27. Mourning

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Without any real family, Francis's funeral had been organised by Gellert. Which meant that only Gellert's followers could attend the ceremony.
The funeral was particularly hard for Genevieve to get through. And after it was over she shut herself in her room, so that she could cry without anyone seeing her.
Gellert tried to get close to her in the days that followed, but she pushed him away every time, for he was reasonable for Francis's death.
The only person she knew could comfort her, was miles away, back in England. So he was no help to her.
When Genevieve's OWL results arrived, she couldn't even crack a smile, despite getting all Outstandings, as she was still too upset about the death of Francis.

"You should be over the moon" said Gellert, after Genevieve had opened her results.
Genevieve just shrugged, "I expected to get perfect grades, so this isn't exactly exciting news".
"Even if you thought you would do well, you can't have expectated to get all Outstandings, surely?" Questioned Gellert.
"I'm a good student, me and Tom always get Outstandings in our exams" revealed Genevieve
"There's just no pleasing you. But maybe this will cheer you up, it's a letter from your boyfriend. I expect he wants to tell you how he did in his exams" admitted Gellert, as he handed Genevieve a letter.

Genevieve frowned and began to rip off the envelope, "Tom wouldn't have been able to send a letter to me that quickly, for no owl could get here in less than a day".
"Well, he's the only person who writes to you, so I just assumed it was from him" admitted Gellert.
"It is his writing on the envelope, so he must have sent this letter last week, in response to the one I sent him" replied Genevieve.
"What does he say then?"
"None of your business".
Genevieve took her eyes off Gellert, and began to read Tom's letter.

'To Genevieve,
I know this isn't the best time, since you are still grieving, but I need you.
I have found my family, and I want you to come with me to meet them.
Please come to London as soon as you get this letter.
Love Tom'.

Genevieve reread the letter several times before looking back to to Gellert.
"I have to get to England, now" she announced.
"So soon? But you've only been back a few weeks" replied Gellert.
"Don't act as if you planned on spending the whole summer with me. You are only being nice to me, because you feel guilty about getting Francis killed. But I know you have a rally in Spain at the end of the week, and that you don't intend to take me with you. You don't need me here, so stop pretending that I'm upsetting you by leaving early. Tom needs me, so I have to go to him" insisted Genevieve.

Gellert folded his arms, "I won't stop you from going, if you really want to leave. But I can't see you getting there without my help".
"Stop being so difficult, and get one of your contacts to set me up a Portkey that will take me to Wools Orphanage" ordered Genevieve.
"It is not your job to boss me about. I am the adult here" snapped Gellert.
"Then act like it... Look, if you really care about me, and want me to be happy, then let me go to Tom. Please" begged Genevieve.
"What about all your school things, and your cat?"
"I will leave them here, for I plan on coming back before the end of the summer, to see you again. So one of your servants will have to feed Soot, while I'm away. I will just take a few things with me now, because I'm not sure how long I will be gone for".

"How will you get back?" Questioned Gellert.
"I know your agents in England and where they live, so I will get word to them when I'm ready to come home" answered Genevieve.
"You promise not to do anything stupid while you're there, since you are still underage?" Asked Gellert.
"I promise. Now, can you get me there or not?".
Gellert sighed, "Go and pack. I'll have a Portkey ready for you in under an hour".
"Thank you Setä" replied Genevieve, before running off upstairs to pack her rucksack.

After saying goodbye to Gellert and taking the Portkey he'd set up for her, Genevieve found herself in London, in a dark alley close to Tom's orphanage.
Once she'd smartened herself up, she made her way towards the run down building where Tom lived.
On the way, she tried to come up with an excuse that would get her into the building, but she needn't have bothered.
"Hello there".
Genevieve spun around and Tom standing behind her.
"How did you know I was coming to find you today?" Asked Genevieve suspiciously.
"I was hanging around outside when I heard the Portkey arrive" answered Tom.

Genevieve stepped forward and Tom placed his arms around her.
"I'm sorry about your friend's death" he said softly.
"Thanks" mumbled Genevieve, as she pushed herself back.
"I wanted to comfort you in person, but I knew it wasn't possible" replied Tom.
"Forget about it... Let's talk about why you called me. You said you found your family"
"I did. Using Muggle and magic methods I think I've tracked down the remainders of the Gaunt family that I'm a part of"
"Why did you ask me to come?"
"I wanted you to be with me when I meet them. We are a team afterall, we do everything together".

Genevieve smiled for the first time in ages, and laced her fingers through Tom's.
"So we are. Where are we headed to anyway?" Questioned Genevieve.
"A village called Little Hangleton" revealed Tom.
"How are we going to get there, since we can't use magic near the orphanage, without the Ministry linking it back to you?" Asked Genevieve.
"That depends on how much Muggle money you have on you"
"I came prepared for anything. I've got enough to rent a small flat"
"Good. That means we can get a taxi to take us, instead of having to ride the bus"
"Won't the orphanage miss you if you're gone all day?"
"My caretakers aren't exactly very observant, so we'll be fine"
"Well then, let's call ourselves a taxi and get going".

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