Chapter 10

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Draco and Ivy walked into the library and sat down at a table. Momentarily, they were joined by Ophelia who said she couldn't stay as she and Imran decided to do something romantic that night.

Before she left, she gave Draco a look and he immediately looked down at his book. Now, it was just Ivy and Draco.

Shortly after Ophelia had left, a Gryffindor came to the table Draco and Ivy were sitting at and immediately left after Draco sneered at him.

"I've always wondered why Slytherins and Gryffindors hated each other so much" Ivy stated, confused as to why Draco sneered at the completely harmless Gryffindor.

"It's because everyone thinks these Gryffindorks are so goody-goody and vanquish evil and us Slytherins are the evil. When in reality, they are the evil ones" Draco replied, clearly agitated she asked such a question.

Ivy scoffed and shook her head at his reply and looked down at her book. "What?" Draco asked as he closed his book and grew closer to Ivy.

"It's just, I don't agree with this 'good-evil concept" Ivy answered without looking up from her book.

"And why's that?"

This made Ivy look up from her book to the boy who had furrowed his eyebrows.

Ivy sighed, closed her book and started explaining, "I just do not think anyone is 'evil'. It is their ideology that is different"

 "Everyone has reasons they make certain choices and perform certain actions" Ivy continued. "Everyone is just doing what they think is right, what they have been taught is right."

Ivy took a deep breath in and resumed talking. "Just because someone has a different ideology than you, does not necessarily mean they're wrong, and you're right, or they're evil, and you're good. It just means you are not the same."

"I mean, I love the fact that people don't have the same viewpoints on things as me. I love going out into the world, knowing, I am not the copy of some person. And yes, differences do cause multiple problems. But isn't that what makes us so... human?" Ivy finished.

She looked at Draco, who looked like he was deep in thought, and smiled. She opened her book and continued to read.

Draco snapped out of thoughts and gazed and the girl in front of him.

He noticed things in her he never had before, like how her gorgeously straight, brown hair fell on her shoulders. How she tucked it behind her ear while looking down at her book.

How her skin glowed, even more, when the sun's rays touched it. How attractive she was. How clever she was. How gentle she was. How such a girl did not deserve someone like him. Someone who had done horrible, unspeakable things.

"This 'distracting me by staring at me' better not be a regular thing Malfoy", Ivy stated as she continued to read her book. Draco realised he had been staring at her and quickly snapped out of his thoughts and looked away.


A few hours passed by and Draco started getting bored. He had stopped reading long back, and now, had stopped pretending to read as well. Despite being bored, Draco did not leave. He could have, it wasn't like Ivy was going to stop him, but he didn't.

Finally, Ivy was done. It was almost time for the sunset. Draco gave a relieved sigh, as he saw Ivy get up and then, got up himself.

"Hey, so, uh- we don't have to, like, go back to the room you know", Draco said as he looked at his shoes. Ivy gave him an unclear look and he took that as a sign to continue.

"Well, I mean, you know, if you want, of course, I know a place the sunset looks perfect from, so, uh- maybe, uh- maybe we could go?" Draco said awkwardly as they walked out of the library.

Ivy wanted to giggle at his awkwardness but thought he would feel bad, so did not and agreed to go. She could see his face immediately lit up as she said that.

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