Chapter 30

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"Sunny, please make sure there are plenty of cauldron cakes today. I need grandmother to be in a good mood since Draco is coming to meet her" Ivy reminded Sunny as she paced back and forth in the hallway.

Sunny nodded and Ivy crossed off 'cauldron cakes' reminder' off her to-do list. She walked to every room in her house and flicked her wand to tidy up the house.

Amelia and Nathaniel were going to come to the Rose Mansion. Amelia was going to resume her training with Ivy.

Ivy's training to be the perfect princess was stopped a few weeks back, so Ivy could focus on her NEWTs. And as discussed, the training was going to resume the day Ivy had graduated from Hogwarts.

Draco was also supposed to come to dinner with Ivy's family.

Tensions were high when Amelia and Draco were in the same room and Ivy had to be the peacemaker. Draco was going to talk to Ivy's family about proposing to her after dinner, but Ivy did not know about that.

Knowing Draco was going to talk about proposing to Ivy, Luke had invited Marcus Flint to annoy Ivy. And to make dinner more uncomfortable since Marcus Flint was not happy about Ivy being paired up with Draco Malfoy.

Ivy walked into the dining room to make sure everything was right. She saw Luke and Marcus sitting there. Luke had his feet on the table and Marcus was doing something to the chair Draco was supposed to sit in.

"Luke Benjamin Rose, you better take those feet off the table before I snap them in half and throw them at the bottom of the Black Lake" Ivy warned in an intimidating tone. The words made Luke horrified and instantly sit up straight.

She turned to Marcus. "And Marcus Flint, what in Merlin's name are you doing to my boyfriend's chair?" Ivy questioned in an infuriated tone. Marcus immediately stopped what he was doing and muttered a weak 'nothing' and ran out of the room.


"Grandfather" Ivy cried and ran into the arms of Nathaniel, who had just entered the dining room. He chuckled and embraced Ivy lovingly. They pulled apart when they heard a throat clear.

Ivy turned to her grandmother standing next to her grandfather. Amelia raised an eyebrow and Ivy inhaled as she remembered. "A princess does not raise her voice, under any circumstances. Sorry"

Amelia hummed and walked to her chair. She sat down and opened the newspaper sitting on the table in front of her. Nathaniel and Ivy followed her and sat in their respective chairs. Luke greeted his grandparents as well, but more sophisticatedly. Soon, Ivy's parents and Marcus joined them in the dining room.


Nathaniel cleared his throat and began, "Ivy, I hear Draco Malfoy will also be joining us this afternoon"

As Ivy was about to answer her grandfather, she saw Amelia roll her eyes. That's it, Ivy thought. 

She was sick of her grandmother not giving Draco a chance even though he was trying so hard. He had managed to win over the rest of her family, but not her stubborn, egoistical grandmother.

She tried her best to question her grandmother calmly. "What was that all about, grandmother?"

"Oh, nothing, my dear. I would have prepared myself for a headache if I knew we were being blessed by Mr Malfoy's presence" Amelia commented in a disgusted tone.

Luke knew the face Ivy was making. Her nostrils were flared, she was redder than a tomato and she was breathing heavily. She wasn't just angry, she was infuriated and fed up. He put his hand over hers to try and calm her down, but what was done was done.

Ivy slammed her hand on the table making everyone jump. Luke knew something bad was about to happen and regretted inviting Marcus to annoy Ivy.

"You are a vain woman, you know that?" Ivy scowled.

Her parents were shocked by her language and turned to her brother. Luke shook his head, indicating there was nothing that they could do. This was between Ivy and Amelia and Ivy had every right to snap at Amelia. Nathaniel also chose to let Ivy get this off her chest instead of interfering.

Amelia gasped at Ivy's language. "I beg your pardon?" was all she could say.

"When will you start thinking about someone apart from yourself?" Ivy cried even louder than before.

"If not wanting my granddaughter to marry someone who will ruin her life is not caring, well, then I apologise" Amelia retorted sarcastically.

Ivy scoffed. "How would you know he will ruin my life if you haven't once spoken to the boy?"

Amelia scoffed as well, "I do not need to speak to the boy, I have seen what his father has done"

Ivy was enraged like never before. She stood up and cried out, "when in Merlin's name will you realise Draco is nothing like his father? Even Lucius has changed but you would know that if you ever got off your high horse and even look at him for more than ten seconds."

Amelia stayed silent.

Ivy continued in the same tone, "Draco may not be the best person in the world, but he is trying, and that is what matters to me. He needs to marry me, not my family, and yet, he continues to make an effort to make a good impression on you. All of you"

Everyone on the table looked down, except Luke, who was very proud of his sister for not taking any more of their grandmother's nonsense.

"You blatantly ignore the amount of effort Draco is putting in just to impress you. He does not care who likes him, except you, and he is working very hard to make sure you do. Not just Draco, but me too. You do not care that I am trying so hard to make sure you get along. You do not care that he is the boy I have to marry, that he is the boy I love..."

Everyone looked up at Ivy when she said the last word. Ivy, however, did not seem to notice she had used that word and continued venting.

"...he is a good person who cares about me and who is capable enough to take of me for the rest of our lives."

Ivy felt very confident at that moment. She took a deep breath to prepare herself for what she was about to say. "And, I know this is unrelated, but I want to be a healer." Everyone widened their eyes at this. Ivy walked to her grandfather.

She sat next to his chair and started in a lower tone. "Grandfather, I want to be a healer. I know you want me to take over the throne, and I am not denying that. I will be a princess, but I want to be a healer as well. You were part of the muggle world and the wizarding world, father was too. Please, trust me, I can do it, too"

There was no sound in the room as her grandfather thought about it. A few moments later, Nathaniel smiled and nodded. Ivy released a relieved sigh and laughed as she hugged her grandfather.

Amelia was sitting in her chair, soundless and expressionless. Ivy turned to her grandmother and began in a soft tone, "I will not be the perfect princess as you expect me to be, but I will do my best. And I will not stand idly by and watch the man I love get insulted by anyone. So, if you will excuse me"

Ivy walked out of the dining room, still angry with her grandmother. She did not turn back and walked straight to her room. When she walked out of the room, furiously and quickly, she did not notice a certain blonde standing behind the door of the dining room.

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