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I know that he meant it in a sweet way when he was saying so much randomly, but it did hurt. I need a breather from all of that, and it makes me feel stupid when I don't even know why I'm taking it so far. Maybe it is because of my history with my family and everything. I was outside for the most part, but when Louis walked out and saw me, I walked in to say hi to my teacher. I saw her baby and she knew that I wasn't in the mood to talk about what happened, so we just talked about her baby. I had the chance to hold her and I greeted myself as Uncle Hazzy.

When it was time for me to go, Gigi said her goodbye and Zayn wasn't there shockingly. I said bye to the baby before I walked out and went home. I planned on talking to Louis when I got there and I was going to apologize for being a bit childish. The baby made me relax a lot more than I thought. However, when I got home, his motorcycle want there. I immediately text him to ask where he was, but I didn't get a respond back. I then proceeded to call him, but he didn't answer. His voicemail was heard, and I made sure to leave a message.

"Hey baby! It's me, Hazza. I know that we left off badly earlier, and I wanted to apologize for how I treated things. You were just trying to be sweet and I knew that, but I still decide to be a fucking dramatic bitch and push you away...I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that. I'm still just slightly fucked up in the head. I thought that it was all gone when we got together, but that just made me realize that not all screws are going to be fixed automatically, but I want them too. Please call back, I want to talk. Love you. Um...I really don't know how to end these things...I don't want to say bye, because I never want to say bye to you. Um...see you soon? Yeah, that's good enough. See you soon Flower," I said before hanging up.

I looked down the street and I saw no motorcycle coming, so he was not coming home anytime soon. It made me deflate and just drag myself inside. I just had to be a drama queen, I asked for this basically...

I walked to the fridge and I opened it. I decided to just eat the left overs from last night. It wasn't a lot, so I put a little reminder to make Louis a nice meal. I know that he can't cook in the kitchen, and I wanted to do something sweet for him. Also, he's most likely going to be hungry when he gets home. When it came to what to make, I just decided to make some tacos. I make sure to also make a shake for when he gets home. I didn't want to make it now in case it melts before he gets here.

When I was done, I walked to our living room and I sat down with a heavy sigh. I turned on the TV and it was left on a Criminal show, so I just settled with watching that. I kept track of time as I was watching some show, but at some point I grew really tired. I laid on my side and I got myself comfortable. I closed my eyes and I fell asleep with Criminal Minds playing on the TV. 


I woke up to sweet kisses being left on my cheek and when the pair of lips met mine, I kissed back. I blinked myself awake and I opened my eyes to see Louis kissing me. Louis! I pulled away and Louis opened his eyes. "Morning love. Got your message last night," he tells me as he steps around the couch and sat next to me. "Yeah. I am so sorry about yesterday." "Why? I am the one who said the wrong shit?" "No, I was just being childish. You aren't at fault," I said as I looked down. "Baby?" I looked at him and he leans over to kiss me briefly. "I am at fault. I didn't know how to tell you what the great things that you do to me, but now I do," he says and I tilted my head.

He grabbed his laptop from the coffee table in front of us and he unlocks it. He opened the CD player from the side and I see him pick up a CD from behind us and he puts it in his laptop. He leaned into me and I looked at his laptop. "I just want you to listen okay?" I nodded my head. "This is how I can tell you how much I love you the best way possible," he said before he pressed play.

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