the house, so they followed the noise, until they came to the drawing room.
Genevieve saw an elderly man and woman sat beside each other, opposite a handsome middle aged man.
She could tell instantly that this was Tom Riddle senior, for he looked so much like her boyfriend.

"What is the plan?" Whispered Genevieve.
Tom didn't answer, instead he flicked his wand, locking all the doors in the room, so that no one would be able to escape.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Demanded the old man, as he stood to his feet.
"I'm here to talk to Tom Riddle" answered Tom.
Tom Riddle senior stood up, and frowned at young Tom.
"What do you want with me?" He asked.
"I have a bone to pick with you. My name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, and you are my father. You left my mother Merope, while she was pregnant with me. She died alone and starving, giving birth to me, because of you. And now I'm here to return the favour" revealed Tom, as he raised Morfin's wand.

"No, that can't be true" stammered Tom senior.
Genevieve could see that he recognised the resemblance between himself and the teenage boy in his house. And this resemblance seemed to frighten him.
"You left your own wife while she was pregnant with your child. You make me sick" spat Genevieve.
"She- she lied to me. She was never really pregnant" insisted Tom senior.
"Yet here I am" murmered Tom Jr.
"She was crazy and demented-"
"Don't you say a word against my mother. She was a descendant of the great Salazar Slytherin. Her blood was as pure as you can get. But you tainted the family line by charming her with your good looks, and got her to fall in love with a disgusting Muggle".

"I never did anything of the sort. I never returned her affection. But when I was with her I had no self-control. She did something to me" informed Tom senior.
"She used magic on you did she?" Questioned Tom Jr.
"There's no such thing as magic"
"Muggles like you really are so clueless".
Tom flicked his wand, causing everything on the table to smash into a nearby wall.
The Riddle's all jumped in terror and backed away from Tom and Genevieve.

"I didn't come all this way to talk to you. I came here to put an end to you, once and for all" announced Tom, as he pointed Morfin's wand as his father.
Genevieve placed her hand on Tom's shoulder and looked into his eyes.
She took a frightful step back when she saw that his green eyes had turned crimson.
"Vee, you have to think about this. Do you really want to kill your own father?" Questioned Genevieve.
"He deserves it" replied Tom.
"I'm not denying that, but he is still your father, whether you like it or not. And since your mother is dead, don't you want to get to know the parent you still have?" Asked Genevieve.
"I want nothing to do with him".

"Then think about this, Dumbledore knows your last name, and if he finds out about your father's death, he is sure to blame you" warned Genevieve.
"Dumbledore doesn't scare me. Besides, I am not using my own wand, so this worthless Muggle's death cannot be traced back to me" admitted Tom.
"But you've never killed anyone like this before. Do you really think it right to kill an unarmed man?" Questioned Genevieve.
Tom flicked his wand, causing a fallen butter knife to enter his father's hand.
"There, he is not unarmed anymore, which means that I can kill him" smiled Tom.

"Don't do this. We came here to find your family, not to kill them. Please don't kill him" begged Genevieve.
"This is something I have to do. Now, step back or I shall be forced to hurt you" threatened Tom.
Hurt by his words, Genevieve walked back towards the door they had entered from.
When she turned back around to face Tom, she saw him floating in the air like some sort of ghost.
How he was flying without using a broom, she did not know, but it was certainly scaring the Riddle's.

Tom glared down at his father, and pointed Morfin's wand as his chest.
"Goodbye father. Avada Kedavra!" Shouted Tom.
A flash of green light erupted from the wand and hit Tom senior, knocking him to the ground.
The elderly Riddle's began to scream as they looked down at their dead son.
Tom turned his wand on them, and for good measure, he murdered his own grandparents.

Once the task was done, Tom floated down towards the ground.
"You didn't have to kill them too" Genevieve said quietly.
Tom turned to face her, and she saw that his eyes were back to normal.
"They were old, they didn't have long left to live" replied Tom.
"Fair enough... How did you fly like that though, without a broom? Were you using a levitation spell?" Asked Genevieve.
"No, I wasn't. I don't know how I did it. Maybe it's a skill I have gained since making a Horcrux"
"Yeah, maybe".

Tom flicked his wand, unlocking all the doors, and walked out of the room, without looking back at his murdered family members.
Him and Genevieve walked in silence back to the Gaunt shack.
After successfully modifying Morfin's memory, and returning the stolen wand, Tom revived his uncle before promptly leaving with Genevieve at his side.
Due to the late hour, they were unable to get a Muggle taxi back to London, so Genevieve stuck her wand out in the road, and summoned the Knight Bus.
The bus took them to the Leaky Cauldon, where they spent the night by each other's sides.
Even though Genevieve was angry and scared with what Tom had done at the Riddle manor, she still felt safe in his bed, with his arm wrapped around her.
She knew that Tom would do a lot more bad things in the future, and if she wanted to stay at his side, she would have to turn a blind eye to his wrongdoings.

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